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indivisible unit
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niepodzielna jednostka
solution comprises a client-side
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rozwiązanie obejmuje stronę klienta
lack modularity
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brak modułowości
microservices architecturebreaks down into
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Architektura mikroserwisów rozkłada się na
independent units
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niezależne jednostki
carry out
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wykonać, zastosować
developing a single application as a suite of small services
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tworzenie pojedynczej aplikacji jako zestawu małych usług
split up into
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podzielić na
deployable modules
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moduły do rozmieszczania
Potholes in the road
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Dziury na drodze
A big ball of mud
Software system that lacks a perceivable architecture
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Wielka kula błota
System oprogramowania, w którym brakuje dostrzegalnej architektury
Code Smell
Any characteristic in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem
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System oprogramowania, w którym brakuje dostrzegalnej architektury
Każda cecha w kodzie źródłowym programu, która może wskazywać na głębszy problem
A siloed application
An application which does not interact with other applications or information systems. It functions on its own to solve a problem.
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Aplikacja, która nie wchodzi w interakcję z innymi aplikacjami lub systemami informacyjnymi. Działa samodzielnie, aby rozwiązać problem.
An application which does not interact with other applications or information systems. It functions on its own to solve a problem.
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Aplikacja, która nie wchodzi w interakcję z innymi aplikacjami lub systemami informacyjnymi. Działa samodzielnie, aby rozwiązać problem.
A two-pizza team
No matter how large your company gets, if you can’t feed a team with TWO pizzas, it’s too large.
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Zespół dwóch pizzy
bus factor
This factor refers to the number of people in your team who can put your project in trouble if they are lost (literally hit by a bus).
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czynnik autobusowy
This factor refers to the number of people in your team who can put your project in trouble if they are lost (literally hit by a bus).
rubber duck debugging
Explaining a problem to an inanimate object (or possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming) and then hitting upon the solution in the process of explaining the problem
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debugowanie gumowej kaczki
Explaining a problem to an inanimate object (or possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming) and then hitting upon the solution in the process of explaining the problem
Spaghetti code
Unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code.
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Kod spaghetti
Unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code.
Death March
(in project management) a project which is believed by participants to be destined for failure
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Marsz śmierci
(in project management) a project which is believed by participants to be destined for failure
Feature creep
The excessive ongoing expansion or addition of new features in a product,e.g. computer software, which can result in software bloat and over-complication, rather than simple design.
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Pełzanie funkcji
The excessive ongoing expansion or addition of new features in a product,e.g. computer software, which can result in software bloat and over-complication, rather than simple design.
Garbage in, garbage out
The concept that flawedor nonsense input data produces nonsense output or "garbage"
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Syf na wejściu, syf na wyjściu
The concept that flawedor nonsense input data produces nonsense output or "garbage"
code rot, software erosion, software decay
Aslow deterioration of software quality over time or its diminishing responsiveness that will eventually lead to software becoming faulty or in need of upgrade.
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gnicie kodu, erozja oprogramowania, psucie się oprogramowania
Aslow deterioration of software quality over time or its diminishing responsiveness that will eventually lead to software becoming faulty or in need of upgrade.
abend=> abnormal end
An abnormal end or termination of software because of some problem with how it is running(a program crash) is called ABEND
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abend=> nienormalny koniec
An abnormal end or termination of software because of some problem with how it is running(a program crash) is called ABEND
This quality control act allows employees to test their company's products (software) in real-life situations;
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karma dla psów
This quality control act allows employees to test their company's products (software) in real-life situations;
A software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to study or fix it.
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A software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to study or fix it.
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hiperwizor, Hipernadzorca
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to emulate
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serverless computing
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przetwarzanie bezserwerowe
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Waga ciężka
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odnosić się
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