spørsmålet |
svaret |
być w kłopotliwej sytuacji begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
samospełniająca się przepowiednia begynn å lære
aglomeracja, obszar metropolii begynn å lære
podkopać, podważyć, osłabić begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
commute to and from school
begynn å lære
Careful with that mongrel that walks around here; he might bite you.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
łagodzić, uśmierzać, koić begynn å lære
My mother gave me tea with lemon and honey to soothe my sore throat. / The woman rocked her crying baby to soothe him.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I can't watch these abhorrent commercials. Will you please mute the TV?
begynn å lære
the people rejoiced when they learned that the wicked king was dead
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to put the cat among the pigeons
wbudowana dezaktualizacja / wbudowanie, zaplonwane zdezaktualizowanie się begynn å lære
nieporozumienie, błędne przekonanie begynn å lære
People have this misconception that all the food from my country is greasy and unhealthy.
drzewko (sadzonka drzewa) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
dwuznaczność, niejednoznaczność, wieloznaczność begynn å lære
dwuznaczny, niejednoznaczny begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The most popular crop in this region is avocados.
begynn å lære
surowość, powaga, dotkliwość begynn å lære
The hospital classified the patients by the severity of their illnesses
gruszki na wierzbie (coś wręcz niemożliwego) idiom begynn å lære
pożywka dla myśli, temat do przemyśleń begynn å lære
something that warrants serious consideration. "his study certainly provides food for thought"
przekrwienie, przeciążenie, zator... (medycznie lub zdarzenie) begynn å lære
I'm able to bypass all the congestion on my motorcycle by zipping in between the cars. / What are your symptoms? - I have a cough, nasal congestion, and a fever.
pensjonat, emerytura, renta begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The recipe called for lemon zest, but it turns out that using the entire lemon peel was overkill.
przesada, przesadzanie, przejaskrawienie, wyjaskrawienie, wyolbrzymienie begynn å lære
I think it is over the top and misguided. / We all thought that their security was ridiculous, way over the top.
begynn å lære
jednorazowy, jednorazowego użytku begynn å lære
niezdecydowany, wahający się begynn å lære
decydujący, rozstrzygający, zdecydowany begynn å lære
begynn å lære
+ about ale nie tylko I'm sick of your things being strewn about the whole house. / Please, try to be more organized and don't leave your clothes strewn all over the floor.
obsypać, zasypywać, pokrywać; rozsypywać, rozrzucać; usiać begynn å lære
strewed / strewn The previous owners had strewn all kinds of junk on the floor of the apartment.
begynn å lære
wdrożyć, wprowadzić w życie begynn å lære
The company will soon be rolling out the new version of its popular cellphone.
dziesiątkować, zdziesiątkowany begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The song was written after the improvisation I played at my jazz rehearsal.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
ochłodzić się (o pogodzie ale też emocjach) begynn å lære
he needs to cool off after this conversation... or it cooled off after the rainstorm
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
np. kandydat z wyborów albo z konkursu The runner was forced to drop out of the race on the first mile when he sprained his ankle.
begynn å lære
It's already two o'clock; I think we should wrap the meeting up
rozkwitać, kwitnąć, prosperować begynn å lære
dążyć, starać się, usiłować begynn å lære
Monica always strives to provide excellent service to her clients. / Lito is striving to be number one in his class this semester.
w ostateczności, jako ostateczność begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Do you consider yourself to be a speed or a endurance runner?
begynn å lære
If you cannot endure the pain, we can give you an anesthetic. / I won't endure any more complaints from you two.
Jeśli dotkniesz gorącego pieca, sam się poparzysz begynn å lære
If you touch a hot stove you scald yourself 0 conditional - facts... certain informations
jeśli zmienię moje nawyki, będę bardziej punktualny begynn å lære
if I change my habits, I will be more punctual
Na twoim miejscu nie zrobiłbym tego. begynn å lære
If I were you I wouldn't do it. niemożliwa, czysto hipotetyczna sytuacja...
Gdybym miał te informacje wcześniej, podjąłbym inne decyzje. begynn å lære
If I had had those information before, I would have taken different decisions. gdybanie o przeszłości gdyby coś się stało lub nie stało to stałoby się coś innego, wszystko w przeszłości
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
bezwzględny, nieustępliwy begynn å lære
The secret of Jacob's success is his relentless determination.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
This summary contains a lot of superfluous information. Write a more concise one.
dążyć, starać się / przedsięwzięcie begynn å lære
Alison's creative endeavors always came to nothing. / As your lawyer, I will endeavor to advocate for you to the best of my ability. -
begynn å lære
uprawniony, upoważniony, należny begynn å lære
tkwienie w nieudanej inwestycji i kontynuacja... begynn å lære
throwing good money after bad", while refusing to succumb to what may be described as "cutting one's losses".
spotkanie / napotkać, spotkać, zetknąć się begynn å lære
begynn å lære
okrutny, okropny, koszmarny begynn å lære
This is an atrocious article, and you're going to have to rewrite it.
wykupić, odkupić (np. winy ale też wykupić coś za kasę) begynn å lære
Professor, I know that I failed the exam, but I would be grateful for the opportunity to redeem myself and re-take it. / The homeowners signed the contract explaining that they would be able to redeem their debt in installments.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The singers gave a stellar performance in the closing ceremony. / The astronomers have been observing this stellar activity with high-powered telescopes.
begynn å lære
The play used no props, so the audience had to use their imaginations more than usual.
begynn å lære
zacinać się, zawieszać się, opóźniać się begynn å lære
wyluzowany, spokojny, opanowany begynn å lære
podgłaśnać, zwiększać / ściszać, zmniejszać głośność begynn å lære
turn up / turn down the volume
zrezygnować z pracy, odstąpić od stanowiska ale również zejść w dół np. do piwnicy begynn å lære
Frank stepped down as head coach due to health concerns
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Nell, please read the CIA report verbatim. / Maybe she'll post it verbatim.
odporny (o czymś lub o kimś np. na ogień lub chorobę) / oporny (o kimś) begynn å lære
Emily is resistant to trying new farming methods. / This house is resistant to fire.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
If police have no tangible evidence against us, they'll have to release us.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
you act as if you lived in the another world. / She speaks to me as though she didn't know me.
begynn å lære
You said you wanted to buy a house. You should, therefore, start saving
begynn å lære
I mean, I knew you'd flip out.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
my English was a bit rusty before
begynn å lære
ćwierkać, świergotać / świergot begynn å lære
The cicadas are chirping, so it must be summer.
piszczeć / pisk (ptaki lub urządzenia) begynn å lære
A few birds that were cheeping in their nest outside my window woke me up.
begynn å lære
skrzyp / skrzypanie, trzeszczenie begynn å lære
Benjamin heard the creak of the door as it slowly opened. / My knees creak every time I stand up.
ciężar, obciążenie, brzemię begynn å lære
I hate feeling like a burden for my family when I'm sick.
marudny, rozdrażniony, zrzędliwy, drażliwy begynn å lære
I'm just saying you've been very cranky today.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I was worried after the dress rehearsal, but opening night turned out really well.
zrównoważony (o czlowieku) begynn å lære
Do you think that you have a sufficiently levelheaded temperament to be president?
begynn å lære
A harmonious combination of shapes, lines, and colors creates a pleasant atmosphere.
przytłaczający, przygniatający begynn å lære
Cristina had an overpowering personality which many people found difficult to handle. / The overpowering force of the water swept the car away.
begynn å lære
The cunning politician had his enemies taken to jail by planting evidence.
begynn å lære
I could hear the joyful shouts of the children playing in the yard. / I don't understand how you can be so cheerful this early in the morning.
rozważny, roztropny, rozsądny begynn å lære
Taking the last piece of bread was not very thoughtful
godny zaufania / niegodny zaufania begynn å lære
trustworthy / untrustworthy My neighbor is a trustworthy person
begynn å lære
egzemplarz (osoba lub zwierzę) begynn å lære
Our new roommate is an odd specimen, but thankfully he doesn't cause trouble.
egzemplarz np. książki czy gazety begynn å lære
Your copy will be written for you to approve
wyrównać rachunki, policzyć się, rozprawić się, odpłacić się begynn å lære
Don't let him treat you like that! You have to get even!
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Mommy, is the stork going to bring me a little brother?
begynn å lære
Stop being a naughty boy and sit down already / He has a stack of naughty magazines under his mattress.
begynn å lære
When he saw me watching him, he quickly withdrew his hand from the plate. / You can also withdraw funds from your account online.
begynn å lære
I made a withdrawal of $2,000 from my bank account. / The majority of the citizens support the withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
begynn å lære
The photos were destroyed and can never be retrieved / Police retrieved the stolen goods thanks to a tip-off from a member of the public. -
przedłużacz / przedłużacz 3 begynn å lære
extension cord / extension cable / extension lead
gderliwy, zrzędliwy, marudny begynn å lære
My boss is a grumpy old man who loves screaming at us.
begynn å lære
wrócić na robienia czegoś idiom begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
perseverance / perseverant Despite a few setbacks, Lucy remained perseverant to the end
wytrzymałość, long term passion begynn å lære
Every day, parents and teachers ask me, "How do I build grit in kids?
oceniać, (oszacować wartości, stan nie finansową) begynn å lære
The teacher explained the criteria that will be used to assess student work. / This clinical trial will assess the efficacy of a new drug for migraines
begynn å lære
The suspect was reluctant to tell us the truth because he didn't want to incriminate himself.
upiększać, cukrzyć, ukrywać pod warstwą dobrego (idiom) begynn å lære
karton (materiał) / karton (pojemnik) begynn å lære
Are you sure these boxes made of cardboard will hold the weight of the shipment? / I'm going to use this empty milk carton as a pencil holder.
grać na czas, na zwłokę 2 (idiom) begynn å lære
to stall for time / to play for time The judge accused the prosecutor of stalling for time.
begynn å lære
Are you nervous? - Quite the opposite. I'm excited! / Are you parents pretty conservative? - Quite the opposite. They're very liberal.
begynn å lære
Marissa is not angry with Scott. On the contrary, they had a great time this weekend. / French toast isn't very difficult to make at home. On the contrary, it's very easy.
dziedzic, spadkobierca, następca (np. syn) begynn å lære
Charles became king when the heir to the throne was killed in battle.
begynn å lære
Unless something unexpected happens, I'll pick you up at 10 am.
o ile / pod warunkiem / tak długo jak begynn å lære
I'd like to come with you, as long as you still have space in your car. / You're welcome to stay over, provided that your parents give you permission to do so.
begynn å lære
After driving for 10 hours without stopping, we arrived to Texas at last. / And, at last, we will be able to hear from our president.
begynn å lære
Cooking for you is the least I can do to thank you. / You can't achieve the best result by making the least effort. / My brother is a couch potato; he's the least active person I know. /This is the thing I least expected.
zepsuć, zmarnować (psuć np. jedzenie czy humor czy zabawę itd) begynn å lære
The leftovers that I was going to eat tonight are already spoiled. / Please go away. You're spoiling my fun with your bad attitude. / She spoiled the surprise when she told everyone what was happening.
niespokojny (roztrzęsiony, nerwowy) begynn å lære
Raquel was restless. She could barely stand to wait to go on vacation. / I had a restless night. I couldn't stop thinking about my final exam.
begynn å lære
You only need to copy this code to embed the video in your website. / The arrow narrowly missed my head and embedded itself in the tree.
wyciągać wnioski (trochę pochopnie bez analizy) begynn å lære
My wife is always jumping to conclusions because she loves to worry about everything.
begynn å lære
Esteban was very quiet and withdrawn yesterday, which was unusual for him. / The withdrawn amount was slightly lower than the account's balance.
defetyzm; niewiara w powodzenie sprawy, czarnowidztwo begynn å lære
It is a clear defeatism, you don't believe that this idea can be successful.
defetystyczny, pozbawiony wiary w powodzenie begynn å lære
Fabian is not a defeatist, he's just a realist.
przeboleć, dojść do siebie, przezwyciężyć... przed nad czymś obojętnie begynn å lære
Anabelle never got over the death of her father. / I still can't get over how delicious this wine is.
begynn å lære
My special spice blend mainly consists of cumin and oregano.
begynn å lære
The tree cast a big shadow. / The evidence found by the detective cast some light on the murder.
światło słoneczne, promienie słoneczne begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Spanish is the predominant language in this neighborhood because its population is overwhelmingly Latino. / Conservative voters make up the predominant part of this state.
łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić begynn å lære
I want to lose weight, but it's easier said than done.
wymsknąć się (coś czego nie chciałem powiedzieć) begynn å lære
the question slipped out before I'd considered the wisdom of it
wymknąć się, wyślizgnąć się begynn å lære
I may have to slip away to answer a phone call at some point during the meeting. / If you let an opportunity like this slip away, you'll only regret it later.
wśliznąć się (w buty lub ubranie) begynn å lære
I slipped on my shoes and walked out the door.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
let's get down to the nitty-gritty to understand this situation
begynn å lære
The architect delineated the location of the foundation on the map. / The board will meet to delineate this year's goals.
dziwactwo (specyficzne zachowanie), specyficzna cecha, osobliwość begynn å lære
Yeah, I'm a sleepwalker. It's a quirk of mine. / His quirks are what make him my favorite character in the book.
begynn å lære
It looks like Matt made coffee just for himself. - How thoughtless of him. / Consider the consequences of your actions and stop being so thoughtless.
begynn å lære
The sound engineer has captured every nuance of her voice on this recording.
begynn å lære
Mary became pale when she heard about the accident. / The painter used pale tones to display sadness and despair.
motywujące przemówienie, pogadanka na otuchę begynn å lære
thank you for this pep talk but it does not help at all.
zakłócać, przeszkadzać, pokrzyżować begynn å lære
We were going to have a picnic but the rain disrupted our plans. / The recovery period from my surgery disrupted my life.
narażać, wystawiać na ryzyko begynn å lære
I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize my chances of getting a promotion. / The company's decision to pull out of the country could jeopardize the future of the national steel industry.
wyciągać, wydobywać, wyrwać begynn å lære
He pulled out his keys and offered me a ride home. / The dentist gave me an injection before she pulled out my tooth. / He was fined for pulling a page out of a very old book at the library.
być na fali w pracy, być super efektywnym begynn å lære
she has done it so fast, she is definitely on the ball today.
Ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do piekła... idom begynn å lære
don't spy him, curiosity killed the cat...
begynn å lære
Stop beating around the bush. What do you want from me?
mrzonka, marzenie ściętej głowy, coś niemożliwego... begynn å lære
She had wanted to be a ballet dancer when she grew up, but as she got older, she realised it was nothing but a pipe dream.
pozbawić kogoś pogłosu, uznania na swoją rzecz idiom - zabrać komuś zasługi... begynn å lære
Sam stole my thunder when he said he'd done all the work. It's not true. / Please don't steal my thunder by announcing your engagement tonight. I want to tell everyone that I'm pregnant.
kiedy jedna osoba lub element psuje całą grupę lub projekt lub jakość czego begynn å lære
one bad apple ruins/spoils the whole barrel You can't have this person in your team longer. One bad apple spoils the whole barrel...
kolidować, wtrącać się, mieszać się, przeszkadzać begynn å lære
This paragraph in the agreement will not interfere. / I'm having a private conversation. Don't interfere. / That building over there is between the tower and me and interferes with the signal.
begynn å lære
At least I can face him with a clear conscience
begynn å lære
The accountant must hand in the balance sheet by the end of the month at the latest.
begynn å lære
Some of those horrendous images from the movie remained embedded in my mind.
skończyć z jakimś rezultatem czy czynnością begynn å lære
I ended up at a restaurant close to home, because the traffic was too heavy to go elsewhere. / Fans who are active may end up buying your products.
begynn å lære
The thunder rocked our house. / He rocked the baby until he fell asleep.
begynn å lære
Alex is too timid to ask for a raise. / Why is your sister so timid? She always hides in her room when I come to visit.
niepewny, niezdecydowany (emocjonalnie ale też np. niepewne w znaczeniu jeszcze nie potwierdzone) begynn å lære
She placed her arm around his shoulder in a tentative gesture of support. / We have a tentative offer to do a concert in the Dominican Republic.
machnąć, zakołysać, huśtać begynn å lære
swing swung swung The children pretended they were pirates and swung their toy swords in the air. / He swings his arms in a funny way when he walks. / The hammock swung slowly between the trees.
begynn å lære
The man was so desperate that he made the reckless decision to rob a bank.
begynn å lære
For Halloween, I'm going to dress up as a nun.
begynn å lære
to get dressed / to dress oneself It only takes my husband half an hour to get dressed. / Eliezer always dresses himself in high-quality clothes.
begynn å lære
I'm afraid I won't be able to be at the meeting tomorrow. - That's OK. Thanks for the heads-up!
begynn å lære
People are hoping that the current political debacle doesn't lead to a third election.
begynn å lære
My brother gave me a pinch on the arm. / Sally pinched his butt when he walked by.
begynn å lære
I pulled a couple dozen crayfish out of the lake
begynn å lære
Our goal is to reach a settlement that will be acceptable to both sides. /. An out-of-court settlement would be beneficial for both parties.
begynn å lære
The teacher handed out the tests and returned to her desk. / Students were handing out political pamphlets in the square.
z pamięci, bez sprawdzania, z głowy begynn å lære
I can not evoke it off the top of my head
begynn å lære
Brad's mother told him to wear a helmet whenever he went out on his moped.
begynn å lære
The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the sales brochures.
begynn å lære
I relayed his message to the manager, who called him back immediately. /. This part of the brain relays sensory information to the cortex.
przekonujący, persfazyjny (nie convincing) begynn å lære
One of the best ways to be persuasive as a salesperson is to listen to the customer.
begynn å lære
You're going to get fired if you keep doing such sloppy work. /. I was disappointed about this carpet cleaning service - they did a sloppy job.
begynn å lære
I ate too much, and now I feel sluggish. /. The reconstruction of the hospital after the earthquake has been sluggish.
szeroko, rozlegle, obszernie 2 begynn å lære
Her father was a widely respected lawyer in New York City. /. The romantic affair has been widely publicized./. We'll deal with these concepts more extensively next class.
brać udział/uczestniczyć w 2 begynn å lære
take part in / participate in I invited the whole family to take part in planning the reunion. /. All students can take part in the art contest.
begynn å lære
With as hard as you've worked, getting this job was no fluke.
begynn å lære
Nine times out of ten, your hunch is right.
chwyt, uścisk ale tez chwytanie w senie pojecie, zrozumienie begynn å lære
She felt a firm grasp on her arm. /. Incredibly enough, my mother has a stronger grasp of computers than I do.
chwytać, łapać (fizycznie ale tez pojmować) begynn å lære
I grasped her by the elbow to stop her going over to him. /. The government was slow to grasp the significance of these events.
migawka (fotografia, uchwycenie chwili) begynn å lære
If you press this button while you're recording video, the camera will take a snapshot.
begynn å lære
I interpret this poem as a melancholic lament to an unrequited love.
begynn å lære
I hate going to meetings with George; he's judgmental and easily offended.
begynn å lære
He came out of nowhere and punched me in the face.
z powietrza; z niczego (bez uzasadnienia czy faktów) begynn å lære
When my students are late for class they make up excuses out of thin air. / Your boyfriend is so funny he can always come with some great jokes out of thin air.
begynn å lære
We need to come up with a cautious thought-out response to this crisis. /. This decision is not well considered in my opinion.
odrębny, odmienny, odróżniający sie begynn å lære
The markets we are aiming at are quite distinct from each other. /. His long legs gave him a distinct advantage in the race.
różnić się od kogoś/czegoś begynn å lære
He sued the retailer for selling items that varied greatly from what was advertised. /. Penalties for such a crime will vary by region.
leniuchować / leniuchować 2 begynn å lære
Today, I'm going spend the day lazing on the beach. /. You've been lazing around all day. Do something with yourself!
spotkanie zamykające, podsumowujące, czyszczące ostatnie tematy begynn å lære
wash-up / wash-up meeting a discussion held at the end of a task in order to conduct a review and clear up any remaining issues The boss called us all in for a wash-up meeting after our new product's official rollout was complete
spotkanie nadrabiające zaległości, aktualizujące wiedzę wszystkich begynn å lære
catch-up / catch-up meeting We should definitely meet for lunch tomorrow. We haven't caught up with each other for so long!
nie rozumieć istoty sprawy, problemu, nie kapować begynn å lære
to not understand something correctly or what is important about it: What you say is true, but you've missed the point of my argument.
oceniać pochopnie / zbyt szybko oceniać begynn å lære
Don't want to rush to judgment here.
nie na miejscu / nieodpowiednie 2 begynn å lære
out of place / inappropriate The child's behavior at the party was very inappropriate. /. Guillermo's comment was out of place. It wasn't the right time to bring up such a sensitive issue.
twa razy z dziesięciu / twa na dziesięć razy begynn å lære
Nine times out of ten, your hunch is right.
begynn å lære
Jorge was not an envious man and had no desire to be like his wealthy friends.
begynn å lære
Cristina has never been able to overcome the envy she feels seeing her sister so happy.
jeden z dwóch, jedno z dwóch begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The man's gaze captivated her like nothing before. /. The dancers captivated the audience with their performance of the tango.
spojrzenie / wpatrywać się begynn å lære
His intent gaze pierced me like a knife and made me uncomfortable. /. You've been gazing out the window for the past hour. Are you paying attention?
begynn å lære
The children built a raft on vacation
begynn å lære
The abbreviation for "square meter" is "m2."
begynn å lære
The police charged the couple with the abandonment of their children when they left them to go on vacation.
zwrot kosztów (nie refund) begynn å lære
The frustrated customer didn't want an exchange but full reimbursement.
begynn å lære
You can find all kinds of collectibles in this online store. /
begynn å lære
The ship dropped anchor in the bay.
begynn å lære
The anchor announced that a hurricane was headed for the East Coast.
wykorzystać sytuację (skapitalizować) begynn å lære
The candidate was not able to capitalize on his opponent's mistakes, and that's why he lost the election.
zwracać koszty (nie refund) begynn å lære
The company reimburses its traveling salespeople for their expenses abroad.
begynn å lære
We had to take out another loan to get the funds needed to capitalize the business.
begynn å lære
I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm merely following orders.
begynn å lære
Turn off that movie! We don't watch that kind of smut in this house.
begynn å lære
In theory, this is a very good idea, but in practice, it's not feasible.
begynn å lære
Gold and money are examples of fungible goods.
finansowanie własne (a situation in which an entrepreneur starts a company with little capital, relying on money other than outside investments.) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Dana struggled with fidelity during her summer in Greece, away from her husband. / The forger copied the original painting with great fidelity.
begynn å lære
to stand out / to be outlined What stands out about this city is the friendliness of its people. / The candidate's work experience is outlined on page two.
begynn å lære
You can leave your essay on top of the stack of papers on my desk. / Can you please stack your toys instead of leaving them all over the house?
stos / układać w stos, jeden na drugim 2 (nie stack) begynn å lære
I have a pile of bills on my desk that I need to pay. / He piled the old newspapers in a container for recycling.
poślizgnąć się / poślizgnięcie begynn å lære
Today I almost slipped when I was running to catch the bus. / Everybody in the room laughed at my slip and I blushed when I got up.
przyklejać, wbijać, wtykać begynn å lære
stuck / stuck You can stick that bag over there. / He stuck a knife in the thief's hand when he attacked him. / I have to stick the doll's head to its body.
begynn å lære
How do you insert a new row into a spreadsheet in Excel? / I inserted a coin into the slot, but the machine rejected it.
begynn å lære
Put your head in to see if there's anybody in the store. / Salvador decided to put air conditioning in his house.
przegrywać mecz / grę (nie lose) begynn å lære
City were trailing United 2-1 at half time.
begynn å lære
Your coat's trailing in the mud.
begynn å lære
He suspected he was being trailed by undercover police.
begynn å lære
The floor has been polished and it's slippery.
begynn å lære
If there's something troubling you, talk it over with your parents.
begynn å lære
There's an old geezer in the park who's always shouting insults at people passing by.
begynn å lære
The baby cuddled up on the couch with the family's shaggy dog.
begynn å lære
Due to the heavy snowfall last night, classes are canceled all over the city today.
pompatyczny, nadęty (przesadnie wysawny) begynn å lære
Don't be intimidated by his friends. They're pompous snobs.
begynn å lære
Please don't bother him while he's working. He's prone to anger.
begynn å lære
Dan favored his youngest son.
utrzymać się na powierzchni begynn å lære
The recession years were hard, but we stayed afloat and now the profits are growing again.
begynn å lære
It is enough to replace the basic functionality of frames - Document merging of several smaller (header, footer, etc).
rozszerzysz (tez wzmocnić np. wydźwięk) begynn å lære
I don't quite understand. Can you amplify that answer? / Different devices are used to amplify current and voltage.
bystrość, wnikliwość, dryg begynn å lære
The ideal candidate for this position should have a background in marketing and good business acumen.
zwolnić kogoś z pracy (nie fire) begynn å lære
Hundreds of workers have been laid off as a result of the factory closure.
hipoteka, kredyt hipoteczny begynn å lære
We paid off the mortgage last month.
begynn å lære
The workers are facing lay-offs because of the closure of the plant.
brugoskórny, bezduszny, nieczuły begynn å lære
Can't you see she's upset? There's no need to be so callous.
begynn å lære
The fortress was surrounded by a moat to prevent intruders from entering.
begynn å lære
I think that sentence is redundant. I would delete it.
begynn å lære
uncountable The redundancy of these meetings is pretty annoying.
wyczerpać każdą możliwość begynn å lære
to exhaust every posiblility
begynn å lære
If you do it in my way you will be able to leave with your dignity and respect intact
begynn å lære
The sales representative pointed out the remote ignition on the car.
begynn å lære
Many people are sceptical about the results of this economic policy.
składajać się z / być zbudowany z begynn å lære
make up of / be composed of The university's language department is made up of 12 different specialty areas.
begynn å lære
words come out of my mouth / When we came out of the theater, there was no one on the street.
begynn å lære
Having access to clean water is something that many take for granted.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The psychologist perceived that there was tension between Juan and Lucia when they entered the room.
przekazać (transport lub wiadomość czy emocje) begynn å lære
Sam's in charge of finding a way to convey the products from one place to another. / The next time you see your brother, please convey my gratitude.
begynn å lære
Those brothers have a real propensity for drinking.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The plane couldn't take off because of the storm.
zdjąć (np. ubranie, przedmiot z jakiegoś miejsca, odczepić czy odkleić) begynn å lære
I got into bed without taking off my work clothes. / I ran the jar under hot water to take off the label more easily.
begynn å lære
Laura was so angry that you could see the fury in her eyes.
obejście (programowa poprawka do wadliwie działającego sprzętu, sytuacji) begynn å lære
the sortware still has a few bugs but we’ve come up with a workaround
narazić, wystawiać na niebezpieczeństwo begynn å lære
That strategy could compromise the safety of our soldiers.
begynn å lære
We're going to go fishing from the pier this afternoon.
Jesteś zwariowany, postradałeś zmysły... begynn å lære
begynn å lære
It really delighted me that you were able to come visit this weekend.
begynn å lære
Your little daughter is delightful—so polite and well-behaved.
begynn å lære
Being a parent implies a lot of responsibility.
begynn å lære
What are your resolutions for 2018?
jednorazowy, wystepujący raz begynn å lære
Come to the store early for our onetime sales event.
w zasięgu wzroku (w planie, dostępny) begynn å lære
With no solution in sight, refugee numbers keep increasing.
sprostać oczekiwaniom / oczekiwaniom kogoś begynn å lære
live up to sombody’s expectations He found it hard to live up to his parents' expectations.
begynn å lære
All those children unsupervised sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.
informować kogoś na bieżąco, utrzymywać w kopiach maili begynn å lære
skutkować czymś, doprowadzić do, kończyć się czymś begynn å lære
The general dislike of both candidates by the public resulted in lower voter participation.
begynn å lære
You can't let them get away with it every time!
begynn å lære
There's no need to get so angry about such a small thing, Louise.
pogubić się, mieć mętlik w głowie begynn å lære
I got confused during the last part of the lecture.
begynn å lære
I have a really fast metabolism. I eat breakfast, and then two hours later I get hungry again.
begynn å lære
Don't you get tired being on your feet all day?
begynn å lære
I don't like to watch documentaries. I get bored.
begynn å lære
I don't want to get old. I like my hair.
begynn å lære
pogorszyć się / polepszyć się begynn å lære
to get worse / to get better Everything got worse when Trixie realized I had cheated on her.
begynn å lære
I get worried when my daughter doesn't answer the phone.
begynn å lære
Some people experience memory loss when they get drunk.
zachorować / zachorować 2 begynn å lære
You're getting married today! You can't get sick!
begynn å lære
I am getting sick of my girlfriend. What do I do?
begynn å lære
I've joined the gym to try to get fit before the summer.
begynn å lære
Don't get too excited; we haven't won the competition yet.
zezłościć się, zdenerwować się begynn å lære
Don't get upset. We'll work it all out soon.
begynn å lære
People who stammer get frustrated when other people finish their sentences.
begynn å lære
Hurry, let's get on the ship before it sails!
begynn å lære
Did you work out how much money we need to go to Las Vegas for a week?
begynn å lære
We averted a disaster this morning
bardzo groźna sytuacja ktorej udało się uniknąć begynn å lære
I had a close shave this morning - some idiot almost knocked me off my bike
begynn å lære
one of the side mirrors of the truck got knocked off
być na krawędzi katastrofy begynn å lære
to be on a brink of disaster Our company was on the brink of disaster, but after our last product came out, we have been doing better than ever before
begynn å lære
irregulat spun / have spun Mariana spun around until she got dizzy.
begynn å lære
to surround something / someone Suddenly, the thieves were surrounded by 20 policemen.
begynn å lære
I had to circle the block for half an hour to find parking.
begynn å lære
Rosario and her family have a stall at the municipal market.
bzdurny, beznadziejny, szmirowaty begynn å lære
zostać z decyzją czy odpowiedzialnością begynn å lære
Responsobility for child care rests with social servicies / well, it rests with me (to decide)
porcja, coś miekkiego no jam, klej, śmietana, ketchup begynn å lære
Put a dollop of sour cream on top of each baked potato. / All you need to succeed is integrity and a good dollop of common sense.
begynn å lære
please refer to these points.
begynn å lære
The candidate criticized the current government's economic policies.
ekonomiczny / oszczędny (w senie nie drogi) begynn å lære
The family ended up looking further outside the city for a more economical apartment.
begynn å lære
lepsze od like kiedy wymienia sie listę rzeczy i nie mówimy o ich podobieństwie We visited several cities in the south of Spain, such as Granada, Almeria, and Seville.
chociaż, aczkolwiek (koniec zdania) begynn å lære
The trip wasn't very interesting. The weather was good though.
begynn å lære
nie mówi sie „we are two” zawsze bezosobowo table for how many people? there are two of us
begynn å lære
I was so tired that I started to nod off during class.
