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to say or write something especially clearly and carefully (verb) begynn å lære
please state why you wish to apply for this grant
begynn å lære
bad or very unpleasant, mean, rude, violent, begynn å lære
begynn å lære
that medicine tasted horrid
easy and enjoyable to read begynn å lære
jasny, wyraźny, czysty/ zwyczajny, prosty begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to cause something to happen usually something bad begynn å lære
begynn å lære
simply and without a lot of decoration begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to ask for something forcefully in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused (verb) begynn å lære
to need something such as time effort or a particular quality (verb - need) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to develop gradually or just have to do something gradually (verb- become) begynn å lære
noun- permission or agreement begynn å lære
they can't publish your name without your consent
verb- to agree to do something or to allow someone to do something begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
noun - a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future begynn å lære
verb - to spend time thinking pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future begynn å lære
stop daydreaming and do some work
autentycznie, rzeczywiście begynn å lære
adverb - honesty and without pretending or lying begynn å lære
adj - likely to be remembered or worth remembering begynn å lære
I haven't seen them since that memorable evening when the boat capsized
verb - to turn over or cause a boat or ship to turn over in the water begynn å lære
begynn å lære
It Is by no means clear what the president can do to end the strike
wszystkimi dostępnymi środkami, w jakikolwiek sposób begynn å lære
czyjaś opinia, czyjś pogląd na dany temat begynn å lære
someone's take on something what is your take on this problem?
phrasal verb - the stats to do or deal with something begynn å lære
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begynn å lære
begynn å lære
keep a close eye on somehing
adj - likely to achieve success soon or in the near future begynn å lære
not as good as the best and therefore not wanted as much begynn å lære
to become famous or respected by a lot of people begynn å lære
he has made a name for himself as a talented journalist
verb - funny, amusing, silly or strange Behavior begynn å lære
the antics of the Clown's amused the children
verb - to arrange and perform a play or show begynn å lære
begynn å lære
verb - to spoil a situation or quality for another person without thinking about their feelings begynn å lære
famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the Press
dryfować, unosić się na wodzie begynn å lære
begynn å lære
nieść się, roznosić się, rozchodzić się (o dźwięku zapachu) begynn å lære
adj - not good or not as good as someone or something else begynn å lære
these products are inferior to those we bought last year
ph verb - to tell someone about some information often because you believed they do not know it or have forgotten it begynn å lære
I feel I should point out how dangerous it is
ph vervmb - to not get something that you expected or wanted begynn å lære
begynn å lære
alternatywa, alternatywny begynn å lære
begynn å lære
adj -able to be believed or trusted begynn å lære
they haven't produced any credible evidence for convicting think him
adj - continuing to exist, or develop or happening at the present moment begynn å lære
ph verb - the begin your life or the part of your life when you work in a particular way / to begin to do something in business, or a jobe or to begin your working life in a particular way begynn å lære
I learned that lesson 3 years after starting out in the Venture Capital business
begynn å lære
verb - to ask questions especially in order to check if something is true or correct begynn å lære
if your students have queried their marks
n- a question of the expressing doubt about something or looking for an answer from an authority begynn å lære
n - the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable begynn å lære
he had a real sense of fairness and hated Injustice
adj - based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical / acceptable begynn å lære
if you tell him what happened I'm sure he'll understand he is a reasonable man
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begynn å lære
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zaniedbać zrobienie czegoś, zapomnieć o zrobieniu czegoś begynn å lære
begynn å lære
prowokować kogoś do zrobienia czegoś begynn å lære