back down, break down, break up, bring on, bring up, carry off, carry out, come out, come up to, count on

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He refused to {wycofać się} in the negotiation.
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back down {bak daun}
She tends to {załamać się emocjolnalnie} under stress.
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break down {breik daun}
The cold weather can {spowodować nadejście choroby} flu symptoms.
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bring on {brɪŋ ɒn}
She didn't want to {poruszać tematu, wspominać} the issue during the meeting.
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bring up {brɪŋ ʌp}
She managed to {zrealizować} the performance despite technical difficulties.
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carry off {ˈkæri ɒf}
The team will {zrealizować plan} the project next month.
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carry out {ˈkæri aʊt}
The new book will {ukaże się, wyjdzie} next month.
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come out {kʌm aʊt}
I hope my performance will {dorówna oczekiwaniom, sprosta} your expectations.
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come up to {kʌm ʌp tu}
You can {polegać na} me to help you.
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count on / rely on {kaʊnt ɒn}

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