begynn å lære
to take something for granted I took it for granted that I would find the perfect job.
pakiet, wiązka, tobołek, zawiniątko begynn å lære
She stuffed a bundle of laundry into the washing machine. / You can buy the software as a bundle and save money on each individual item.
begynn å lære
The candidate was criticized for making contradictory statements.
coś co da się zmienić, nie jest wykłute w kamieniu (idiom) begynn å lære
not be set / carved in stone These are just a few ideas - nothing is set in stone yet.
tik, drgnięcie, skurcz / drgać, drgnąć begynn å lære
Nothing, just a little... twitch in my shoulder. / She twitched her nose like a rabbit. / You'll feel something twitch the line when you get a fish.
begynn å lære
Mr. Osborne, we're on the brink of war. / So we find ourselves on the brink.
begynn å lære
Where is the sense of urgency needed to resolve the crisis in Syria?
begynn å lære
I miss those frosty, sunny mornings of the Swiss winter. / The incident led to a period of frosty relations between the two countries.
begynn å lære
The mornings can be quite chilly in the mountains. / The governor got a chilly reception at the police station after announcing cuts to local police funding.
pokazać się, pojawiać się (osoba i rzecz) begynn å lære
The negative health effects show up after prolonged exposure. / When it rained, the paint washed away and the defects showed up.
begynn å lære
You had better set aside some of your salary in a savings account. / It's so hot. I had better drink some water.
odzież / część garderoby (ubranie liczna mnoga i pojedyncza) begynn å lære
clothing / piece of clothing It may be the most... perfect piece of clothing I've ever seen.
przejechać, potrącić kogoś begynn å lære
That car didn't stop at the lights. He almost ran me over!
przejechać np. palcem po kartce czy wzrokiem po kimś begynn å lære
Her eyes ran over me from head to foot, as if assessing me. / Pensive, Ann ran her fingers over the piano keyboard.
nieprzystosowany, odmieniec begynn å lære
It makes me feel like a misfit.
begynn å lære
I took the fire extinguisher and put out the fire in the kitchen.
begynn å lære
Wake up, sleepyhead! You're going to be late for school.
begynn å lære
We are bound by a contract to pay the full price
begynn å lære
Workmen were out laying asphalt on the new road.
begynn å lære
The road is temporarily closed because they're asphalting it.
czlowiek lubiacy rutyny i przyzwyczajenia begynn å lære
he's a creature of habit—he keeps to the places he knows
begynn å lære
Obama signed sanctions against Venezuela despite threats from Maduro. / We went to the baseball game in spite of the rain.
begynn å lære
The doctor put a cast on my arm after I got a compound fracture.
begynn å lære
efekt składany (zebrany z małych czynników) begynn å lære
pogłebiać, robić coś bardziej poważnym begynn å lære
He compounded his mistake by insisting that he was right.
begynn å lære
On cold mornings, we always drink cocoa
zazwyczaj, zwykle o przeszłości zeby opisać ciągłość begynn å lære
My family used to go to the beach every summer when I was a kid.
być przyzwyczajonym do czegoś begynn å lære
I am used to a lot of noise because I live next to the train tracks.
przyzwyczaić się do / nabierać przyzwyczajenie do czegoś begynn å lære
Eventually, you'll get used to the pace of this job.
begynn å lære
My daughter can't sleep without her soft toys. / If you knock over the three milk bottles, you win a stuffed toy.
podnosić coś (np. z podłogi) begynn å lære
She picked the chair up off the floor.
podnieść, dźwignąć (na ogół ciężkie rzeczy) begynn å lære
Lift me up so I can get over the fence.
begynn å lære
The vase fell to the ground with a loud crash.
begynn å lære
The eagle grabbed the fish with its powerful claws.
begynn å lære
My dog jumped and hurt his paw.
begynn å lære
The hunter saw the footprints of a deer's hooves.
begynn å lære
The peacock has beautiful feathers.
begynn å lære
The biology students studied the size of hummingbirds' beaks. / The bird trapped a worm in its bill.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
You can find your clothes in the wardrobe in your room.
zabudowa szafa, jakby garderoba begynn å lære
I hung your shirt in the closet.
begynn å lære
The newspaper published all sorts of slurs on our family that were totally untrue.
begynn å lære
Their opponents did not have enough players and so the team won the game by default
domyślne ustawienie, wartość, coś domyślnego begynn å lære
The default for this computer is with the sound off.
zaczep, hak / zaczepić, zahaczyć begynn å lære
Ben took off his coat and hung it on a hook. / He said goodbye, but she hooked her arms around him and refused to let go. / The carpenter hooked his hammer onto his belt.
dostać się do, wdać się w begynn å lære
The moment Carlos got into the house, he knew something was amiss. / How you got into this business
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
czas w jakim skonczą sie pieniadze w startupie begynn å lære
How long is our company runway?
begynn å lære
The plane left the gate and headed for the runway. / The first thing a model learns is how to walk on the runway.
SaaS = oprogramowanie jako usługa. begynn å lære
SaaS = Software As A Service.
Shares of your company given in exchange for work done. begynn å lære
odsłaniać / nagi, odsłonięty begynn å lære
regular She bared her soul in her poems. / The dog bared his teeth, ready to bite. / All you need in order to install this software is a bare memory of 2 GB.
begynn å lære
The movers caused substantial damage to the walls.
begynn å lære
to have an edge on/over something Our team has an edge on them
idealny punkt, czuły punkt begynn å lære
Looks like you found the sweet spot. / Ideally, you find a sweet spot where no part of your body feels as if it's working too hard
begynn å lære
Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. / A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved.
wyszukiwanie, poszukiwanie begynn å lære
More than a hundred volunteers undertook a search for the missing child.
przynieść odwrotny skutek, obrócić się przeciwko (rzeczownik i czasownik) begynn å lære
regular Susie expected to get a pay raise, but it backfired on her and she got fired. / Everything new I try just seems to backfire.
rykoszet / odbić się rykoszetem begynn å lære
regular Reif took advantage of a lucky ricochet to score a second goal. / If you miss, the bullet will ricochet. / Jon was hit with a ricochet
ciota, pizda, cipa (wulgarnie o waginie lub o osobie) begynn å lære
The assistant manager is a twat. He doesn't even know how to make change. / I'd never date someone who used the word "twat" to refer to the vagina.
begynn å lære
Some thief stole my wallet in the subway
begynn å lære
regular The politician diluted his original proposal so that the members of his party would approve it. / This coffee tastes weak. Did you dilute it?
begynn å lære
The changes we're talking about aren't a dilution of our values, but a distillation of them /. Make sure you stir the cocktail enough to achieve the proper dilution
begynn å lære
I'm going to spend the summer with my cousin in Canada
nie pozostawić żadnego kamienia nie odwróconego, idiom - sprawdzić, zrobic kazda opcje zeby rozwiazac problem begynn å lære
to leave no stone unturned Jake’s lawyer promised that he would leave no stone unturned in trying to find more evidence to help Jake’s case.
przeciwność losu, niedola begynn å lære
Knowing that he had overcome adversity in the past gave him the confidence to succeed.
begynn å lære
Several actors attended: Marta Esquival and Jorge Casas among others.
begynn å lære
He has been among the very best employees in the company for many years.
begynn å lære
You should avoid that place at all costs. It's a tourist trap.
zarozumiały, pyszałkowaty begynn å lære
Greg is cocky and thinks too much of himself.
begynn å lære
You walk into a normal scene of crime and there you have it, everything laid out for you like a jigsaw.
w obliczu / wobec / wśród 2 begynn å lære
we searched for a new path, a way to live and work that felt right and sustainable amid the ongoing pandemic.
nadchodzący (w dluzszej perspektywie) begynn å lære
What can we expect for the coming year?
nadchodzący, zbliżający się (blizsza perspwktywa) begynn å lære
The company is looking to release a new prototype in the upcoming months.
liczyć się z, mieć wzgląd na begynn å lære
the world will need to reckon with the trauma the pandemic has left in its wake.
begynn å lære
An inquiry has been set up in the wake of the crash.
dorastający, nastoletni / nastolatek, młodociany begynn å lære
adolescent / an adolescent The charity aims to encourage adolescent girls to pursue careers in the sciences.
begynn å lære
But the demand for mental health services is outstripping supply.
begynn å lære
There is one frontier he shall never stop exploring.
begynn å lære
The social worker quit her job because of the onerous responsibilities and the low pay.
begynn å lære
irregular We changed to a new service provider and our expenses shrank.
podlegać, zostać poddanym czemuś begynn å lære
jak go In the meantime, the supply chain will undergo a revolution
begynn å lære
Man-made fibers are a better choice because of their resilience to hard wear.
spodziewać się, oczekiwać begynn å lære
The police anticipated riots after the announcements.
wyrażać się wystarczająco jasno begynn å lære
to make oneself clear enough I don't think you made yourself clear enough
rozłożyć, rozdzielić się... begynn å lære
The shift away from traditional rush hours will spread traffic out more evenly throughout the day
begynn å lære
We have regular breaks throughout the course.
begynn å lære
I'm going to walk along this path until I reach the end.
begynn å lære
She has a small farm where she raises pigs and poultry
begynn å lære
plans are afoot for a festival / they were forced to go afoot
begynn å lære
The light doesn't get in because the windows are opaque.
idiom (to show your opinion by leaving an organization or by no longer supporting, using, or buying something) begynn å lære
When the price of skiing doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going.
begynn å lære
Headhunters are poaching our best employees.
begynn å lære
Experience outweighs credentials for some potential employers. / Your cat outweighs your son?
begynn å lære
Farms in the region have received less than five percent of normal rainfall this year.
begynn å lære
Fernando, a software developer, sold his start-up to a large tech company, and became rich overnight. / The robbery happened overnight, so all the neighbors were asleep.
begynn å lære
Unfortunately, there has been a hitch in the negotiations.
begynn å lære
The movie is an obvious distortion of the novel on which it is based. / The superior design of our boots avoids any distortion when they flex.
begynn å lære
The rationality of decisions is affected by the individual's cognitive biases.
sztywny (też surowy, szorstki o osobie) begynn å lære
The mattress was so rigid that I hardly got any sleep. / My wife is very rigid about how the kitchen is organized.
communication and marketing strategy adopted by companies or other organizations. It consists in putting forward ecological arguments in order to forge an ecologically responsible image among the public. begynn å lære
reakcja, podmuch powrotny begynn å lære
The chaos in the current election cycle is a backlash against the elites in both parties.
przez, poprzez, na drugą stronę, begynn å lære
We drove across Los Angeles. / The population is evenly distributed across the region.
begynn å lære
separate the wheat from the chaff The first round of interviews really separates the wheat from the chaff.
podsumowanie, streszczenie begynn å lære
And now we bring you a roundup of this baskebtall season's highlights.
begynn å lære
Saddle your horses, boys; we've got a roundup to do, because those cows aren't going to come home on their own.
begynn å lære
Valerie surpasses everyone with her mathematical knowledge. / My accountant said that fixed expenses should not surpass 50% of my income.
begynn å lære
cross out a mistake / He had crossed his name out.
wada, niedociągnięcie, uchybienie, mankament begynn å lære
Whatever his shortcomings as a husband, he was a good father to his children. / Like any political system, it has its shortcomings.
zarobaczywiały (np o systemie ktory zle dziala) begynn å lære
Our software has a really buggy code.
ziemia, grunt / kawałek ziemi begynn å lære
This land is good for growing corn.
begynn å lære
I think my offer was reasonable, but he looked at me like I was bonkers.
begynn å lære
Before making a decision, consider all the pros and cons.
poza, spoza, oprócz / powyżej begynn å lære
My town is beyond the mountains. / What else do I need to know beyond the numbers? "you've proved it beyond doubt"
gwałtowny spadek / gwałtowanie spadać, pikować w dół begynn å lære
He shot the bird and saw it plummet to the ground. / The petrol retailer denies its 25% dividend hike is to prop up the shares after a plummet in the price from 270p to 118p.
olśnienie, oślepienie / olśnić, oślepiać begynn å lære
Tinted windows will reduce the glare/the sun's glare. / The sun glared on the snow and the effect was blinding.
zamieszanie / mieszać, zamieszać begynn å lære
regular There was a stir in the classroom when the teacher announced that everyone had failed. / You have to stir the soup every five minutes.
skinienie głową / skinąć głową begynn å lære
Many people in the audience nodded in agreement. / Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.
odnawialne źródło energii begynn å lære
Our government should be investing in renewable energy sources.
begynn å lære
I intend to take the family to the beach this weekend.
golarka / golarka elektryczna 2 begynn å lære
I can't use that electric shaver, because the hair in my beard is too curly.
begynn å lære
Shaving with a straight razor gives the closest shave.
begynn å lære
The chef sharpened the blade of his knife and began to dice the tomatoes.
begynn å lære
The wizard promised the queen that if she drank the potion, she would gain everlasting beauty.
przybycie / nadejscie / przyjscie begynn å lære
The coming of immigrants is beneficial for the economy. / Storks announce the coming of the spring.
begynn å lære
Smith believes this country is becoming a cultural desert. / The travelers died while trying to cross the Sahara Desert.
begynn å lære
I have the basic spices you need for cooking.
begynn å lære
Adults without children are not allowed in the playground.
begynn å lære
regular El vaquero galopó detrás de la oveja que se separó del rebaño
begynn å lære
Although he's a bit odd, I like him. / Although there wasn't much time left, they finished the race.
begynn å lære
The wild horses galloped across the steppe.
stan surowy budynku / stan surowy (developerski) begynn å lære
shell of a building / shell
begynn å lære
home - bez to zawsze np. Are you cycling home?
begynn å lære
Our dinner plans with the Murphys fell through at the last minute, so we decided to go for pizza. / The plan fell through because no one wanted to take charge.
begynn å lære
comfy - krzesło, sofa itp / cosy place What a cozy living room! Did you knit these blankets yourself? / This chair is really comfy. Where did you get it?
prawnie wątpliwe / w szarej strefie begynn å lære
llegaly questionable / in the grey area
przetwarzanie słownictwa / powtarzanie begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
To cut all unnecessary expenses
begynn å lære
The citizens were very appreciative of the volunteer firemen who saved the school /. The waitress gave the man an appreciative smile for defending her from the unruly patrons.
begynn å lære
We have two single rooms for patients whose condition requires isolation. / The isolation of this gene was presented as a great achievement.
begynn å lære
It was hard to believe that none of the houses in such a beautiful neighborhood were occupied. / If I weren't so occupied with my studies, I would have more time to go out with my friends.
begynn å lære
This land is not urbanised yet
begynn å lære
This place is so built-up now. When I was living here, there were two restaurants. Now there are 15.
deweloper (firma budowalna) begynn å lære
zaabsorbowany, pochłonięty, zatroskany begynn å lære
The rice got overcooked because Tammy was so preoccupied with the sauce. / Julie was quite preoccupied by the mouse droppings she found in the kitchen.
bogaty, bogatszy, najbogatszy begynn å lære
wealthy, wealthier, the wealthiest His ultimate goal was to marry a wealthy woman so he doesn't need to work.
begynn å lære
Diversification of your portfolio can help protect your wealth.
sprytny, mądrzejszy, najmądrzejszy begynn å lære
clever, cleverer, the cleverest Mike is very clever; school has never been a challenge for him.
begynn å lære
I'll try to get some funding from the charity. / We think that's where Starik was laundering his funds.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
My husband is named as the primary beneficiary on my life insurance policy.
begynn å lære
The benefactor will pay for the education of the students who cannot afford it.
