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talking about or dealing with subjects that are only slightly connected with the main subject for longer than necessary: a discursive essay. a discursive, rambling writer/speech
nadawać (np. atmosfery), dodawać (np. smaku), przydawać (np. elegancji), podzielić się (wiedzą) begynn å lære
to give something a particular feeling, quality, or taste: Preservatives can impart colour and flavour to a product. to impart the bad news I was rather quiet as I didn't feel I had much wisdom to impart on the subject. I have information to impart and my time is limited. Basil imparts a flavour to the sauce.
nieparzysty / dziwny; nie do pary; najróżniejsze begynn å lære
5 is an odd number. I have an odd number of shoes and I don't know why. to odd globes. Your cufflinks are odd, do you know that? Odd people live in this city.
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I owed him a lifelong debt. lifelong debt
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recreation vehicle RV. camper
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trailer in an American vernacular. Wendy came out of the trailer, buttoning her blouse.
mówić, co się myśli, wypowiadać się begynn å lære
Ну ладно, выкладывайте Speak your mind, boy. My uncle can't resist, he speaks his mind.
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materiał used on the outside of a roof, such as shingles
dojść do rękoczynów, bijatyki begynn å lære
start fighting after a disagreement. the two actors reputedly almost came to blows"
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The house reputedly had 365 windows, one for each day of the year.
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być nowocześniejszym od czegoś, być bardziej zaawansowanym od czegoś begynn å lære
I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting
wyprzeć kogoś, wypierać kogoś (np. z interesów, z handlu begynn å lære
The quick-growing grass is crowding out native plants. She worries that junk food is crowding fruits and vegetables out of her children's diet
puścić bąka, fise, proppe begynn å lære
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Den dansingen er for pyser. Frankie, I'm telling you, that dancing stuff is for sissies.
wdrapać się na coś, wspiąć się na szczyt czegoś begynn å lære
He scaled the ladder in a blink of an eye. We decided to scale the peak of the mountain.
uszeregować, przygotować, ustawić w rzędzie begynn å lære
stukotać, stukać, trzaskać, klekotać, stuk begynn å lære
They could hear the sound of the keyboard clacking down the line.
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someone or something that seems stupid or silly, especially by trying to be serious or important and not succeeding: Another performance like that and this team will be the laughing stock of the league.
krewki, łatwo popadający w złość begynn å lære
bad-tempered. made angry easily. short-tempered She's becoming more and more irascible as she grows older.
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(especially of a person or their behaviour) sexual in an uncontrolled and socially unacceptable way. lubricious
zadośćuczynic, naprawiać krzywdę, zadośćuczynienie begynn å lære
to put right a wrong or give payment for a wrong that has been done: money that you have to pay to someone else because you have injured that person or treated them badly: He went to the industrial tribunal to seek redress for the way his employers had discriminated against him. Affirmative action to help minorities is intended to redress wrongs.
szkodliwy, zgubny, złośliwy; spotwarzać, obrażać begynn å lære
causing or intending to cause harm or evil. malicious Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics. She describes pornography as "a malign industry". They have been maligned in the magazine. Malign spirits persuaded them to betray each other.
wypad (zbrojny, (krótka) wyprawa na begynn å lære
a short period of time being involved in an activity that is different from the range of a usual set of activities. a short visit, the act of an army quickly entering the area belonging to the enemy in order to attack them or steal their supplies She made a brief foray into acting before becoming a teacher. I made a quick foray into town before lunch to get my sister a present.
stracona pozycja w grze, przechył, gwałtowny Zwrot begynn å lære
to act or continue in a way that is uncontrolled and not regular, often with sudden changes: a sudden movement or change that is not smooth or normal:(stagger) We're in the lurch, we won't win. We seem to lurch from crisis to crisis. She just lurches from one bad relationship to another. The party's lurch to the left will lose it a lot of support
niemalżee (old-fashioned) begynn å lære
almost or very nearly With no help, finishing the job in a day was well-nigh impossible.
(o strefie) nadbrzeżny, przymorski - techniczny termin begynn å lære
the part of a river, lake, or sea close to the land: The littoral zone covers the region between high and low tide.
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a strong gate made of bars with points at the bottom that hangs above the entrance to a castle and in the past was brought down to the ground in order to close the entrance against enemies
Witcher Universe's kingdom begynn å lære
a willingness to do or say something that shocks or upsets other people: audacity She had the temerity to call me a liar.
sympatyczny, o ujmującej powierzchowności begynn å lære
having a pleasant appearance and character: She is intelligent, hard-working, and personable.
zuchwały, łobuzerski; JĘDRNY CIAŁO begynn å lære
used to describe behaviour or qualities, especially in a young woman, that are humorous because they do not show much respect: attractively small and firm, as a description of a part of the body: a pert answer/glance/smile. a pert bottom/nose
satyra, satyryczne wystąpienie begynn å lære
: a short humorous or satiric writing or speech "A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any magic powers
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a board or similar object put between a boat or ship and the land, so that people can get on and off
zdecydowany, zdeterminowany na coś begynn å lære
to be very determined to do something He was bent on quitting his job even though he was making a lot of money
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child custody the state or duty of being a guardian An answer to this question begins with acknowledgment of the sense of guardianship of the townspeople.
zapał, gorliwość, siła charakteru begynn å lære
ability and determination when competing or doing something difficult The team showed/proved its mettle in the final round. The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.
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a narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea
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an absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing However, skilful editing cannot quite conceal the notable lacunae within the book.
bezzwłocznie, natychmiast(formal) begynn å lære
immediately We expect these practices to cease forthwith.
puklerz (rodzaj tarczy), bronić coś tą tarczą begynn å lære
a small, round shield (= in the past, a flat object made of metal or leather that soldiers held in front of their bodies to protect themselves): The Secutor was a gladiator armed with a helmet, sword, and buckler. He received all the blows on his buckler and was not harmed.
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the upper edge of the side of a boat or ship In traditional rowing craft, the pivot point of the oars is generally located on the boat's gunwale.
odciąć/ obrzynac (gałęzie) begynn å lære
to cut a piece from something with a single quick action We’ve got to lop off the lower branches of this tree. The city council lopped thousands of dollars from the budget.
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without a while of hesitation, I bore out her words with my vow thereby putting my honor at stake.
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When you cut something in half, you bisect it.
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haphazardness par aventure from Anglo-French (in which language it means, literally, "by chance") a fact established beyond peradventure
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because of; as a result of: She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent. It was a perfect place to write by virtue of its remoteness.