ordliste Persian - Engelsk

فارسی - English

قابل اعتماد på engelsk:

1. reliable reliable

reliable information
That is possible only if we also put in place a reliable, solid, internal control system.
Encryption technology has advanced to the point where it's pretty reliable.
Other people argue that wind power is simply not reliable as an energy source, as wind is variable and unpredictable.
There was the baseline -- first of all, a much bigger and more reliable signal.
Uncle Jim is reliable, so he will be on time to collect you from school.
She is the most reliable person in this office and we can always depend on her, so it's best to let her do this difficult assignment.
It was a very nice experience, and the cars were clean and reliable.
I wanted to make the point that we need a stable and reliable government in Pakistan.
a birth control method that is cheap and reliable
Although my friends differ so considerably from each other, there is one characteristic they have in common: they are always reliable and have never lat me down.
A person who does as promised c considered as reliable.
He's a reliable person. Whenever I ask him for a favour he's always there for me.
a reliable car, reliable information / → Opposite - unreliable
She’s about the most reliable person at work. She’s never late, never ill and hasn’t let us down yet.

2. viable viable

There are several other viable policy options.
Putting a restaurant on the moon just isn’t viable.
The committee came dorward with one viable solution.
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
I am afraid your plan is not financially viable
There is no viable alternative.
economically/scientifically viable
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels. I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
Unfortunately your conditions are not competitive enough for the order to be viable.
This i a very viable offer.
sustained efforts to secure a viable Palestine alongside a secure Israel.
I don't think this technology is still viable.
the proposed investment was economically viable
He could not suggest a viable alternative.
What you're saying is perfectly viable, but I can't shake off my unease.