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begynn å lære
Across the street. Across the street. Across the street. Across the street.
Ona jest po drugiej stronie ulicy. begynn å lære
She is across the street. She is across the street. She is acros She. is across. the street. s the street.
begynn å lære
is everything OK. is everything OK. is everything OK.
begynn å lære
Do you have tickets. Do you have tickets. Do you. have. tickets.Do. you. have. tickets.
begynn å lære
ticket. ticket. ticket. ticket. ticket.
begynn å lære
I need a ticket. I need a ticket. I need a ticket. I need. a ticket. I need a ticket.
begynn å lære
czy masz bilety na sztukę teatralną. begynn å lære
do you. have. tickets. for. a theater. play. do you have tickets for a theater play. do you have tickets for a theater play.
begynn å lære
I would like. I would like. I would like. I would like.
chciałbym. bilet. do kina. begynn å lære
I would like. a ticket. to the cinema. I would like. a ticket. to the cinema. I would like. a ticket. to the cinema.
begynn å lære
I'm going to buy a ticket. I am going. to buy. a ticket. I'm going to buy a ticket.
Zamierzam kupić bilet. w przyszłym tygodniu. begynn å lære
I'm going to buy a ticket. next week. I'm going to buy a ticket. next week. I'm going. to buy. a ticket. next. week.
begynn å lære
this afternoon. this afternoon. this afternoon.
begynn å lære
Go straight on. Go straight on. Go straight on. Go straight on.
begynn å lære
go straight ahead. go straight ahead. go straight ahead.
begynn å lære
You should go straight. You should go straight. You should go straight. You should go straight.
begynn å lære
I have plans for Friday. I have plans for Friday. I have plans for Friday. I have plans for Friday.
begynn å lære
I already have plans for Friday. I already have plans for Friday. I already. have. plans. for Friday.
begynn å lære
another day. another day. another day.
begynn å lære
another week. another week. another week.
begynn å lære
Potrzebuję kolejnego tygodnia begynn å lære
I need another week. I need another week. I need another week. I need another week.
begynn å lære
I do not need it. I do not need it. I do not need it.
nie potrzebuję kolejnego telefonu. begynn å lære
I don't need another phone. I don't need another. phone. I don't need. another. phone.
begynn å lære
are you free. are you free.
begynn å lære
czy jesteś wolny wówczas. begynn å lære
are you free then. are you free then. are. you. free. then.
begynn å lære
what do you want to do. what do you want to do. what.do. you. want. to do.
co chcesz wówczas. robić. begynn å lære
what do you want to do then. what do you want to do then. what do you want to do then. what. do you want.to. do. then.
begynn å lære
I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. I forgot.
begynn å lære
I `m sorry I forgot. I `m sorry I forgot. I `m sorry I forgot.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
miss the train. miss the train. miss the train.
nie chcę nie zdążyć na pociąg. begynn å lære
I don't want to miss the train. I don't want to miss the train. I don't want to miss the train. I don't. want.to. miss. the. train.
coś wypadło i nastąpiła zmiania planów begynn å lære
Something's come up. Something's come up. Something's come up. Something's come up.
begynn å lære
I forgot about that. I forgot about that.
begynn å lære
to są urodziny mojego siostrzenca begynn å lære
it's my nephew's birthday. it's my nephew's birthday. it's my. nephew's birthday.
begynn å lære
niece. niece. niece. niece.
Spotkajmy się innym razem begynn å lære
Let's meet another time. Let's meet another time. Let's. meet. another. time.
Czy mogę prosić o kolejną butelkę? begynn å lære
Can I have another bottle please? Can I have another bottle please? Can. I have. another. bottle please?
begynn å lære
Czy mogę prosić o rachunek? begynn å lære
Can I have the bill please? Can I have the bill please. Can. I have. the bill. please?
begynn å lære
can I have a ticket. can. I have. a ticket. can I have a. ticket.