City - Pilsētā

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spørsmålet svaret
What is the most famous monument in Berlin?
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Kurš ir visslavenākais piemineklis Berlīnē?
to go straight
You have to go straight ahead to get to the post office.
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iet taisni
Tev jāiet taisni, lai noļūtu pastā.
to turn right
Please turn right.
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griezties pa labi
Lūdzu, griezieties pa labi.
Excuse me, how to get to the station?
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Atvainojiet, kā var nokļūt līdz stacijai?
Vegetables and fruits are sold at the market.
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Augļu un dārzeņus pārdod tirgū.
currency exchange
Where is the closest currency exchange office?
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valūtas maiņa
Kur atrodas tuvākais valūtas maiņas punkts?
shop, store
The shops are open from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.
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Veikali ir vaļā no 8.00 līdz 19.00.
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