begynn å lære
This is the kind of beneficent initiative that we need to be supporting.
przeskoczyć (przez coś) jak żaba, przeskoczyć kompletnie bariery czy ograniczenia begynn å lære
The teacher leapfrogged the table to separate the fighting students. / she leapfrogged into a sales position
ominąć bokiem, (avoid (someone or something) by stepping sideways.) begynn å lære
"he sidestepped a defender and crossed the ball"
odstawić kogoś na bok, poza pole podejmowania decyzji czy gry begynn å lære
backbench MPs have been sidelined and excluded from decision-making /. an ankle injury has sidelined him for two weeks
zakopać topór wojenny - idiom, pogodzić się begynn å lære
Can't you two just bury the hatchet?
begynn å lære
Freight transport is the physical process of transporting commodities and merchandise goods and cargo.
rozpowszechnianie informacji begynn å lære
the dissemination of public information
begynn å lære
I love your writing style, but you need to strengthen your thesis.
begynn å lære
My uncle operates a forklift in a warehouse.
begynn å lære
The reclusive author just came out with a new book
skumulowany / skumulowanie begynn å lære
cumulative / cumulatively Sodium consumption has a cumulative effect on blood pressure. / success must be measured cumulatively
begynn å lære
I've come to the conclusion that we need to try a different method.
begynn å lære
We need quantifiable goals in order to reduce carbon emissions by 2030.
chronologiczny / chronologicznie begynn å lære
chronological / chronologically At the beginning of the book, there's a list of the author's previous novels in chronological order.
begynn å lære
The difference between the two wines is subtle, but I liked the second one more. / The subtle aroma of roses drifted in from the garden.
begynn å lære
She reacted badly to the news of being fired from her job.
begynn å lære
I think we got to rework the second paragraph.
zdać sobie z czegoś sprawę begynn å lære
I just realized I don't have my car keys. / When she got to the airport, Sonia realised she'd left her passport at home.
begynn å lære
in front of the screen / in front of the building
begynn å lære
najlepiej używać to be at a level
begynn å lære
zawsze opis kolejnych rzeczy czy kontunacji another pizza please - juz zjadlem jedna wczesniej / moze byc another book - singular albo another five years - plural I have started reading another novel. / The borrower is given another few weeks to pay the debt
inny, kolejny, jeszcze jeden begynn å lære
singular or plurar other person or other options Is there any other person? Are there other options?
begynn å lære
The vegetable stands in the municipal market are all vying for the same customers.
Niemniej jednak, jednakże begynn å lære
That restaurant is so expensive. Nevertheless, it's the only place to get Thai food.
odróżnić, rozróżnić, rozpoznać, różnicować begynn å lære
What differentiates your products from those of your competitors?
begynn å lære
The two religions coexisted in the country in perfect harmony for many years.
begynn å lære
If the drought persists, millions of farmers will go under.
begynn å lære
The flood forced many people to abandon their homes.
begynn å lære
tylko mnoga liczba To improve morale, bosses should communicate openly with employees and reward outstanding work.
begynn å lære
We made a detailed analysis of the arguments for and against, and we've now taken a decision.
begynn å lære
The city was founded in an area with an abundance of water sources.
begynn å lære
The scarcity of jobs after the recession caused an increase in the crime rate.
begynn å lære
We offer a wide range of casual and formal footwear for all occasions.
begynn å lære
tylko mnoga lub piece of... The thieves stole every piece of jewelry that I had.
begynn å lære
There is a noticeable lack of doughnuts in the office today.
begynn å lære
The violinist we saw yesterday is a real phenomenon.
być podporządkowanym/ podlegać komuś begynn å lære
local authorities are subordinate to parliament.
przypadek, zbieg okoliczności begynn å lære
I didn't know you were also taking this class. What a coincidence!
ofiara, ranny / wypadek (tylko fizyczny) begynn å lære
There were over a dozen casualties in the explosion. / Lawsuits were brought against the company by those who had been hurt in the casualty.
begynn å lære
a consolation / a comfort She sent the widow a card with some words of consolation after learning about her husband's death. / During hard times, she found comfort in her friends.
begynn å lære
My friend was in pieces over the death of her cat, so I tried to console her. / I picked up the baby to comfort him because he wouldn't stop crying.
begynn å lære
They have broadcast this series for five consecutive years.
dodatek, zaleta, dodatkowa korzyść begynn å lære
One of the perks of working for the airline is I can travel anywhere in the world for free. / Companies were not allowed to raise wages, so they attracted employees with perks.
begynn å lære
Today's education should be more focused on encouraging entrepreneurship.
begynn å lære
It was thanks to his entrepreneurial spirit that he was able to open the restaurant in less than a month.
begynn å lære
The deer ran through the meadow.
begynn å lære
The dog loves rolling around in the mud.
ubłocony, brudny od błota begynn å lære
Marcela came in from the garden with muddy hands.
begynn å lære
A questionnaire has been sent to all club members asking for their views on the proposed changes
podsumowanie, konkluzja, w gruncie rzeczy begynn å lære
The bottom line from our research into aging is that youth is overrrated
zarys, szkic, konspekt / zarysować, naszkicować begynn å lære
She'll outline a picture of an animal, and the kids will have to add the details He's going to make sure the door fits the outline of the frame. / I've drawn an outline of the first prototype. / Now I'd like to outline our strategy for the election. /
opisany, przedstawiony, określony, zarysowany begynn å lære
One long-term stage has already been largely outlined. / Therefore, the new capital requirements are not expected to impact the proposal outlined in these Guidelines.
begynn å lære
a drop in the bucket / ocean They need to raise thousands of pounds for this project, so our 20-pound donation is just a drop in the ocean.
begynn å lære
Today we are going to learn to solve equations with two variables. / The weather is so variable lately that I never know what to wear.
podmieniać / podmiana, zamiana begynn å lære
regular swapped You have an exercise bike you never use and I don't need my lawnmower any more. Why don't we swap? / The two baseball teams negotiated a swap.
wykonać, przeprowadzić, realizować begynn å lære
regular carried An interdisciplinary team will carry out this project. / If you made your son a promise, you should carry it out.
odrzucić / odrzut (cos co jest gorsze i kwalifikuje sie gdzies) begynn å lære
regular He rejected the job offer. / The factory is trying to produce less rejects each year. / Some of the NBA's rejects end up playing in China.
begynn å lære
regular denied He couldn't deny the fact that it was he who had broken the computer. / He would neither confirm nor deny the rumor. / He was denied a visa to enter the country.
begynn å lære
You have to learn how to accept rejection. / He felt a deep sense of rejection when his wife left him for another man
odmówić, powiedzieć 'nie' begynn å lære
Sam politely declined my invitation to the party. / We wanted to give him a hand, but he declined our help.
begynn å lære
I wrote my full name, followed by my nickname in brackets. / Please add the numbers in parentheses first.
begynn å lære
We will try to answer your inquiry as soon as possible. / What is this about, agent? - Just a routine inquiry.
begynn å lære
When you begin your training as a pilot, the console can look a little intimidating at first.
begynn å lære
regular The tennis player's coach was accused of intimidating his rivals before the games
zastraszające/onieśmielające begynn å lære
The interview would have been intimidating if I had not known the interviewer beforehand. / If you tried to appear less intimidating, I'm sure that your students would ask more questions in class
begynn å lære
This car is an ideal choice for those professional groups where the image aspect plays a vital role. / Well, yes, but we've been trying to change that image.
begynn å lære
You can see the cathedral again now that the scaffolding is gone.
begynn å lære
This is more of an introductory interview in which we can get to know you.
begynn å lære
Morrisville is a highly desirable location to live and work.
begynn å lære
Sarah is a versatile professional with wide-ranging skills and experience.
begynn å lære
The breakfast buffet consisted of diverse hot and cold dishes.
domniemany, przypuszczalny begynn å lære
I discovered that the supposed insurance salesman was actually a swindler.
oszust, kanciarz, naciągacz begynn å lære
Don't trust that guy. He's a swindler.
oszukiwać, naciągać, kantować / szwindel, przekręt begynn å lære
Police caught a man who swindled old ladies. / It turns out his so-called charity was actually a swindle.
powinno być, powinno było być, miało być begynn å lære
They are supposed to arrive tomorrow. / The party was supposed to be a surprise.
begynn å lære
We may need more chairs for the meeting; it depends on how many people come.
niebezpieczeństwo, ryzyko, zagrożenie begynn å lære
The coach's job is in jeopardy because his team lost every game in the season.
begynn å lære
broke, broken Look, if you want everyone to stay... you have to let me break in your dads' liquor cabinet.
rezonować ze mną / we mie begynn å lære
Instead of trying to silence her, try to understand why her message resonates with so many people.
begynn å lære
Arguing on the internet is a huge waste of time.
begynn å lære
Arguing on the internet is a huge waste of time.
begynn å lære
I went to the meeting for the purpose of listening to all the parties involved in the dispute.
begynn å lære
The hotel offers fantastic views and up-to-date facilities. / You can find more up-to-date information on our website
begynn å lære
You were on the phone for hours. What did she say? - Well, the gist of it is that she wants to break
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
it is only a matter of time when this company will colapse without a clear strategy
begynn å lære
I find myself in a parallel situation to yours.
begynn å lære
software or a piece of software She designs software for organizing the seating at restaurants.
begynn å lære
That dress is almost identical to the one I bought you for your birthday.
begynn å lære
In the meantime it is true that the media circus will continue.
begynn å lære
The Mexico City earthquake of 1985, with a magnitude of 8.0, is the strongest earthquake I have ever felt.
to nie jest moja bajka (idiom) begynn å lære
Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't really my cup of tea.
to nie jest coś co lubie czy mnie interesuje (idiom) begynn å lære
I'm afraid pubs and clubs aren't really my thing.
begynn å lære
Have you ever regretted selling the house?
nurkować w, skupić się mega, zanurzyć się, zatracić begynn å lære
dived or dove/ dived BE vs AE I'm excited about the project and ready to dive in. / I jumped off the cliff and dove in the lake.
wychodzić, wyjść (np. praca, projekt) coś wyszło dobrze czy źle 3 begynn å lære
to turn out / to work out / to go Things don't always turn out as expected. / In the end, everything worked out well for me. / everything went well at the meeting
zastój, stagnacja, zapaść begynn å lære
We need to find a way to create more jobs so we can get out of this slump. / Kerr not changing Steph's rotation pattern despite slump
podejmowanie decyzji / podejmowania decyzji (np proces) begynn å lære
a decision-making / decision-making The real decision-making happens when the board of directors meet. / The decision-making process can sometimes be a painful one.
begynn å lære
bled / bled if we continue with this burn rate we will bleed out in 3 months. / I almost bled out before I got to the hospital.
nie wcześniej / nie wcześniej 2 begynn å lære
I can meet at 11, not sooner / let's meet but not earlier than 3 p.m.
begynn å lære
The article included a caveat that the story was based on the testimony of a single witness.
zastrzeżenie, klauzula, wyłączenie begynn å lære
the novel carries a disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons
begynn å lære
While she was married to the multimillionaire, she led a luxurious life.
na bok (np. odłożyć coś na bok) begynn å lære
I moved aside to let a waiter carrying a tray pass. / It reaches a point in life when we put out goals aside for a bit.
begynn å lære
If you hate the cold, why did you move to Toronto in the first place? / Of course I'm having a bad time. I didn't want to come to this party in the first place.
begynn å lære
Let's put aside our differences and try to find a solution.
begynn å lære
He married a Swede and went to live in Sweden.
begynn å lære
How did you know I wasn't really reading the book? - Because you were holding it upside down. / The party attendees destroyed the house and left everything upside down.
begynn å lære
The second grade students are studying subtraction in math for the first time. / addition by subtraction
begynn å lære
The teacher is teaching addition to her students.
wskazanie, oznaka, przejaw begynn å lære
There's no indication that the suspect was working with anyone else. / If the patient's blood pressure is elevated on two or three consecutive occasions, this may be an indication for treatment.
begynn å lære
These lights indicate the system status and if there are any faults. / The doctors indicated that the injuries were not life-threatening.
zwodzić kogoś/ wprowadzić w błąd begynn å lære
Don't be deceived by the spy's simplicity and friendliness.
begynn å lære
Maria is very compassionate and always helps those who need it.
begynn å lære
It's hard not to feel compassion for the victims of this natural disaster.
wybieralny, nadający się, kwalifikujacy sie begynn å lære
Employees are eligible for a pension plan after two years of service.
begynn å lære
He got fired because he said "cunt" in front of a customer.
begynn å lære
The economic sanctions that the US imposed against Cuba remain in place despite the normalization of relations.
prostacki, grubiański, gburowaty begynn å lære
His behavior may seem boorish, but he actually has a good heart.
gburowaty, opryskliwy, mrukliwy begynn å lære
My uncle might seem a bit gruff, but he's really a sweetheart once you get to know him.
gburowaty, opryskliwy, zgryźliwy, nieuprzejmy begynn å lære
My surly neighbor suddenly turned nice when a pretty girl moved in across the street.
gburowatość, niegrzeczność, opryskliwość begynn å lære
Despite the gruffness, John knew his father was pleased to see him.
begynn å lære
The teacher was hoarse from having to shout so much.
begynn å lære
It's not worth it to argue with that simpleton.
begynn å lære
She juggles a high-powered job with being a mother and the wife of the country's president.
begynn å lære
to be sensitive to someting Julia is very sensitive to certain chemicals used in cleaning products.
begynn å lære
To avoid exposing yourself to computer threats, never click on links to files from strangers.
begynn å lære
After some juggling, the restaurant will finally open this Friday!
begynn å lære
mistook / mistaken They often mistook her for a famous model.
begynn å lære
I don't want to go to school today. I have a sore throat.
begynn å lære
We need someone in the office with computer proficiency. / Julia has a high level of proficiency in Korean.
begynn å lære
The police found the weapon with which Ashton killed his victims.
begynn å lære
Soon, we'll know who the current president's successor will be.
begynn å lære
I thank my predecessor, Professor Analia Guerrero, for her friendship and her support. I'm honored to carry on her amazing work.
begynn å lære
The event had to be kept to 100 people due to financial constraints.
dookoła / całkowicie, kompletnie begynn å lære
I learned a lot in his class. He's a great professor all around. / Hannah's room is such a mess. There are clothes all around.
begynn å lære
a lot of progress / progress We are making progress on our study.
begynn å lære
His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence.
być dla kogoś twardym, zbyt krytycznym begynn å lære
you're being too hard on her /. don’t be to hard on yourself for this loss
kwalifikowalność, uprawnienia begynn å lære
Visa applicants need to demonstrate their eligibility during an interview.
begynn å lære
A ghoulish smile appeared on the villain's face.
chory, niezdrowy (stosunek do czegoś), makabryczny begynn å lære
I'm worried about Cindy. She has a morbid fascination with spiders. / The headline gave morbid details of the accident.
begynn å lære
The police and the two thieves were involved in a high speed pursuit on the highway. / She no longer cares about money and is now more interested in the pursuit of happiness.
gonić, ścigać, uganiać się za kimś, dążyć do zdobycia czegoś begynn å lære
We found ourselves being pursued by a herd of cows. / We felt we were pursuing a common goal. / Alice decided to pursue her dream.
płycizna, mielizna / płytki, powierzchowny begynn å lære
We found some crabs in the shallows by the sea. The characters in the novel are flat and the plot is shallow. / She gives her cat food in a shallow dish. / My ex-boyfriend is so shallow; apparently he only dates models.
begynn å lære
The deceiving ad campaign made consumers think they would lose weight quickly.
