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A&R (Artists and Repertoire)
A&R stands for Artists and Repertoire. The is the division of a record label that is responsible for talent scouting.
pasja, zapamiętanie
an action done without concern or an action done carelessly/flippantly
On bił ją bez opamiętania.
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in abandon
The drunk girl threw off her clothes with abandon, as the alcohol had lowered her inhibitions.
He beat her in abandon
nacichnąć, słabnąć / onbniżyć
Lotnisko Chopina musi zastosować operacyjne procedury ochrony przed hałasem
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formal Her zeal for work has already been abated
Chopin airport must apply noise abatement operational procedures,
rzeźnia, ubojnia
Nie mówię tu tylko o złych korporacjach - - "ubojniach ludzkich dusz", jak je nazywam.
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slaughterhouse (synonymous)
Now I'm not talking here just about the bad companies -- the "abattoirs of the human soul," as I call them.
odchylenie, wypaczenie, aberracja
Zagłosuję za odrzuceniem tego wypaczenia demokracji, które potępiam.
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aberrant behaviour
I am voting against this democratic aberration, which I condemn.
współdziałać, podżegać, udzielać pomocy w dokonaniu przestępstwa
Nikt nie będzie pomagał w uchylaniu się od płacenia podatków i unikaniu opodatkowania.
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aid and abet
abet -
Nobody will aid and abet tax evasion or tax avoidan
w zawieszeniu (np. wykonanie planu)
Ustawa prawo lotnicze została zawieszona w dniu ustanowienia.
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The Aviation law act fell into abeyance on the date of enactment
tolerować, znosić, wytrzymywać
nie mogę tego/go znieść
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I can't abide it/him
Musisz przestrzegać decyzji sędziego
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abide by
You have to abide by the referee’s decision
najlepiej, jak potrafię
Obiecuje, że będę wykonywał moje obowiązki najlepiej, jak potrafię
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to the best of my ability
I promise to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.
nikczemny/ nieszczęśliwy, nieszczęsny/ skrajny
3. Nieszczęsliwi niewolniczy przesłali uniżony list podziękowalny.
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In Africa some countries have real abject poverty. For the first three years they endured abject misery. 3. Abject slaves sent abject letter of thanks.
Każdy krzepki mężczyzna musiał walczyć za swój kraj
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Every able-bodied man had to fight for his country.
bez stałego miejsca zamieszkania
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no fixed abode
I was amazed that in Brussels are a lot of homeless persons with no fixed abode
obfitować / mnożyć się
Plotki mnożyły się. Wzgórza obfitowały w źrodła i wodospady. Niebo mnożyło się dzisiaj od chmur.
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Rumours abounded. Its hills abound with streams and waterfalls. The sky is abounding with clouds today
prawie skończyłem
Skończyłeś. Już prawie.
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I've just about finished
‘Have you finished?’ ‘Just about.’
właśnie miał zamiar wyjść
Mieliśmy własnie wychodzić kiedy Dżery się pojawił
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he was about to leave
We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived
w tył zwrot/ zwrot o 180 stopni / radykalna zmiana poglądów
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About-face is military command to turn clockwise 180°. "We've just witnessed an about-face on foreign policy"
być zdolnym posunąć się do
Eileen nie jest zdolna posunąć się do filtru z szefem jeśli by jej to pasowało.
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be above (doing) something
Eileen’s not above flirting with the boss when it suits her.
jawny, uczciwy
Interes był całkowicie jawny
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above board
The deal was completely open and above board.
przetarcie/ ostarcie (skóry)
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abrade - ścierać, abraded wound = otarcie skóry
I prefer more abrasion resistance jeans than abrasions on them.
papier ścierny
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abrasive paper
Smooth down with a fine abrasive paper.
szorstki, zgryźliwy, opryskliwy
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She was a tough teacher with rather an abrasive manner.
ramię przy ramieniu / obok siebie
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As the car drew abreast of him, Jack suddenly recognised the driver. Three abreast - trójkami
nadążać za/ być na bieżąco z
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keep/stay abreast of something
his new service helps doctors keep abreast of the newest drugs available.
skracać, streścić
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abridgment - skrót, streszczeni
The editor of Oliver Twist abridged the manuscript by cutting out two chapters.
krążyły plotki
Krążyły plotki, że ona miała zamiar odejść.
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rumours abroad
There were rumours abroad that she was planning to resign.
nagły / obcesowy, szorstki, oschły
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Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I wouldn't have spoken so abruptly if I'd realized you were ill.
ropień, wrzód
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The operation was successful, and Gandhi thanked the doctor profusely, but an abscess developed and recovery was slow.
