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adj- pretty especially in the way that looks old-fashioned begynn å lære
n- one of a number of areas that some countries are divided into, each with its own local government begynn å lære
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pv- reduce the size amount or number of something begynn å lære
cut down on (count down to) we need to cut the article down to 1000 words/ the doctor told him to cut down on his drinking
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adj- often arguing with other people (kłótliwy) begynn å lære
when he drinks too much he becomes Moody and quarrelsome
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v- to think that something is the same as something else or is as important (zrównać) begynn å lære
some parents equate education with exam success
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adj- having no practical or financial value bezwartościowy begynn å lære
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adj- that cannot be cured (nieuleczalny) begynn å lære
adj- too painful annoying or unpleasant to deal with or accept(nie do zniesienia) begynn å lære
the heat was becoming unbearable
mrożony, zamarznięty / zamarznięta begynn å lære
my parents never buy any frozen food
adj- failing or refusing to obey (nieposłuszny) begynn å lære
I was very disobedient to my father/ disobedient child
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the destruction of the rainforest
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pv- to make sure that there is nothing wrong with sb begynn å lære
I'll just go and check on the children
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I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter
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adj- far away in space or time begynn å lære
the distant sound of music/ distant stars
adj- related to you but not closely begynn å lære
i- not a long time in the future but fairly soon begynn å lære
in the not too distant future
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he's been feeling blue all week
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pv- to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way begynn å lære
stop crying and pull yourself together
adj- loved or valued very much begynn å lære
you are infinitely precious to me
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adj- rare and worth a lot of money begynn å lære
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this is done by people who impose their will on others/ the mother impose a punishment on her children
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we finally imposed obedience on our dog
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pv- to tell somebody all about a problem etc. very quickly; to come out quickly begynn å lære
has she been spilling out her troubles to you again? / when he started to speak, the words just spilled out
doprowadzić kogoś do szału begynn å lære
v- to decide that somebody something it's not important and not worth thinking or talking about (odrzucać np. pomysł) begynn å lære
to dismiss a suggestion /a claim/ an idea/ the boss dismissed his idea because it would be too expensive
v- to put thoughts or feelings out of your mind begynn å lære
dismissing her fears, she climbed higher
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as for the meeting it starts at 9
adj- easily annoyed, in a bad mood begynn å lære
pay no attention to his mood, he is just a grumpy old man
n- a heavy, lazy or stupid person begynn å lære
v- to perform music in a public place and ask for money from people passing by begynn å lære
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adj- difficult to control or manage begynn å lære
an unruly class/ unruly Behavior /unruly hair /he struggled hard to control his unruly emotions
n- a situation that is difficult and unpleasant because you do not have enough money food clothes Etc (trudny okres, trudne wydarzenie w życiu) begynn å lære
people suffered many hardships during That long winter
n- a person or an animal that lives in the particular place that is mentioned (mieszkaniec) begynn å lære
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the report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety
v- to look like or be similar to another person or thing begynn å lære
she closely resembles her sister
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I need to comb my hair before I leave
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adj- used to describe somebody who is the same as you in some way or in the same situation begynn å lære
my fellow passengers on the train
v- to look carefully at the whole of something especially in order to get a general opinion of it (przygladać się, obserwować) begynn å lære
she opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings/ she surveyed him carefully
adj- helpful, making sure that people have what they need begynn å lære
the hotel staff are friendly and attentive
adj- listening or watching carefully and with interest begynn å lære
v- to block a road an entrance, a passage etc so that somebody something cannot get through, see past, Etc begynn å lære
you cannot park here you are obstructing my driveway/ the pillar obstructed our view of the stage
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v- to include something so that it forms a part of something begynn å lære
the new card design incorporates the latest safety features
ograniczony, upośledzony (no. zdolność widzenia) begynn å lære
he has impaired memory/ hey brother is visually impaired
wpaść do głowy, przychodzić do głowy, przychodzić na myśl begynn å lære
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i- you decide you want to achieve something and give this all your attention begynn å lære
turn your mind to something she could have been a brilliant pannist if she would put her mind to it
gałąź wiedzy/dziedzina wiedzy begynn å lære
branch of knowledge/field of knowledge
n- dziedzina, gałąź (nauki) begynn å lære
adj- rozległy, obszerny, szczegółowy begynn å lære
I've done extensive research on this topic
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studies show that adults need a minimum of six hours sleep
pv- zbliżać kogoś do siebie, łączyć begynn å lære
we have to bring our family together
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adv- continuing from a particular time begynn å lære
they leave there from the 1980s onwards
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n- a Chase, trying very hard to achieve something (pogoń, dążenie) begynn å lære
he spent his life in the pursuit of happiness
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tabliczka (czekolady), kostka(mydła), sztabka (złota) begynn å lære
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there's only one creature capable of living a footprint that size
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v- to be very angry about something begynn å lære
fume (at/over/about sth/sb) she sat in the car silently fuming at the traffic jam
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adj- nieodłączny, nierozłączny begynn å lære
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adv- carefully, especially in order to avoid danger mistakes or risks (ostrożnie) begynn å lære
she looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house/ I approached the dog cautiously
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adj-that you have doubts about because you think it is not accurate or correct (niepewny, wątpliwy, niejasny) begynn å lære
the conclusions that they come to are Highly Questionable
adj- like you to be dishonest or morally wrong begynn å lære
her motives for helping are questionable
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the construction had some delay due to unforeseen setback
adj- małomówny, nierozmowny begynn å lære
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