wyraźnie, jasno, dobitnie begynn å lære
Mr Swoboda spoke plainly in the previous debate. / I am trying to explain it as plainly as possible, but it is a complicated story. / Plainly, that smile means she likes you.
begynn å lære
There have been numerous complaints in recent weeks.
begynn å lære
This author's writing is full of clichés and stereotypes.
przekroczyć, wykroczyć poza begynn å lære
The Olympic runner transcended his accomplishments from the previous games. / Thompson was an unlikely candidate for mayor who transcended all expectations.
nieubłagany, nieprzejednany, zajadły begynn å lære
The pressure to meet monthly targets was unrelenting. / The unrelenting noise of the roadworks had given her a headache.
begynn å lære
We played table games to combat boredom.
pociągać za sobą, wiązać się z begynn å lære
The doctor warned the patient that the procedure might entail some risks. / Do you think you're up to the challenges that this assignment entails?
begynn å lære
This meal is enough to feed an army! / We need to cut the line that feeds the pump before we begin the repair.
begynn å lære
The meaning of the poem is obscure, but I still enjoy it. / The song had some obscure references to Restoration literature.
begynn å lære
Ms. Case's first two novels saw little success, but her third turned out to be a blockbuster.
begynn å lære
The neighbors held a feast to celebrate the construction of the new park. / The town feasted the returning soldiers.
begynn å lære
But nowadays market is so overfull that it may seem impossible to find your acne treatment.
begynn å lære
They moved from the city to a rural area.
begynn å lære
It was a hard slog through the jungle and we all came out sick. / The construction workers slogged through the winter to finish the house.
poświęcić się czemuś, oddać się czemuś begynn å lære
regular Montse devoted years to developing the vaccine in her laboratory. / We're devoting all of our energy to rebuilding the school.
begynn å lære
Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government.
begynn å lære
He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution.
pozornie, na pierwszy rzut oka begynn å lære
The methods I used are seemingly simple.
odważyć się, ośmielić się begynn å lære
regular How dare they produce so much content
begynn å lære
The current economic conditions are akin to those that were taking place a hundred years ago.
begynn å lære
I felt resentment towards my father because he gave his prized watch to my brother.
begynn å lære
The country has abundant resources, but they've been chronically mismanaged.
przewidywanie, wyczekiwanie begynn å lære
Driving safely requires anticipation of what other drivers may do.
begynn å lære
I detest the Spotify algorithm, but delight in music that comes to me the old-fashioned way: by people I know telling me about it. / Amber detested mushrooms until a short time ago, and now she loves them
niewesoły, pozbawiony radosci begynn å lære
When did you become so... joyless?
begynn å lære
I could never be a surgeon because of my aversion to blood.
begynn å lære
I took my shoes off and put on slippers.
begynn å lære
The tenderness with which Rita treated her little brother melted my heart.
begynn å lære
The news prompted people to do crazy things. / The result prompted her to keep fighting.
begynn å lære
We must not allow his death to be in vain. / Sara tried in vain to convince them that she had not stolen the painting.
gołym okiem / na pierwszy rzut oka begynn å lære
to the naked eye / at first sight To the naked eye this bathroom seems to be impeccably clean. / You may not notice it at plain sight, but if you pay attention you'll see this painting has an imperfection.
begynn å lære
Ever since she was a kid she liked to create fictional worlds, which is why she became a fantasy author.
begynn å lære
up and down / from top to bottom We've examined the file up and down. / When Mr. Martinez took over the company, he changed the system from top to bottom.
begynn å lære
I've never met such an arrogant and snobbish
dotąd, do tej pory, jak na razie begynn å lære
thus far / so far / until now In spite of numerous debates, no legislative changes have been made thus far.
begynn å lære
Everything that made that giant tree... is already contained inside this tiny little seed. / A more accurate description of it is contained on the web page.
begynn å lære
As a father to be he had to ensure a steady income. / The ship is very steady, and you forget that you are at sea.
begynn å lære
Also, their services offer. t Laundry and dry cleaning.
begynn å lære
Her dress ballooned when she walked over the grate. / I saw red ballons floating in the sky.
cieszyć się, rozkoszować się, miłować begynn å lære
She loved and cherished him as if he were her own child. / In exile, they cherished the dream of returning to their own country.
begynn å lære
felt / have felt Maybe that’s how it felt to you. It’s certainly not how it felt to me.
begynn å lære
Don't respond to questions regarding your personal life. Change the subject.
begynn å lære
His singing ability is equal to mine.
waga, znaczenie (masa ciala ale tez moc wplywu) begynn å lære
I put on some weight last Christmas. / Finding a new job has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.
begynn å lære
uncountable na ogol Tokyo puts emphasis on energy security and independence from imports.
wycofanie / cofnąć (przywrócić poprzedni stan) begynn å lære
a roll-back / to roll back The telephone company has asked for a roll-back of leasing rules. / The governor plans to roll property taxes back.
podjąć decyzję (nie decide) begynn å lære
I have not made up my mind where to go yet
begynn å lære
I been walkin' With my face turned to the sun. / We might still turn failure into success. / Don't let them turn you against you.
begynn å lære
There's a good chance your strength won't be enough.
bez zarzutu, nieskazitelny, nienaganny begynn å lære
Being a man of impeccable taste, his house was full of remarkable pieces of art.
do uniknięcia / nieuniknione begynn å lære
consequences become unavoidable
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
a job that is difficult and no one appreciates. Or even worse they criticise you for it even though it is the right thing to do. Cleaning the hospital is a thankless job.
mieć awersję do ryzyka, nie lubić ryzykować begynn å lære
I’m pretty risk averse, I will not invest in cryptocurrencies
to recover your energy, especially the energy of youth, (przeżywać drugą młodość) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
My son drew a picture of our family with crayons.
begynn å lære
a marker / a felt-tip pen Do you have a permanent marker by any chance? / Here's a black felt-tip pen to mark the boxes with.
przez przypadek, przypadkiem begynn å lære
Have you seen my boyfriend, by any chance? / Have you finished the homework, by any chance? I don't understand it.
begynn å lære
You have to pay more attention to the road when you're driving. / It is important to pay attention to the professor while he is speaking.
spojrzeć na, rzucić okiem begynn å lære
I took a look at Marco's proposal, and I have to admit I think it's very interesting.
wygrać z łatwością / bez wysiłku begynn å lære
The team confidently expected to win hands down.
staromodny, banalny, oklepany begynn å lære
Just like in a corny romantic novel, they were suddenly in each other's arms. / He told a lot of corny jokes about mothers-in-law.
ckliwy, łzawy, sentymentalny begynn å lære
The best man's speech at Manuel's wedding was too sappy for my taste. / I like sappy movies because they almost always have a happy ending.
pod względem czegoś, w zakresie czegoś, pod kątem, w ujęciu begynn å lære
I'm better now, in terms of health. / In terms of grades, I'm a good student.
begynn å lære
I stood without a raincoat under the rain and I caught a cold.
ubrać się ciepło, otulić, zawinąć się w coś ciepłego begynn å lære
to wrap up / to bundle up Bundle up before going out. / The temperature is going to fall by 15 degrees tonight, so wrap up well.
begynn å lære
The harm my boyfriend's infidelity caused me is irreparable.
rozwiązać, rozkłuć z kajdan begynn å lære
Can you untie the string on this package? / The guards only untied the prisoners at mealtimes.
begynn å lære
Unfortunately, the golden eagle is a frequent victim of electrocution.
begynn å lære
Sandy almost electrocuted herself when she dropped the hairdryer into the sink.
begynn å lære
regular The kidnappers gagged their victim so she didn't scream.
begynn å lære
It seems that a madman killed the girl as an act of revenge.
begynn å lære
You should muzzle that dog. It's dangerous. / I always put a muzzle on Lobo when we go for a walk, because he once bit someone to protect me.
begynn å lære
Bees produce the wax used to make candles.
begynn å lære
The soldiers invaded several border towns. / Laura hates going on the train because she always feels like people are invading her space.
begynn å lære
tooth decay tylko liczba pjedyncza The dentist found that I had a cavity. / A lack of oral hygiene causes tooth decay.
begynn å lære
He was seduced by city life and all it had to offer. / He took advantage of his celebrity status to seduce women.
begynn å lære
Her lament over her husband's coffin was soul shattering. / He lamented his failure to be accepted on the team.
wierny (oddany ale też dokładny np. wierna kopia czegoś) begynn å lære
I'm looking for a partner who will be faithful. / The transcription needs to be faithful to the recording.
begynn å lære
You need to go see a dermatologist. That rash doesn't look good.
uzależnić się od czegoś, wkręcić się w coś begynn å lære
He got hooked on cocaine and got into a lot of trouble.
begynn å lære
I was at rock bottom when I first came here. / Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom for us really to want to make a change.
zainteresowanie / odsetki (np. dodatkowy koszt zaciągnięcia pożyczki) begynn å lære
She has a strong interest in science. / Interest on this loan is paid by the government.
podziwiać, zachwycać się, uwielbiać begynn å lære
Lisa marveled at Eva's finesse on the dance floor. / Santiago marveled at Taylor's radiant beauty.
cud, cudo (coś zachwycającego, nie miracle) begynn å lære
All of their wines are good, but the rosé is a marvel.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
At my request they will move us to another room
begynn å lære
The police exists to ensure the enforcement of the law.
begynn å lære
Our association helps people enforce their rights.
zasiłek, dodatek (spcjalny itp) begynn å lære
He lost his job two years ago and has been on welfare ever since.
wybuch (np. epidemii, revolucji, wojny ale nie fizyczny bomby) begynn å lære
The outbreak of the revolution only amplified his sense of patriotism. / The health department reacted quickly to the outbreak of the epidemic.
remont, przegląd, przebudowa (przeglad plus naprawa czegoś systemu czy maszyny) begynn å lære
I took my motorbike in for an overhaul. / They announced plans for a radical overhaul of the country's political system. / There is likely to be a major overhaul of the squad this summer.
remontować, naprawiać, odnawiać, robić przegląd (zrewidować i zmienić) begynn å lære
I got the engine overhauled. / The government has recently overhauled the healthcare system. / The restaurant has overhauled its menu, cutting portions and eliminating items with lots of calories.
robić dalej / myśleć dalej / trwać begynn å lære
to keep doing / to keep thinking / to keep lasting
cenny (wartość € ale tez poza finansowe) begynn å lære
All of her grandchildren are very precious to her. / The emperor had many precious stones in his treasury.
begynn å lære
Samantha hunted a deer with a crossbow.
begynn å lære
The main character of the story is a wizard named Grindelwald.
begynn å lære
A man was arrested for trying to stab fans from the opposing team.
begynn å lære
She was wearing a golden chain around her neck
begynn å lære
I need a bigger shovel to remove the snow from the doorway. / Where's the garden spade?
begynn å lære
You can use this rag to clean the spilled paint.
begynn å lære
Antonio used the rake to make a pile of dry leaves in the garden.
begynn å lære
It's a great tool for building consensus in the community.
begynn å lære
I drew my chair closer to the fire.
begynn å lære
regular He drowned because he wasn't wearing a life jacket.
tonąć, zatopić (o statku) begynn å lære
irregualr The submarine fired a torpedo and sunk the ship.
być na bieżąco / nadrobić zaległości 3 begynn å lære
to bring oneself up to date / to get up to date / to catch up I haven't been watching the news for the last week. Now I'll have to bring myself up to date. Maria was ill last week, but she's caught up with her work very quickly. / If you want to work as an oncologist again, you should get up to date with all the advances in the field.
begynn å lære
The ability to lead is not an inherent quality that we all possess.
rozpacz / wpaść w rozpacz begynn å lære
despair / to fall in despair uncountable When he lost his job, he fell in despair.
begynn å lære
The country went under martial law after the coup d'état.
rażący (raczej nacechowanie negatywne), coś celowego złego begynn å lære
This attack is a flagrant violation of international treaties.
begynn å lære
Was that a sneeze? / Something's irritating my nose, and I think I'm going to sneeze.
na zdrowie (po kichnięciu) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
If your legs are swollen, lay on your back and raise them up high.
zwiędły, uschnięty (kwiat) begynn å lære
The floor was covered in withered leaves.
begynn å lære
He had slicked-back hair and was wearing faded jeans and a black leather jacket. / The smell of that faded blue cloth-bound book brought back memories of my childhood.
begynn å lære
I prefer to wear muted colors at work. I don't need to call attention to myself.
begynn å lære
This lipstick is available in eight shades of red. / Let's go sit under that oak so we can have some shade.
begynn å lære
The main is a light gray or cream pastel shade.
begynn å lære
When was the last time you cleaned the refrigerator? Everything is putrid.
zbutwiały, zepsuty (np. owoc) rozłożony (w sensie zgniły) begynn å lære
The detectives found decayed food in the fridge of the missing person.
niezdarny, niezgrabny, nieporadny begynn å lære
That's the third plate you've broken this week. You're so clumsy! / He's only 16, so he still has that clumsy way of walking.
begynn å lære
Val got a splinter in her finger when she was building the wooden table.
begynn å lære
Nazi Germany annexed Austria and portions of Czechoslovakia. / After the war, we annexed the neighboring country.
begynn å lære
The teenager rebelled against his mother and ran away from home. / If the citizens aren't happy, they'll eventually rebel.
begynn å lære
In his sack, he had everything he needed to survive in the wilderness.
begynn å lære
uncountable I didn't have any knowledge of the situation.
begynn å lære
The protocol forbids any interference in the affairs of a sovereign state.
sprawić, żeby ktoś był dumny begynn å lære
You've made your mother very proud.
begynn å lære
The mirror steamed up while he was taking a bath. / The windows in the house misted up because of the heating.
begynn å lære
When I sipped my steaming coffee, my glasses misted up.
parować / gotować na parze begynn å lære
The crock pot is steaming. / I steamed some broccoli with butter and salt.
begynn å lære
uncountable Acts of barbarism in this world should not discourage those working for fairness and justice.
begynn å lære
The video depicted the barbaric murder of three journalists.
bombardować / bombardować 2 begynn å lære
Los periodistas bombardearon a la actriz con preguntas sobre su separación. / The enemy airplanes bombed our positions.
begynn å lære
Enemy artillery today resumed their bombardment of the city.
begynn å lære
People who have had two or more convulsions may suffer from epilepsy.
cierpieć z powodu / być chory na coś begynn å lære
Ned suffers from a very serious illness. / Grandpa suffers from arthritis.
begynn å lære
The show was awsome, and the children loved the marionettes. / The president doesn't have his own ideas. He's just a puppet for his party.
zachęcający, ośmielający, dopingowy, budujący begynn å lære
My mother gave me an encouraging smile and told me that everything would be ok.
begynn å lære
uncountable The number of children living in poverty decreased last year.
zachęcać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś begynn å lære
We need to encourage the students to do their homework.
begynn å lære
uncountable The man agreed to come with us, but we could see the look of distrust on his face.
begynn å lære
countable / uncountable - bez roznicy Regular use of this drug can induce hallucinations and paranoia.
paranoidalny, przewrażliwiony begynn å lære
He started feeling paranoid and was convinced his boss was going to fire him.
begynn å lære
My parents humiliated me in front of my friends when they dragged me out of the dance.
begynn å lære
The government set a dangerous precedent when it agreed to negotiate with terrorists. / Successfully controlling the epidemic established a precedent for future treatment options.
begynn å lære
irregular flee / fled / fled The president fled as soon as the rebellion began.
begynn å lære
whether jak dwie opcje lub jako regardless / if kiedy opcji jest duzo I don't know whether I am going to do it today or tomorrow. / Whether you like it or not, I will buy this shirt.
begynn å lære
His ex-girlfriend interpreted his words as a threat and reported him to the police.
przekonująco, przekonywająco begynn å lære
I find it surprising that the coach doesn't respect the player who, so convincingly, won the last championship.
begynn å lære
The patient's health slowly began to deteriorate.
begynn å lære
The jury's verdict was unanimous.
begynn å lære
He gave up without a fight.
begynn å lære
Stephanie read a poem written by an anonymous 14th century poet. / The donor has chosen to remain anonymous.
begynn å lære
For years the family donated anonymously to local charities. / The paintings were given to the gallery anonymously.