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He has to convince a judge that he wasn’t going to abscond from prison
darowanie / rozgrzeszenie
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Father Vianney gave him absolution.
być zwolniony od odpowiedzialności
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be absolved from responsibility
That still doesn't absolve us from the responsibility of carrying out the practice in the first place.
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Abstemious in his habits, he possessed great physical endurance.
wstrzymanie się od głosu/ wstrzemiężliwość od
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Friday meant to him fasting and abstention from intoxicating drinks
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Try to abstract the key arguments from the article.
zawiły, ciemny, niejasny
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abstruseness, abstrusity
Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculation thats why not everybody likes it
nędzny, fatlany
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abysmally - sromotnie
The reunion was an abysmal failure. Gortat had yesterday an abysmal performance.
otchłań, przepaść
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At that time Bosnia was standing on the edge of an abyss
dobrze się uczący
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It's an exam for academic children.
teoretyczny, jałowy (np. o dyskusji)
Ta kwestia, którą poruszyłeś, jest teoretyczna. Nasza teoretyczna rozmowa jest bezsensowna
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This issue that you brought up is academic. Our academic conversation is pointless
przystąpić/ zgodzić się na/ obejmować stanowisko/ zostać królem
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He was about to accede to the Confederation. The prince acceded to the throne. President Samson acceded an office.
współwinny, poplecznik (w popełnieniu przestępstwa)
Zaliczyłem współudział nie w jednym, a w dwóch morderstwach
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I'm an accessory in not only one, but two murders
pochwała/ pasowanie na rycerza/ dowód uznania, wyrazy uznania, wyróżnienie
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She received a Grammy Award, the highest accolade in the music business
pójść komuś na rękę, wyświadczyć komuś przysługę
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accommodate somebody
We’ve made every effort to accommodate your point of view
uprzejmy, uczynny
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I alway try to be accommodating host to my visitors.
wspólnik (przestępstwa)
Policja w końcu zdecydowała, kto był współwinnym
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The police, at last, had decided who the accomplice was
On this, the Union is united and in full accord.
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On this, the Union is united and in full accord.
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with one accord
With one accord they stood up to praise Him
być w zgodzie
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to be in accord
These results are in accord with earlier research
z własnej woli
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of own accord
He did it of his own accord, without being forced to. My legs seemed to move of their own accord.
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written (zaczepiać w nieprzyjemny sposób)
He was accosted by four youths and forced to give them all his money.
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pod żadnym warunkiem/pozorem
Nie kłóćcie się. To nie ma znaczenia
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of no account
Don't argue with him. It is of no account. Religion beliefs and colour of skins shouldn't be favored of no account
wpłacać (wpłacić) 10 funtów zaliczki
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to pay 10 pounds on account
kupować coś na kredyt
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to buy sth on account
I paid twelve dollars on account last month. Wasn't that enough? I still have $100 due on account.
z uwagi or ze względu na
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on account of
"Auntie told me not to run," he explained, "on account of myasthma."
Ona rozlicza sprawy księgowe
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She's doing the accounts
przyrost, narastanie
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technical/formal - a layer of a substance which slowly forms on something
Coral is formed by a process of accretion.
narastać/ gromadzić/ powiększać
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Interest will accrue until payment is made. Certain advantages accrue to a man or woman when they reach adult status.
naliczone odsetki
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accrued interest
prąd stały/prąd zmienny
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alternating current/direct current
cierpki/ zgryźliwy
Był znany ze swojego cierpkiego dowcipu i wrednych skłonności
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criticizing someone or something in a clever but cruel way - biting
He is known for his acerbic wit and his mean streak
octan / folia (używana do wyświetlacza)
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Place tissue paper between acetate sheets for storage, to prevent scratching
jestem cały obolały
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I'm aching all over
marzyć o czymś
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ache for sth
He was lonely and aching for love.
nie mogłam się doczekać, kiedy ci wszystko opowiem
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I was aching to tell you all my news
sprawdzian/ próba ogniowa
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acid test
It looks good, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.
kulminacja/ szczyt
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the acme of perfection. Silence of this quality is the acme of chatter. His work is the acme of cinematic art.
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May acorns fall from an oak.
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The company’s acquisitive nature could lead to further increases in total debt
Clinton został uniewinniony w procesie o usunięcie go z urzędu
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Clinton was acquited in his impeachment trial.
