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受け付ける うけつける to accept; to receive (an application); to take up; to withstand; to tolerate; to bear
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屈折 くっせつ bending; indentation; refraction; inflection; warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.); distortion
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御 ご honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
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原書 げんしょ original document (not a copy or adaptation); book in its original language (esp. a European language)
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駆け足 かけあし running fast; double time; cantering; doing things in a hurry
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贋物 にせもの spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
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久しい ひさしい long; long-continued; old (story)
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行き成り いきなり abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning
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免れる まぬかれる to escape from; to be rescued from; to avoid; to evade; to avert; to elude; to be exempted; to be relieved from pain; to get rid of
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恋する こいする to fall in love with; to love
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没落 ぼつらく ruin; fall; collapse
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大概 たいがい in general; almost all; mainly; mostly; most likely; moderately; suitably
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近視 きんし myopia; shortsightedness; nearsightedness
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折り返す おりかえす to turn up; to fold back; to loopback (a signal, a message)
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私用 しよう personal use; private business
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清らか きよらか clean; pure; chaste
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原っぱ はらっぱ open field; empty lot; plain
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その為 そのため hence; for that reason
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雛 ひな young bird; chick; hina doll; doll displayed during the Girls' Festival; green; wet behind the ears; juvenile
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葬る ほうむる to bury; to inter; to entomb; to consign to oblivion; to shelve
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仰ぐ あおぐ to look up (at); to look up (to); to respect; to revere; to ask for; to seek; to turn to someone; to depend on; to gulp down; to quaff; to take (e.g. poison)
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伴う ともなう to accompany; to go hand in hand with; to be consequent upon; to be accompanied by; to bring with; to take with; to be involved in
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片思い かたおもい unrequited love
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継ぎ目 つぎめ joint; seam; joining point
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手近 てじか near; handy; within reach; familiar
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センス センス taste (in fashion, music, etc.); sense (e.g. of humour); flair
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取り扱う とりあつかう to handle; to operate (a machine, etc.); to use; to deal with (an issue); to manage; to treat (someone); to deal with (someone); to deal in; to carry; to sell
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興じる きょうじる to amuse oneself; to make merry
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割 わり rate; ratio; proportion; percentage; profit; assignment; 10%; unit of ten percent; match; schedule of matches; diluted with (of drinks); mixed with
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整列 せいれつ standing in a row; forming a line; alignment
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辛抱 しんぼう patience; endurance
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軒並み のきなみ row of houses; every door; totally; altogether; across the board
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文語 ぶんご written language; literary language; formal (or archaic) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
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タレント タレント star (esp. television); personality; talent; skill; talent; unit of currency in ancient Greece and Israel
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発芽 はつが germination; sprouting; budding
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益々 ますます increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
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華々しい はなばなしい brilliant; magnificent; spectacular
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突っ張る つっぱる to support; to become stiff; to become taut; to thrust (one's opponent); to stick to (one's opinion); to insist on
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助 じょ help; rescue; assistant
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屡 しばしば often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
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進呈 しんてい presentation (e.g. of a gift)
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土産 とさん product of the land; present; souvenir
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側 がわ side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; (watch) case
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インターナショナル インターナショナル international
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パチンコ パチンコ pachinko; mechanical gambling game superficially resembling pinball; slingshot; catapult; pistol
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お世辞 おせじ flattery; compliment
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煙草 たばこ tobacco; cigarette; cigaret; cigar; tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum)
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反り そり warp; curvature; curve; arch
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慌ただしい あわただしい busy; hurried; confused; flurried
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取り戻す とりもどす to take back; to regain; to get back; to recover
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一向 ひたすら nothing but; earnest; intent; determined; set on (something)
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バット バット bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.); bat (animal); vat; tray
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束縛 そくばく restraint; restriction; fetters; yoke; shackles; binding; confinement with rope
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拒絶 きょぜつ refusal; rejection
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欠乏 けつぼう want; shortage; famine
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冬眠 とうみん hibernation; winter sleep
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骨 こつ knack; skill; trick; secret; know-how; the ropes; hang
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抜かす ぬかす to omit; to leave out; to skip; to say; to speak
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重宝 じゅうほう convenient; useful; handy; helpful; priceless treasure; valuing highly; prizing
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切り替える きりかえる to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace; to switch over
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愛憎 あいぞう love and hate; likes and dislikes
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雑 ざつ rough; crude; sloppy; messy; miscellaneous
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ガレージ ガレージ garage (at house)
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デザート デザート dessert; desert
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次いで ついで next; secondly; subsequently
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月謝 げっしゃ monthly tuition fee
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連なる つらなる to extend; to stretch out; to stand in a row; to attend; to participate in; to enrol; to join
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申し出る もうしでる to report to; to tell; to suggest; to submit; to request; to make an offer; to come forward with information
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段々 だんだん gradually; by degrees; steps; stairs; staircase; terrace
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操る あやつる to manipulate; to operate; to handle; to operate (e.g. a machine); to steer (a ship); to have a good command of (a language); to be fluent in
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差し支える さしつかえる to interfere; to hinder; to become impeded
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取り寄せる とりよせる to order; to send away for; to pull something closer
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練る ねる to knead; to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame); to polish (a plan, etc.); to refine; to elaborate; to work out; to train; to drill; to exercise
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滅びる ほろびる to be ruined; to go under; to perish; to be destroyed
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泊 はく counter for nights of a stay
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鈍感 どんかん thickheadedness; stolidity; insensitivity