Rozmazany/ niewyraźny (obraz, zdjecie, widok...) begynn å lære
The picture's a little blurry, but you look very happy in it.
begynn å lære
The report is clearly biased. It cannot be trusted. / The divorce court judge seems to be biased against women.
uprzedzać kogos do czegos / stronniczość, uprzedzenie begynn å lære
I didn't want to bias her against her new boyfriend. / Some police officers have been accused of racial bias.
begynn å lære
These clothes are faded because they have been out in the sun for a week. / He sat by the track, looking at the faded photograph of his daughter and waited for a train to pass.
begynn å lære
We must break out of this vicious cycle of violence. / It feels like we're in a vicious circle.
lęk, obawa /. zrozumienie, pojecie begynn å lære
uncountable It's normal to feel a little apprehension before starting a new job. / You need some knowledge of economics for a proper apprehension of the topic.
lękliwy, bojaźliwy, przestraszony begynn å lære
She'd always been apprehensive about her health /. The wine industry is apprehensive about the impact of a country leaving the European Union.
begynn å lære
raczej uncountable Government censorship is violating our freedom of expression.
begynn å lære
What's the moral of the story? - Don't trust strangers.
znaczny, znaczący, ważny, istotny begynn å lære
The director's most notable film won an Oscar.
begynn å lære
The rain had turned the field into a swamp.
bagienny, bagnisty, grząski begynn å lære
The climate was subtropical and moisty and the region was swampy and densely wooded.
begynn å lære
Beat the batter until a silky consistency is achieved. / The dough didn't have the desired consistency because we didn't measure the ingredients accurately.
begynn å lære
If you keep on overreaching yourself you'll end up burning out.
pancerny, żelazny (niezwykle silny, zdecydowany) begynn å lære
The evidence in this case is ironclad. The defendant will have to plead guilty.
szybki, wartki, błyskawiczny begynn å lære
He drew the gun in one swift movement and pulled the trigger. / Thanks to a passerby's swift reaction, the lady was saved from being run over by the truck.
begynn å lære
Do you think anyone's going to buy all this junk at the garage sale?/ Your room is full of junk! Choose what you want to keep.
begynn å lære
Alicia went to their office under the pretext of having a job interview.
begynn å lære
nie splitted - bład The committee is split regarding the best course of action.
begynn å lære
uncountable Mary doesn't like to wear makeup because she has sensitive skin.
begynn å lære
disclaimer - bardziej techniczne The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
We are starting to see slithers of hope
begynn å lære
The ruling in the case is likely to set a precedent for how future cases are decided.
begynn å lære
nominate FOR
begynn å lære
The fishing company cans 80% of its tuna production.
alfabetyczny / alfabetycznie begynn å lære
alphabetical / alphabetically The books in my library are organized alphabetically. / Write the following words in alphabetical order.
mieć zamiar coś zrobić, być o krok od czegoś... begynn å lære
to be on the point of / to be about to We were about to order some pizza. Would you like some? / Natalia was on the point of saying something important when the telephone rang.
rozdrobniony, podzielony, pofragmentowany begynn å lære
The political opposition was very fragmented, and presented no real threat. / The company's efforts were fragmented across multiple product lines and businesses.
mrugnąć, migać (np okiem czy swiatlo) begynn å lære
regular Suddenly a warning light blinked. / When I told him the news he didn't even blink
begynn å lære
After a few blinks, whatever was irritating my eye washed out.
begynn å lære
A prompt appeared on the screen requesting information.
begynn å lære
I always get blisters in my feet when I put on new trainers for the first time.
toczyć się (w sensie trwać) begynn å lære
regular The days rolled on, and Yasmina became increasingly aware that she could never leave that beautiful land. / The war rolled on, and neither side seemed to gain any advantage.
wyczerpanie, przemęczenie (fizyczne lub wyczerpanie czegos np zasobow) begynn å lære
uncountable Many runners were suffering from exhaustion after finishing the marathon. / The world is facing the exhaustion of certain nonrenewable resources.
begynn å lære
Becky worked as a bank teller for 15 years.
begynn å lære
Bex doesn't like to share intimate details about her relationships with her friends.
begynn å lære
raczej uncountable Some people have no dignity and don't care about making a fool of themselves.
nieciekawy, monotonny, mdły begynn å lære
The book was so dull that I couldn't finish reading it. / I'm tired of these dull winter days.
begynn å lære
I wish he didn't always write lyrics that obscured the meaning so much. / The mural was partially obscured in the fog.
satysfakcjonujący, zadowalający begynn å lære
Volunteering is always a rewarding experience.
satysfakcjonujące, spełniające begynn å lære
Who doesn't like the gratifying feeling of having helped someone?
modne / w stylu / modne / w modzie begynn å lære
trendy / in style / fashionable / in fashion Yellow must be trendy this season because it's everywhere. / Avocado bathrooms were in style in the 80s. / Ballooning has become fashionable. / I can't believe bell-bottoms are back in fashion.
begynn å lære
An excess of caffeine will produce many of the symptoms associated with stress. / Cover the pie with the pastry and trim off the excess.
begynn å lære
uncountable I grew up in the countryside, so I love small towns.
begynn å lære
You have to tell us precisely what you want us to do, so we don't make mistakes.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
in this context uncountable Since the trip, she has developed a taste for classical music
begynn å lære
Love and faith are abstract; they can't be seen or touched.
begynn å lære
uncountable The artist's work began to tend much more toward abstraction in his later years.
zająć miejsce (fizycznie coś zajmue duzo miejsca) begynn å lære
I really like this table, but I think it will take up too much space in the kitchen.
begynn å lære
regular Dad's gone out to the garage to tinker with the tractor engine. / You've been tinkering with the decorations in the living room for a week. They look fine!
begynn å lære
to clown / to clow around I do not tolerate clowning around in my class. /
begynn å lære
Someone was mocking you behind your back. / She laughed and mocked him as she ate the last of the apple pie.
begynn å lære
I found a four-leaf clover! / There are some shamrocks in my backyard garden.
begynn å lære
The builders are working hard to finish the house.
begynn å lære
My nana knitted me a shawl out of lambswool.
begynn å lære
My grandmother knitted me a very warm woollen scarf for winter.
uzupełniać (zapasy), zaopatrzyć begynn å lære
We need to replenish our supplies before winter comes. / The waiter came up to replenish our glasses.
begynn å lære
According to her analysis, the patient exhibited signs of schizophrenia. / Dalton himself made many analyses with the purpose of establishing his views, but his skill as an analyst was not very great.
begynn å lære
If we don't pay up, he'll send his thugs around to beat us up
begynn å lære
Practice will help you to perfect your skills.
begynn å lære
Don't be such a coward! Go talk to her!
begynn å lære
I pity those poor caged animals. / I pity your wife since she has to put up with you.
szkoda (z jakiegoś powodu, np. w wyrażeniu "jaka szkoda, że") begynn å lære
It's a pity that we won't be able to go.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Autumn is a cold, windy season in this region /. Fall is my favorite season of the year
wyobrazić sobie coś/ wizualizować begynn å lære
My dad envisioned becoming a farmer when he grew up, but he became a dentist instead. / For some reason, I always envisioned the end of the crisis.
begynn å lære
Don't tell me. Just give me a hint so I can figure it out.
begynn å lære
The werewolf terrified the villagers and attacked their sheep.
begynn å lære
I’m still getting used to my surroundings. New York can be an overwhelming place. / Children should grow up in stable family surroundings.
jasność (światło, umysł...) begynn å lære
raczej uncountable The brightness of the sun makes it impossible to observe the eclipse without special glasses. / Bertha's brightness in mathematics was evident from the time she was 11.
begynn å lære
tak samo jak trener We took the 7 am coach to Santiago in Chile.
begynn å lære
I fell asleep on the couch.
begynn å lære
We serve sushi on square plates.
begynn å lære
He has a round face and big eyes.
begynn å lære
The playing field of a soccer pitch has a rectangular shape.
nieproporcjonalny, niewspółmierny begynn å lære
The trees in the drawing are disproportionate to the house.
nieproporcjonalnie, niewspolmiernie begynn å lære
Tobacco smoking is disproportionately concentrated among the poor.
begynn å lære
Why don't you sign up for a course in Spanish? / I signed up for a Pilates class every Monday.
begynn å lære
Britain is one of America's closest allies.
begynn å lære
One of the alliance's goals was to facilitate new trade opportunities.
begynn å lære
Despite persistent rumors that their marriage is on the rocks, they seem to be getting on better than ever. / I lost my temper with a particularly persistent reporter who kept calling me for an interview.
begynn å lære
The wreck is stuck on a ledge but it could slip into the abyss at any time. / The country is standing on the edge of the abyss.
begynn å lære
We weren't given any warning about the works on our street.
begynn å lære
Eating processed meats is harmful to your health. / Using television as a babysitter can have harmful effects.
begynn å lære
czuć się winnym z powodu czegoś begynn å lære
to feel guilty about something You don't have to feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong.
begynn å lære
It's a miracle that the car didn't get stuck in the mud. / We got stuck and couldn't solve the math problem.
odkurzyć / odkurzyć 2 (z kurzu) begynn å lære
We have to dust the bottles. / I dusted off a few boxes I hadn't opened in years
begynn å lære
My neighbors are renovating their house, and all my stuff is getting dusty.
begynn å lære
She powdered her face in an attempt to hide the tracks of her tears
begynn å lære
I want to make my sister up for her wedding /. I make myself up every morning for work.
begynn å lære
The comments were on point. / Focus. You need to be on point. / Her red-carpet dress was really on point.
dostatni, zamożny, zasobny begynn å lære
Mozart's first years in Vienna were very prosperous. / The tourism industry made the region's economy much more prosperous in the summer months.
zakorzenić się, ukorzenić się 2 begynn å lære
Some plants can take root in water. / The tree should root well in this soil. / The children suggested the town needed its own library, and the idea quickly took root among community members.
zostać złapanym z zaskoczenia begynn å lære
to catch somebody by surprise The storm caught the fishermen completely by surprise.
begynn å lære
Open the blind to let the light in.
wystawać / wystawać / wystawać, sterczeć 3 begynn å lære
to protrude / to stick out / jut out The seagulls gather on the rocks that jut out over the water. / The ends of the pins should protrude a few centimeters. / The thief must have seen Sally's credit card sticking out of her wallet.
kontrastować z czymś, być w kontraście do czegoś begynn å lære
Your parents' opinion about politics contrasts a lot with yours.
pilot (np. do telewizora, bramy itp) begynn å lære
The garage door and the entrance gate are opened and closed by remote control.
afera, awantura, zamieszanie begynn å lære
He made a big fuss about something totally unimportant. / The secretary always makes a fuss if you mess with her pens.
begynn å lære
Meredith was a gifted surgeon and a well-liked colleague. She will be missed.
begynn å lære
The restaurant stank like a sewer.
begynn å lære
The streets downtown smelled like an open sewer.
begynn å lære
a quilt, a duvet, a comforter (US) I took the duvet to the dry cleaner's to get it cleaned. / The kitty is curled up under the comforter. / My mother bought me a very warm quilt for my birthday.
begynn å lære
Do you prefer cotton sheets or satin sheets? / Can you strip off the bedding and put it in the laundry hamper?
szczególny, osobliwy, specyficzny begynn å lære
Andrea holds the pencil in a peculiar way when she's writing. / The milk has a peculiar smell. Do you think it's gone bad?
begynn å lære
We often doze off while watching something on Netlfix.
begynn å lære
regular These scenes really drag on for a long time. / Some cases drag on for years.
begynn å lære
Many people are living very precariously /. With the recent wave of layoffs, my job is starting to seem more and more precarious.
begynn å lære
Many people have resigned themselves to a life of unfulfilling work. / I imagine my wife led a pretty unfulfilling life before she met me.
szczebel (drabiny, kariery...) begynn å lære
Jobs on the lowest rung on the ladder. / My father started off on the bottom rung of the ladder in his profession, but was soon promoted. / I put my foot on the bottom rung of the ladder to steady it.
begynn å lære
I think it'd be better to appoint a middleman so they can help us to reach an agreement.
przyjaźnie, ugodowo, polubownie begynn å lære
There is a mutual understanding that the problem can be resolved amicably.
nie do pokonania luka, nieprzekraczalna bariera begynn å lære
There is an unbridgeable gap between what we both want from the project.
begynn å lære
A central tenet of a free market is the economy's regulation by the law of supply and demand.
begynn å lære
regular His ability to dupe the public led him to believe he could get away with anything. / They used stolen labels to dupe consumers into buying pirated merchandise.
begynn å lære
Dancing the twist was the biggest fad of the early sixties.
begynn å lære
uncountable They played nicely, but they lacked gusto and passion
begynn å lære
regular The boy hurled a rock from a bridge and broke the window of a passing car. / Do you really want to know, or do you just want to hurl insults?
begynn å lære
Eliza found herself unable to give the unconditional love that a child demands of its mother.
wygodny / dobry (slang) np. deal czy jakies ustalenia begynn å lære
It's a really cushty deal; I don't see why people are moaning about it.
to touch someone sexually, especially someone you do not know, for your own excitement: begynn å lære
That's the second time she's been felt up on the Metro.
begynn å lære
David wrote a memoir to perpetuate the memory of his father. / "We need to stop perpetuating the myth that multitasking increases productivity," said the organizational psychologist.
begynn å lære
He always overshadows his sister's achievements out of envy.
begynn å lære
A car crashed into the telephone pole on the corner by my house. / Crystal performed a pole dance at the night club.
niemrawy, ociężały, ospały (o osobie) begynn å lære
I took a nap, but I woke up feeling groggy.
begynn å lære
This summer I had the opportunity to contemplate the vastness of the Grand Canyon. / This decision is difficult, and I need some time to contemplate my options.
begynn å lære
uncountable Since Merche had spent her whole life in the mountains, the vastness of the plain seemed unimaginable.
niewyobrażalny, nie do pomyślenia begynn å lære
A century ago the Internet was unimaginable.
begynn å lære
The boat has a width of seven feet.
begynn å lære
The carpenter measured the length of the board with a measuring tape.
odpowiadać, pasować, zgadać się begynn å lære
The accountant found that her numbers didn't correspond with those submitted.
zbiegać się z czymś, zgadzać się 3 begynn å lære
to coincide / to match up / to match She confuses me because her words don't coincide with her actions. / The name on your ticket doesn't match up with the name on your passport. / The fingerprints at the crime scene match those of the main suspect.
begynn å lære
If you wash the dishes by hand, try to save water. / What a beautiful dress! I can't believe you made it by hand.
pod ręką, w zasięgu ręki 3 begynn å lære
handy / on hand / at hand If you have their phone number handy, I can call the restaurant to change the reservation. / There's always someone from the hotel staff on hand to help you. / I like to keep the remote at hand.
begynn å lære
I prefer that my workplace be within five miles of my home. / You should finish the questionnaire within ten minutes.
begynn å lære
My daughters sing in the school choir.
begynn å lære
regular Our baby started to crawl a month ago. / We won't arrive in time if you keep crawling.
begynn å lære
The roofer wants 20% of the money upfront.
begynn å lære
I dragged the suitcase to the entrance and hailed a taxi. / Stop dragging your feet!
begynn å lære
natarczywy / natrętny / nachalny 3 begynn å lære
insistent / intrusive / pushy No matter how insistent you are, my answer will still be no. / That's an intrusive question and I'm not going to answer it. / Quit being so pushy! I'll make my own decision when I'm ready.
niezręczna chwila/ moment begynn å lære
Well, I wanted to avoid that awkward moment.
begynn å lære
I didn't mean to laugh but it was a comical fall.