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They were enraged at the acquittal of a policeman accused of murder.
drażniący (np. zapach), gryzący (np. dym, opary), ostry
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The acrid odour of the chilli even gave the firefighters pause. The chemical has an acrid smell.
uszczypliwy, zajadły, burzliwy (o dyskusji)
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acrimony - zajadliwość
The meeting ended in an acrimonious dispute. In USA during the campaign we had acrimonius debate between candidates.
dwa kilometry szerokości
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two kilometeres across
przeprowadzać kogoś przez ulicę
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to take sb across the road
Bernadka took Pola and Janek across the road
przylecieli samolotem
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they came across by plane
naprzeciwko czegoś
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across from something
The shop is across from theatre
przekazać, uświadamiać, wyjasniać coś (komuś)
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get something across to sb
We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen. This is the message that we want to get across to the public.
Naprawdę przepraszam, nie powinienem się tak zachowywać
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I'm really sorry, I shouldn't act like that
uruchomić (np. maszynę), wywołać
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formal - actuator (to make a machine work or be the reason a person acts in a certain way)
A detonator is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity. He was actuated almost entirely by altruism.
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acute - ostry, przenikliwy, silny (anxiety)
I prided myself on my mental acuity. I passed visual acuity test:)
bystrość, przenikliwość
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She has considerable business/financial acumen.
maksyma, przysłowie, porzekadło
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Synonymus - proverb
He remembered the old adage "Look before you leap".
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You can expect our adamant refusal... I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.
zgadzać się
Wszystko się zgadza, tak? Teraz wszystko rozumiem!
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add up
Everything adds up, right? Now it all adds up! Why would she disappear the day before her holiday? It just doesn't add up.
zepsuty, nieświeży (o jajku) / przyćmiony, nie myślący trzeźwo
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I think my brain's been addled by the heat!
jak należy zwracać się do pana Adama?
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what form of address do you use for Mr Adam?
biegły w
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adept at
They have become adept at reading and filling in forms.
przylegający/ obok
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We asked for adjoining rooms.
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adjudication - the matter is under adjudication sprawa jest rozpatrywana
The boards have the right to adjudicate on the punishment of prisoners.
improwizować/ wymyślać coś na poczekaniu
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It's all ad-libbed. I'd forgotten the notes for my speech so I had to do it ad lib.
jak sam przyznaje
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by his own admission
By his own admission, he is a terrible cook
trzeba przyznać, co prawda
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Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don't think all this criticism is fair.
upominać, karcić
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His mother admonished him for eating too quickly. Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.
hałas, wrzawa, zamieszanie
Wiele hałasu o nic. bez zbędnej straty czasu, bez zbędnego hałasu
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Much ado about nothing. without further ado
Przyjął religię matki
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(of course of action, method) obranie nt He adopted his mother's religion. That led to Labour's adoption of a radical foreign policy.
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... a house adorned with statues.
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admit of
The relevant law admitted of one interpretation only. The present schedule does not admit of modification
wstęp wzbroniony
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no admittance
przybrany rodzic
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adoptive parent
An adoptive parent is one who has adopted a child.
ozdoba, zdobienie, dekoracja
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The bride's hair was adorned with white flowers.
zagubiony (nie posiadający celu w życiu) / dryfujący
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Marsha felt frustrated, frightened, adrift.
nasze plany wzięły w łeb
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our plans have gone adrift
Something seems to have gone adrift in our calculations.
obluzować się, rozlecieć się, odpaść
Rabek mojej spódnicy znowu się poluzowął
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to come adrift
The hem of my skirt's come adrift again.
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Skilled, talented and able
She became adroit at dealing with difficult questions. Jamie was adroit at flattering others. The young men picked the papers up adroitly.
ochrzcić, rozcieńczyć (np. wino, piwo), obniżyć jakość (jedzenia, napoju)
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to make food or drink weaker or to lower its quality, by adding something else:
There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water.
przekładać na wcześniej, przesuwać wcześniej (spotkanie, termin)
Czy jest możliwość, aby przełożyć nasze spotkanie na piątek? I want to advance the test
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Is there any possibility to advance our meeting to Friday? I want to advance the test
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advance sale
w podeszłym wieku
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advanced in years
Though my grandpa loves to read, he is rather advanced in years and has a hard time making out small print anymore.
wypłacać z góry / wypłacać wcześniej niż termin
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The bank agreed to advance him 3000 pounds to start his business.
zabiegi, zaloty (natury seksualnej)
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She rejected his unwelcome advances. Every one of his advances met with her rejection.

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