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n- a note in a book that tells you where a particular piece of information comes from biased begynn å lære
there is a list of references at the end of each chapter
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you have to give the reference to all of the dates and names
n- a thing you say or ride. Mention somebody something else/ the act of mentioning somebody something (odbiesienie, nawiązanie) begynn å lære
she made no reference to her Illness but only to have future plans/ the president's speech was full of references to his youth
i- used to say what you are talkin or writing about begynn å lære
with reference to your letter of July.../ I am writing with reference to your job application
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the Normans conquered England in 1066/ the world champion conquered another Challenger last night
v- if a building Etc overlooks a place you can see that the place from the building (wznosić się nad, wychodzić na) begynn å lære
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zaniedbanie, niedbalstwo, niedopatrzenie begynn å lære
he didn't explain the whole room due to his negligence /there has been negligence in your investigation
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gasić (ogień, światło)/ to destroy sth (np. uczucia) begynn å lære
all lights had been extinguished/ news of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace
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adj- podobny, taki sam, jednakowy begynn å lære
he and his father are alike in many ways
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v- to do well and even better than you usually do begynn å lære
Rick's cooking was always good but this time he really excelled himself
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I ate a late dinner with my wife
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adv- prosto, bezpośrednio, uczciwie, szczerze begynn å lære
I read the book and straight after I went to sleep, tell me straight where were you yesterday
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she attributes her success to hard work and a little luck/ the committee refused to attribute blame without further information
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v- become smaller fewer wicker Etc begynn å lære
to decline in popularity value number
v- to refuse politely to accept or to do something begynn å lære
we politely declined her invitation/ I offered to give them a lift but they declined
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there has been a 5% decline in student numbers
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policzyć komuś za dużo/ przeciążyć (obw elektryczny) begynn å lære
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v- to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions the use of farce Etc begynn å lære
they had withstood Siege hunger and deprivation
brak, pozbawienie czegoś, ograniczenie begynn å lære
sleep deprivation may lead to health problems
zdecydowany (o osobie) decydujący czynnik, rozstrzygający begynn å lære
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v- to say publicly that you support a person statement or course of action begynn å lære
I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks
n- a public statement or action showing that you support something somebody/ statements made in an advertisement usually by somebody famous or important saying that they use and like a particular product begynn å lære
we are happy to give the product our full endorsement
zachować- to keep something, to continue to have something begynn å lære
he struggled to retain control of the situation
zachować- to continue to hold or contain something begynn å lære
these plants will need a soil that retains moisture during the summer months
w oczekiwaniu, w toku, nierozstrzygnięty, oczekujący- waiting to be decided or settled begynn å lære
9 cases are still pending
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v-to disappear suddenly and or/ in a way that you cannot explain begynn å lære
she turned around and then vanished into the house
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all thoughts of living vanished from his mind/ the Vanishing Woodlands of Europe
jeśli pomyśleć o minusach, jeśli pomyśleć o wadach begynn å lære
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Henry is going to run for president
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być świetnym, być doskonałym begynn å lære
nieożywiony, martwy (o przedmiotach) begynn å lære
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have sth in trust/ keep sth... this museum has many valuable masterpieces in Trust
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I crept up the stairs trying not to wake my parents
v- to move gradually away from somebody or away from a previous position begynn å lære
the sound of the truck receded into the distance
v- to become gradually weaker or smaller especially(of a problem feeling or quality) begynn å lære
the prospect of bankruptcy has now receded
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adj- chwiejny, słaby- shaking and feeling weak for example because you are ill or feel emotional begynn å lære
when she talked about her fears, her voice was shaky
adj- not stable steasy or safe not certain begynn å lære
that ladder looks a little shaky
nadciągający, bliski, nieuchronny begynn å lære
the system is in imminent danger of collapse
v- to rise very quickly/ to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air begynn å lære
air pollution will soon soar above safety levels
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spotkanie, zetknięcie/ spotykać, napotykać się begynn å lære
I remember my first encounter with a smartphone/ we encountered some difficulties when trying to apply for a Visa
nieistotny- of very little importance or size and not worth considering begynn å lære
the cost was negligible/ negligible effect impact
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budzący postrach, straszny, przerażający, budzący grozę, budzący przerażenie begynn å lære
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I don't know what his intent is but he's planning something
adj- showing strong interest and intention, giving all your attention to something begynn å lære
an intent gaze/ I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time
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złagodzenie, zminimalizowanie (np. kary) begynn å lære
I confess to the charges but plead mitigation
i- with the aim of making a crime seem less serious or easier to forgive begynn å lære
in mitigation the defense lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault
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v- to take or show somebody where they should go begynn å lære
the secretary ushered me into his office
adj- done or achieved in a polite or friendly way and without arguing begynn å lære
in spite of their disagreement they parted on amicable terms