łobuz, łajdak, łotr, urwis begynn å lære
I wasn't paying attention, and the next thing I know, that rascal took my slippers! / A lady walking around unaccompanied might get into trouble with all the rascals about this port.
zmęczony, wyczerpany, strudzony begynn å lære
I was feeling weary from the day's journey, and my eyes were deceiving me /. She is weary of being bullied by her classmates.
begynn å lære
Lucia is a shameless, corrupt politician
begynn å lære
The candidate's use of a war hero's image without the family's permission was shameful.
najważniejszy, nadrzędny (super wazny) begynn å lære
If you are going to be successful, goal setting is paramount.
błahy, nieistotny, mało znaczący begynn å lære
Take your time with this decision. It's no trifling thing.
porywający, wciągający (super interesujący) begynn å lære
His latest book is a riveting thriller with a surprise ending.
begynn å lære
The book was so dull that I couldn't finish reading it.
begynn å lære
Congratulations! This is an outstanding achievement.
begynn å lære
The entire community was shocked by the dreadful crime.
osobliwy, specyficzny (pozytywnie) (w sensie ładny o miejscu) begynn å lære
We visited a quaint village in the south of Italy.
begynn å lære
I'll never wear the hideous sweater Claudia gave me for Christmas.
zaskakujący (super trudny do zrozumienia) begynn å lære
How you could do something like that is just baffling./ The press didn't know how to react to the governor's baffling statement.
marny, nędzny (bardzo mały o kwocie) begynn å lære
The waitress received a paltry tip. / Nurses are paid a paltry salary.
begynn å lære
Dean was offered a managerial position with a rival company.
uchylać się, migać się (zwykle od odpowiedzialności) begynn å lære
regular You're always late, and you shirk your responsibilities; it's time to find a new job.
begynn å lære
The project was hindered by endless bureaucracy. / The delay in finishing the proposal hindered its approval.
bać się, obawiać się (nie to be afraid) begynn å lære
regular I dread public speaking, but it's part of my job.
begynn å lære
regular These plants will thrive in the shade. / The business is thriving since she took over.
begynn å lære
regular Surely you must crave some company after being single for so long. / When he discovered who killed his father, he craved for revenge.
sprostać, podołać, wykonać wysiłek zeby czemuś sprostać begynn å lære
regular This week the senate will tackle the issue of unemployment. / We should work as a community to tackle the problem of bullying.
przyśpieszyć, powodować żeby coś działo się szybciej begynn å lære
regular The Alzheimer's patient tried to hasten his death because the doctor wouldn't commit euthanasia. / To hasten your learning process, you should read more.
musieć dodać, spieszyć się dodać (kiedy trzeba powiedziec cos ekstra zeby np bylo dobrze zrozumiane) begynn å lære
The company announced that the initial tests look promising, but they hastened to add that there is still much more testing to be done.
przyjąć, zaakceptować coś z entyzjazmem begynn å lære
The committee seems to have wholeheartedly embraced my proposal.
begynn å lære
The accountant found herself in a perplexing ethical dilema
begynn å lære
As a result, a simplified, modern non-obvious model was developed. / We would even turn to this ferry, but the schedule was a bit unobvious and I did not realize that Saturday is the only day that it does not float.
begynn å lære
The students were perplexed when the teacher suddenly stopped talking
begynn å lære
uncountable I'll never forget the perplexity on my parents' faces when I told them I was moving to Australia.
sądzić że, myśleć, sądzić, przypuszczać begynn å lære
Billy reckoned it was the best fried chicken he'd ever tasted. / I reckon the shop is closed on Sundays.
nieznośny (very unpleasant or rude) begynn å lære
The teacher sent him to the principal's office for his obnoxious behavior. / Because of his obnoxious attitude, he didn't get along with many people at the party.
begynn å lære
Our uncle was just elected as the mayor of our city.
begynn å lære
to forbid / forbade / forbidden Sally's father forbade her from dating Jeremy.
begynn å lære
When we were at the restaurant last night, guess who was sitting at the neighboring table!
begynn å lære
uncountable Early morning dew on the petal...
begynn å lære
Love is a dew drop on a rose petal.
koszulka na ramiączkach (bez rękawków) begynn å lære
She was in a white tank top and running shorts.
begynn å lære
Don't wear black underwear under a white shirt
begynn å lære
to set the table / to lay the table to lay the table (UK) We just need to set the table and then we can eat. / Mum cooks dinner and we lay the table.
włączyć (nastawić) pralkę begynn å lære
to turn on the washing machine My father showe me how to turn on the washing machine.
begynn å lære
My friends laughed at my new haircut. / I can't go into work looking like this - everyone will laugh at me.
begynn å lære
We spontaneously decided to go to New York for the weekend.
begynn å lære
Everybody gets along with Sebastian because he has a friendly and spontaneous nature.
begynn å lære
Carla wasn't able to notice a perceptible difference in flavor between the coffees she sampled.
zapisać się na (kurs, studia, zajecia...) begynn å lære
She enrolled in a salsa class at the arts center. / At 19, she enrolled in the university's law school.
wypalony, spalony (zarowka ale tez zawodowo) begynn å lære
The street's dark because there are several burned-out light bulbs. / I've worked for months without a day off. I'm burned-out.
begynn å lære
The architect included a mezzanine at second-floor level so we could have a study and extra living room.
begynn å lære
She arrived late, didn't bring any present and, as if it weren't enough, she ate almost half of the cake.
begynn å lære
uncountable You're talking a load of crap! / Don't leave your crap on the counter. I'm about to make dinner.
begynn å lære
This toaster is crappy; get rid of it! / There's no way I'm going to eat this crappy food. Let's just go for some pizza.
co ciekawe, warto zauważyć że, to interesujace ze begynn å lære
Interestingly, more couples today decide to have no children.
begynn å lære
He set up a phony e-mail account as part of the scam. / I don't know why they hired English actors with phony American accents.
begynn å lære
This new rule seems to have been created on the fly.
begynn å lære
Gaby stepped in a puddle, but luckily, she was wearing her rain boots.
begynn å lære
The boys were fighting on the playground when one of the teachers came and stepped in.
begynn å lære
There were puddles everywhere after the storm.
begynn å lære
Overwhelmed by an environment of mediocrity and lack of commitment, he resigned.
spłukiwać, zmywać dużą ilością wody, wypłukać begynn å lære
regular The machine will add fabric softener to the clothes as it rinses them. / Please rinse the rice before you cook it.
begynn å lære
regular The dentist advised me to wash out my mouth with salt water. / Wash out the oil stain before you put the shirt in the washing machine.
mogący odnosić się do czegoś, znajdujacy odbicie w czymś begynn å lære
the meaning of the book is referrable
begynn å lære
Doctors discovered they could lower the dose without detriment to the patient's health.
begynn å lære
gas meter / electricity meter... The taxi didn't have a meter.
begynn å lære
regular Ralph had unfolded his newspaper and was about to start reading it when the bell rang. / The falcon unfolded its wings and took flight.
w największym stopniu, najszerzej jak sie da begynn å lære
We wished to ensure to the greatest extent possible that this limitation did not bias results of subsequent data analyses. / It should not be our object to try to minimise the benefit to the greatest extent.
begynn å lære
I learned the phonetic alphabet in my linguistics class.
stłumić, zdusić (emocje, jakies zachowanie) begynn å lære
Miriam's psychologist told her it wasn't healthy to suppress her feelings. / Ricky tried to suppress his laughter, but the man's hat was just too silly.
begynn å lære
Your abdominal pain is due to an inflammation of the pancreas.
term used in boxing to describe something that has a slight chance of happening begynn å lære
I thought i had a puncher's chance of going out with her even though she's the hottest girl in school.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Ally gave her boyfriend a chocolate bar.
begynn å lære
He has no respect for authority whatsoever. / There is no evidence whatever to show that this is in fact the case.
begynn å lære
uncountable Our intel has located a hidden signal under the primary channel.
nieświadomy = completely ignorant or unaware of something begynn å lære
Donny is oblivious of the pain he's causing his parents with his bad behavior. / Jack was oblivious of his wife's affair. / I'm completely oblivious to the dangers of sun exposure
begynn å lære
Distracted drivers chatting obliviously on a phone risk everyone's lives. / He wandered out of the bar and obliviously walked the streets.
begynn å lære
a bedside table / a night stand / a night table
begynn å lære
without to nastepny czasownik Would you let me drive your car this weekend?
begynn å lære
to divide into / to split into The teacher divided them into teams. / I want to split it into equal installments
begynn å lære
Tension has been high for a long time and there are still sporadic outbreaks of fighting.
begynn å lære
I like to do a sudoku sporadically throughout the day.
begynn å lære
where did this come from?
begynn å lære
If you're financially dependent on your parents, they'll have to fill out this form.
begynn å lære
Dan favored his youngest son, and his oldest son resented it.
pielucha / pielucha 2 (US / GB) begynn å lære
If you're going to the store, I need you to buy diapers and baby formula. / With two babies at home we go through two packages of nappies every day.
begynn å lære
Chop a clove of garlic and add it to the guacamole.
smoczek / smoczek 2 (US/GB) begynn å lære
The baby fell asleep with the pacifier in his mouth. / Where's the dummy? The baby won't stop crying!
begynn å lære
Little Carol was trying to pee in her potty. / Having a chamber pot in the bedroom was common in the old days.
begynn å lære
I ruined the soup when the bottom broke on the pepper grinder and all the peppercorns fell out.
begynn å lære
It's easy to romanticize about the past as a means of escape from the present.
begynn å lære
If my work becomes automated, I'll lose my job.
begynn å lære
Automation of creative work is simply not possible.
begynn å lære
I water my garden every Sunday.
wykoleić się/zejść z ustalonego toru begynn å lære
The train derailed coming out of the station, but fortunately, no one was injured. / The case is going to derail if we can't get more evidence.
begynn å lære
Spotted dogs, like Dalmatians, typically aren't born with their spots.
begynn å lære
I love the turquoise bikini the model is wearing.
begynn å lære
That fungus is an amanita. It's toxic and you shouldn't eat it. / Toadstools are recognizable by their bright color.
begynn å lære
My daughter is dark-haired and my son is blonde.
begynn å lære
I bought lettuce at the market to make salad for dinner.
begynn å lære
polka-dot / with polka dots / with spots That polka-dot blouse would look great with these pants. / For the children's bedroom, we bought wallpaper with multicolored spots.
begynn å lære
If you're going to the beach, take the big striped towel. / Jose was wearing a stripy shirt
begynn å lære
banga tylko plural Maria got bangs because the hairdresser said she would look nice. / I've got curly hair and fringe, so I straighten it every morning.
begynn å lære
Make sure that you don't tangle up the cables when you put them away. / The conditioner keeps hair from tangling up.
zrobić bałagan, nabałaganić / zamieszać, zepsuć begynn å lære
bardzo szerokie znaczenie popsucia, zamieszania, rozwalenia itp The puppies messed up the garden. / Cindy's brother messed up her hair when he opened the car windows. / Alcohol abuse messed him up so much, his parents thought he'd never recover.
begynn å lære
Grasshoppers can jump really high.
kolejka (np. w sklepie, na przystanku) 2 begynn å lære
The line to get into the theater is very long. / The salesman wants us to form a queue.
begynn å lære
The children are playing with paper boats on the pond.
niedokładny / nieprecyzyjny 3 begynn å lære
inaccurate / imprecise / inexact Estimates of the numbers involved remain inexact. / The figures are imprecise because they're based on a prediction of next year's sales. / Their estimate of the cost of the project was wildly inaccurate.
niedokładność/nieprecyzja 2 begynn å lære
an inaccuracy / an imprecision Stop using spoons to measure out cough syrup. It usually leads to dosage inaccuracies. / We cannot allow any degree of imprecision in our calculations.
begynn å lære
We laid ceramic tiles on the kitchen floor, because it's easier to clean than parquet.
begynn å lære
We still need another nut to finish the shelf.
begynn å lære
I do not have a whisk at home so I used a fork to mix the ingredients. / It is much easier to whip cream with an electric beater.
begynn å lære
She is beating some eggs to make an omelette. / Whip the cream until soft peaks form.
begynn å lære
The nurse placed the thermometer under his armpit. / His underarms sweat a lot when he exercises.
begynn å lære
to extinguish / to put out They extinguished the fire with sand before leaving. / Firefighters put out the beginnings of a fire in the national forest.
begynn å lære
The doctor injected corticoids into the muscle with a syringe.
begynn å lære
Your interlocutor will understand your message better if you use hand gestures.
begynn å lære
uncountable It rained yesterday and now all the firewood is wet.
zabraknąć, wyczerpać się, kończyć się begynn å lære
We ran out of gas and had to walk home. / Hurry up! I'm running out of patience. / The survivors would run out of supplies in a few days.
kryć kogoś, chronić kogoś na ogół przed kimś innym nie mówiąc prawdy 2 begynn å lære
to cover for / to cover up for If you want me to cover up for you, you'll have to be honest with me, and tell me what really happened. / Please cover for me! Don't tell Mom that I ate all the pancakes!
begynn å lære
goose pimples / goose bumps / gooseflesh What a moving scene! Look, I have goose pimples. / Why have you got goose bumps? Are you cold? / When I saw those two characters coming toward me in the alley, I broke out in gooseflesh.
niejasny (trudny do zrozumienia), ogólnikowy begynn å lære
The candidate's proposal was a bit vague about how he would enforce such a drastic law. / I only had a vague idea of what the film was about.
begynn å lære
tylko pl Fever, nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of food poisoning. / I only feel nausea in the morning, before breakfast.
begynn å lære
I got caught in a downpour on the way home. / The fishermen couldn't go out fishing because of the rainstorm.
begynn å lære
The blizzard caused a lot of damage.
begynn å lære
uncountable Migration has been a way of life for many agricultural workers for generations.
begynn å lære
Many people believe that horseshoes are lucky.
begynn å lære
jak do Mariana made a mistake on the scarf she's knitting and had to undo most of her work. / I'm going on a detox diet to undo the damage from my holiday excess.
begynn å lære
Buy yourself some new boots. Those are about to fall apart. / The project fell apart due to lack of funds.
zachowanie, postępowanie, postawa begynn å lære
Her demeanor was always exemplary. / Michael maintained a brave demeanor in the face of danger.
begynn å lære
The people danced to the rhythm of the drums.
gwiazdka symbolizująca przypis, (*) begynn å lære
The asterisk at the end of this sentence indicates that there's more information at the bottom of the page.
begynn å lære
The brewery is focusing on producing small-batch craft beers.
begynn å lære
Would you sweep the crumbs that are on the floor?
begynn å lære
1-2 lata, co zaczyna chodzic Now that Fernanda is a toddler, we have to be careful not to leave any sharp objects lying around.
begynn å lære
The dog frightened the children. / Horror movies don't scare me.
begynn å lære
We got terribly frightened when the bomb went off. / Don't be frightened! It's just thunder.
begynn å lære
uncountable You must tell the truth when you're on the witness stand.
