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adv- automatycznie, bezmyślnie begynn å lære
bramkarz (osoba pilnująca wejście) begynn å lære
n- przyzwolenie, zezwolenie begynn å lære
adj- willing to do what somebody wants and accept their opinions even if you are not sure that they are right (uległy, przesadnie zgodny) begynn å lære
n- niechęć do zrobienia czegoś begynn å lære
I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to discuss past patients
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n- a right that sb believes they have to something especially property land Etc (prawo) begynn å lære
adj- niewystarczający, niedostateczny begynn å lære
v- to have a bad effect on something especially by causing a lot of problems begynn å lære
his career has been blighted by injuries
n- the state of being ready or willing to do something (gotowość) begynn å lære
I was surprised by his preparedness to break the law
n- the great size or importance of something; the degree to which something is large or important(ogrom, rozmiar) begynn å lære
we did not realize the magnitude of the problem
v- to think carefully and deeply about something begynn å lære
before I decide I need time to reflect
i- to make somebody something appear to be good bad etc. to other people begynn å lære
reflect well/badly etc. on sb this incident reflect badly on everyone involved
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v- to ask somebody for some information begynn å lære
I called the station to enquire about the train times
czajniczek, dzbanek do herbaty begynn å lære
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the castle is set on a steep hill
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v- to cut a shape wood or stone with a chisel begynn å lære
a name was chiselled into the stone
v- pochylać się, przechylać się begynn å lære
pv- to defend or rely on somebody begynn å lære
all our hopes now rest on you
pv- to look at somebody something begynn å lære
her eyes rested on the piece of paper in my hand
pv- to be based on something begynn å lære
the whole argument rests on a false assumption
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a shovel was leaning against the wall/the old man was leaning heavily on a stick
i- to make a great effort especially in order to be helpful or fair begynn å lære
I've bent over backwards to help him
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pv- to stay in bed after the time you usually get up begynn å lære
it's a holiday tomorrow so you can lie in
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rays of light usually wake me up early in the morning
adj- zdrętwiały, zesztywniały begynn å lære
his fingers were stiff with cold
adj- more difficult or severe than usual begynn å lære
it was a stiff climb to the top of the hill
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can you tell me how the accident came about
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I didn't know that until now/ I've enjoyed the evening until now
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he had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it
v- to put somebody in a dangerous place that they cannot get out of begynn å lære
they were trapped in the burning building/ she was trapped in an unhappy marriage
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during this class every minute feels like an eternity
pv- rozejrzeć się, rzucić okiem begynn å lære
can I have a look at your records/ we will have a look around the house
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mieć opinię / mieć pogląd begynn å lære
hold an opinion/ hold a view
zachęcić kogoś do mówienia, co myśli begynn å lære
encourage sb to speak their mind
hodowca zwierząt / roślin begynn å lære
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alcohol can be used as a renewable fuel source for cars
adj- not of an acceptable standard, not suitable begynn å lære
the food on offer was unfit for human consumption/ this water is unfit to drink/ most of the buildings are unfit to live in
adj- not capable of doing something for example because of illness begynn å lære
he is still unfit for work /the company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work
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I liked the gugs in this movie
n- uprawa roślin spożywczych begynn å lære
porcja- the amount of a particular food that is served to one person begynn å lære
n- something or someone's ability to develop or succeed begynn å lære
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rozkładać się, gnić (np. ciało, materiał organiczny) rot decay begynn å lære
I just found a decomposing body in the woods
adj- (of fruit or vegetable) having marks on them where they have been damaged begynn å lære
a tray of slightly bruised apples
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v- obić się, posiniaczyć się begynn å lære
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n- wada, skaza- a fault or weakness begynn å lære
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I visited my grandmother along with my 4 friends/ would you like a cup of coffee along with that cake/
dogadywać się z kimś, być w dobrych stosunkach begynn å lære
do you get along with your colleagues
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produkować, przetwarzać, wytwarzać - to make Goods in large quantities using machines begynn å lære
this company manufactures the equipment used to make contact lenses
v- to supply something with material that can be burned to produce heat or power /to put petrol into a vehicle begynn å lære
most electric plants in California are fuelled by natural gas/ the helicopter was already fuelled up and ready to go
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n- the ability or qualities necessary to do something begynn å lære
age affects the range of a person's capabilities/ she has the capability to become a very fine actor /his ability for making sensible decision
wykonalny, możliwy, prawdopodobny, realny do wykorzystania, możliwy do zrealizow begynn å lære
a feasible plan/ it is just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis
adj- that can be done that will be successful (wykonalny) begynn å lære
to be politically and financially viable/ if there was any delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable
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they sold a large quantity of books /this plant needs only a small quantity of water
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adj- going to happen, be published Etc. very soon begynn å lære
the forthcoming elections/ a list of forthcoming books
adj- ready or made available when needed begynn å lære
help was immediately forthcoming
i- to sound familiar to you as though you have heard it before begynn å lære
his name rings a bell but I can't think where we met
i- to make somebody feel relaxed and confident, not nervous or embarrassed begynn å lære
i- to do or say something to make somebody stop worrying about something begynn å lære
put/set sb's mind at rest / at ease