ordliste Thai - Engelsk

ไทย - English

หดหู่ på engelsk:

1. dismal dismal

dismal conditions/surroundings/weather
The prospects for Japan's future look dismal.
The house looked very dismal.
What dismal weather!
The outlook for the defense program is dismal.
She was sad and dismal.
The dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening
When it turned out I didn't pass the exam I felt dismal.
What dismal weather. That was a dismal performance.
The trip was a dismal failure.
Hospitals are drab, dismal places not designed to heal.
The acting was dismal, wasn't it? What dismal weather!
A public place so dismal that the winos don't even want to go there.
In India, however, the situation is dismal.
That doctrine will no doubt lead to dismal consequences.