wykorzenić, wyrwać z korzeniami, wysiedlić begynn å lære
You have to completely uproot the bamboo to keep it from spreading. / The bombings have uprooted thousands of people.
begynn å lære
This cream will heal the wound quicker. / The entire country must work together to heal the wounds of war.
begynn å lære
Channel 11 will broadcast the debate live.
begynn å lære
The channel interrupted the broadcast of a show to announce the news.
begynn å lære
He's known as the town drunkard. / They threw the drunk out of the bar.
begynn å lære
The detectives used the casing of a. 38 caliber bullet as evidence against Paul.
begynn å lære
You'll need a dropper to make sure you add exactly eight droplets of the medication.
begynn å lære
This is the quintessence of Romanticism.
begynn å lære
We believe that the proposed healthcare reforms are contrary to the interests of patients. / Our boss won't tolerate any contrary points of view.
begynn å lære
According to the prophecy, the Messiah would be born of a virgin.
begynn å lære
The king consulted the oracle for guidance from the gods.
begynn å lære
My day was going great, until all of a sudden I slipped on the ice and broke my arm.
zapasjonowany czymś (mający pasję) begynn å lære
passionate about something Mike is passionate about baseball.
begynn å lære
if our company promises to protect the environment, we have to walk and talk
ogłosić upadłość / ogłosić upadłość 2 begynn å lære
to declare a bankrupcy / to file a bankrupcy After 20 years in business, the store had to file for bankruptcy.
zahipnotyzować (nie dosłownie tylko jako oczarować, zadziwić) begynn å lære
The singer's haunting voice mesmerized everyone in the room. / The magnificent fireworks display over the harbor mesmerized the whole city.
begynn å lære
That is one of the disadvantageous outcomes that we're trying to avoid.
begynn å lære
The center provides tutoring services to disadvantaged kids. / Twenty percent of this school's student population is socioeconomically disadvantaged.
begynn å lære
A lot of these underprivileged city kids have never really gotten to experience nature.
begynn å lære
We used a ruler to draw squares. / I need a rule to measure the lengths of these boards.
begynn å lære
The lovers spent a passionate night together in the woods.
when someone mocks you but you accept that they are just having fun. begynn å lære
We joke around, and it's all in good fun.
begynn å lære
diverisficated - źle... He owns a diversified farm, raising livestock, produce, and medicinal herbs.
w dzisiejszych czasach / w obecnym czasie / w dzisiejszych czasach 3 begynn å lære
these days / at the current time / nowadays
begynn å lære
one of the wealthier people people nie person - PL potrzebne
begynn å lære
that nie those - tylko singular What you gonna do with all that money, Anna Mae?
trochę 2 (kiedy ktory uzyc?) begynn å lære
we don’t use ‘bit’ if the adjective is before the noun. You can use ‘slightly’ The restaurant is a bit far to walk from here. / And, each would have a slightly different degree of mobility.
godny / zasługujący na coś / wart czegoś begynn å lære
I'm convinced that Julia's project is deserving of our support. / The actor was worthy of a lifetime achievement award.
begynn å lære
A firm of dubious reputation won the contract. / Some of the paintings in his collection are of doubtful value.
begynn å lære
at best dobious / I reckon you'll get $100 at best for that guitar. / She is a good singer, but she will never win the competition. She will be runner-up at best.
begynn å lære
Elena combed her sister's hair every morning. / You should comb the wool before spinning it.
begynn å lære
One of the teeth on this comb broke.
przeczesywać coś, przeszukać begynn å lære
The police combed the area for evidence. / The couple combed the house, but they didn't find the lost ring.
burzliwy (doslownie i w przenosni) begynn å lære
After four stormy days, the sun finally came out. / It was high time that Claudia put an end to the stormy relationship she had with Carlos.
burzliwy, niespokojny (z turbulencjami) begynn å lære
That decade was a turbulent period in Europe's history. / The sea water became turbulent in the storm.
an intensive or sudden military attack or a sudden concerted effort to deal with something. begynn å lære
Katrina and I had a blitz on the cleaning /. Everyone went down into the bunkers during the blitz.
begynn å lære
The party failed to obtain the requisite majority to form a government. / Training can be provided for those who lack the requisite experience.
begynn å lære
Those who committed these atrocities must be brought to justice. / It is shocking to think that some people are capable of such atrocity.
skandaliczny (extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable) begynn å lære
It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance. / The ambassador called the incident an egregious violation of human rights.
nudny, monotonny, nużący (nie boring) begynn å lære
The problem is I find most forms of exercise so tedious. / I hate networking events. They're so tedious.
begynn å lære
My mother insinuated that I destroyed her life.
begynn å lære
Marianne's parents never paid her a compliment, and that affected her psyche negatively.
begynn å lære
The prime minister, he said, had the party's unequivocal support. / The election results are unambiguous: the incumbent won.
begynn å lære
The English word "actor" no long unequivocally specifies the gender of the person.
begynn å lære
Juan's consoling advice encouraged me to carry on. / I don't find it very comforting when you say my project isn't very good.
begynn å lære
Our survey reveals a wide variety of viewpoints among the city's residents. / We also have a variety of vegetarian options.
begynn å lære
Our washing machine broke, so we have to give these clothes a rinse by hand.
begynn å lære
I saw the landscape stretch for miles from the top of the mountain. / Let's drive to the mountains this fall; I've heard that the scenery is breathtaking.
zapierający dech w piersiach begynn å lære
Our hotel room had a breathtaking view of the entire city.
Someone who is focusing on something that just happened rather than the big picture. begynn å lære
to be a prisoner of the moment Billy complained that his favorite sports team's season was over after they lost a game several weeks ago, but he was just a prisoner of the moment because they actually ended up winning the Championship.
begynn å lære
I suggest that the bow tie be the same color as the suit.
rozmyć, rozmazać (fizycznie ale tez np. pamiec) begynn å lære
The water had blurred the outlines of the faces in the photograph. / A few too many drinks blurred her memory of the concert.
rozmycie, zamazanie, roznazany obraz begynn å lære
And the people there said that all they saw was a blur. / I felt something hit me on the back of the head; everything became a blur, and that's the last thing I remember.
begynn å lære
Pardon? Could you repeat what you said?
begynn å lære
As they talked, she started sketching the landscape in front of them. / I'd like to sketch a plan for our trip before we leave.
begynn å lære
I drew several sketches of her face in pencil. / The book includes a short biographical sketch of the author. / You need to send us the sketch of the project you want us to develop.
zwrócić się przeciwko komuś begynn å lære
The investors turned against the CEO when they discovered that he had been stealing money from the firm.
begynn å lære
to go mad / to go crazy / to go insane They say he went crazy after living alone in a cabin in the mountains. / I'd go mad if I had to deal with so many children every day.
zrobić się poważny (z kakiegoś powodu) begynn å lære
Mariano's smiling face sobered when he realized Alicia wasn't laughing.
begynn å lære
I'm going to leave this awful place once and for all.
to jest to, czego potrzeba, aby begynn å lære
defense, it is what it takes to win a basketball game
przeinaczyć coś, fałszybie przedstawić begynn å lære
The government has misrepresented the findings of the report in order to support its policy.
begynn å lære
She used a whole spool of yarn to knit the sweater. / Jane used a whole reel of thread while making the wedding dress.
begynn å lære
The antonym of "bearded" is "beardless."
begynn å lære
Our campaigns are strictly measured and are distinguished by their effectiveness.
sprać, pobić, dać wpierdziel begynn å lære
Those guys are going to clobber you for what you said. / The thugs jumped out and clobbered Miguel when he left the building.
begynn å lære
Hey, thanks for bailing on me earlier—I was stuck talking to that guy for half an hour! / Come on, I highly doubt that Angela would bail on you after one fight.
tandetny, byle jaki, slabej jakosci begynn å lære
The first chair I built was pretty shoddy, but the second came out quite a bit better. / I would never bring my guitar to that repairman; he does really shoddy work.
to behave in more extreme ways, or to try new things that have not been acceptable or tried before: begynn å lære
We will keep trying to push the envelope - our market demands it. / Just like every other kid, I pushed the envelope. If I got away with being ten minutes late one night, I might be twenty minutes late the next night.
skierowanie (do lekarza), być skierowanym do lekarza 2 begynn å lære
referral / to be reffered to Have you been referred to a specialist? / I'm going to ask the doctor to refer me to a rheumatologist. / The doctor gave me a referral to see the oncologist.
nędza, niedola, nieszczęście begynn å lære
uncountable My parents lost their jobs and we lived in misery for a few years. / My sister refuses to get married because she wants to avoid the misery of ever getting divorced.
begynn å lære
I was discombobulated by Freddy's unexpected arrival at my door, as he had a bunch of flowers in his hand.
wprawiający w osłupienie, zdumiewający begynn å lære
I found it a totally discombobulating experience.
kruszyć się, rozpadać się / kruszyć cos begynn å lære
I like to crumble blue cheese on my salads. / The coalition crumbled, resulting in six more years of war. / The building is crumbling for lack of maintenance.
niezdecydowany, wahający się begynn å lære
Lara was hesitant about what to do. / He was hesitant about signing the contract without legal advice.
płakać nad rozlanym mlekiem 2 begynn å lære
cry over spilt milk / cry over spilled milk It's a waste of time crying over spilt milk, he says; you just have to move on with your life. / Here we are crying over spilled milk when we should be thinking about the future.
nie bez powodu / nie na próżno 2 begynn å lære
not without reason / not in vain Europe is called the Old Continent not without reason. / As it turned out, not in vain.
begynn å lære
With Francisco y Estela arguing in front of everyone, a palpable awkwardness filled the room.
niewyczuwalny, nienamacalny begynn å lære
An impalpable dust in the air filled the room.
niezaprzeczalny, bezsporny begynn å lære
Mark has an undeniable charm that many women find attractive. / It's undeniable that she has the ability to win, but does she have the necessary drive and ambition?
begynn å lære
— Do you want to delete the file? / The editor suggested the writer delete some paragraphs.
begynn å lære
The magician waved his wand, and a pigeon suddenly appeared!
begynn å lære
The baby gave a wave to say "hello." / One wave of a magic wand
begynn å lære
I'd been waving at you for a while, but you couldn't see me. / The girls were waving their handkerchiefs and flags upon the soldiers' return.
sanitariusz, ratownik medyczny begynn å lære
If the paramedics hadn't arrived when they did, our father might have died.
begynn å lære
uncountable I have zero comfortability. Since the last race I have not thought for one second that I am leading the world championship.
begynn å lære
They didn't detect the flaw in the system until after the software was released. / The sofa is discounted due to a minor cosmetic flaw that is easily hidden.
begynn å lære
to consent to / to agreed to He consented to undergo a DNA test to verify the paternity. / My son agreed to come with us to the family reunion with the condition that we lent him our car for the weekend.
dogadać się / dojść do porozumienia 2 begynn å lære
to reach an agreement / to come to an agreement After days of negotiations, the diplomats finally reached an agreement. / Eventually I came to an agreement with my neighbor and we split the cost of repairing the garden wall.
begynn å lære
uncountable There is more and more social division here and less social cohesion.
ślepy zaułek, ślepa uliczka begynn å lære
Peace negotiations have reached a dead end.
martwy punt / pat / impas 3 begynn å lære
a deadlock / a stalemate / an impasse The negotiations have reached a deadlock, as neither side is willing to compromise. / Collective bargaining proceedings have come to a stalemate, and the strike will continue. / The negotiations have reached an impasse
begynn å lære
Some people say that the Golden Gate Bridge attracts suicides.
begynn å lære
When you see a shooting star, you have to make a wish.
begynn å lære
Don't worry. We've deleted your name from the article. / Can you check and then delete any incorrect information on the form?
begynn å lære
I find going for a walk very therapeutic after a hard day's work.
begynn å lære
The prophet Moses showed the two stone tablets with God's ten commandments to the Hebrews.
begynn å lære
They have some beautiful silk scarves for sale at the mall.
begynn å lære
uncountable The entire city is in mourning after the tragic accident.
begynn å lære
Susan would like to dance all night. As for me, I'd rather go home.
w przypadku (czegoś / jakiejś akcji) 2 begynn å lære
z of dla rzeczowników / bez of dla czasowników in case of fire, break the glass / in case something happens, we need to be prepared
begynn å lære
He has always lived a very frugal life, and now even more so with age.
begynn å lære
The restaurant on the corner has fresh food for moderate prices. / The film was a moderate success but didn't break any records.
begynn å lære
Well, I heard a garbage truck sideswiped two parked cars.
begynn å lære
a garbage collector / a garbage man He worked as a garbage collector, and his professional union activity began in 1988.
begynn å lære
uncountable There is more and more social division here and less social cohesion.
begynn å lære
The bus couldn't fit in the tunnel, so it backed out. / Stephanie backed out of the garage and drove to work.
begynn å lære
Even deleted computer files are retrievable for those who know how and where to look.
begynn å lære
I only added a pinch of salt to the potatoes.
ropa (np. podczas zakażenia) begynn å lære
The wound is infected and is full of pus.
begynn å lære
He's not a bum. He just doesn't think that he needs to spend a lot of money on clothes.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The defendant has the jury's unequivocal support. They certainly will acquit him.
begynn å lære
The English word "actor" no long unequivocally specifies the gender of the person.
begynn å lære
The research will analyze how subjects respond to different visual stimuli. / The child was living in a family environment where there was no stimulus for her creativity.
begynn å lære
Prince Charming is a stereotypical character that rescues the princess in fairy tales.
begynn å lære
I can always turn to my father for advice.
to join an activity that has become very popular or to change your opinion to one that has become very popular so that you can share in its success begynn å lære
After a couple of politicians won elections by promising to cut taxes, most of the others jumped on the bandwagon.
begynn å lære
To get the most out of the trip, we left before sunrise.
begynn å lære
Our hotel has a rooftop bar from which we can see the sunset.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
a leaseholder / a tenant / a lessee The leaseholder was accused of subletting without the written consent of the landlord. / I won't return the deposit to the tenant. / As a lessee, I must pay the rent on the due date.
begynn å lære
a landlady - o kobiecie The contract states that the tenant must inform the lessor one month in advance before moving out. / My father is the landlord of this apartment and he receives 500 dollars a month for it.
udoskonalić (umiejętność), poprawić, wzmocnić begynn å lære
Regular exercise can significantly enhance the quality of your life. / The program seeks to enhance the capacity of the community to prevent floods.
begynn å lære
Most patients reported an enhancement in quality of life after the treatment. / The board members met to discuss a strategy for revenue enhancement.
begynn å lære
to contribute to something I want to thank all the people who have contributed to the success of this project.
begynn å lære
regular art fills a space. / Fill my glass with more of that delicious wine. / The workers will fill the hole with concrete tomorrow.
begynn å lære
The moss growing on the castle walls makes it look older than it really is.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
Fredy is from the coast, so he doesn't enunciate all the letters in a word.
możesz iść, pozwolić komuś odejść begynn å lære
wybrać coś, zdecydować się na begynn å lære
I like these two dresses, but I think I'll opt for the blue one. / Banking fees are often lower if you opt to open a checking account.
wyrazić zgodę / zrezygnować begynn å lære
He didn't exactly opt out because he never opted in
dojrzały (owoc, jedzenie...) begynn å lære
mature - raczej dla zywych istot The red tomatoes are ripe.
posluchaj mnie, (“i can assure you”) begynn å lære
take it from me, kid—I've been there, done it, seen it all
pogorszenie, podupadanie, zepsucie begynn å lære
Many people have left the country due to the aggravation of already poor economic conditions. / The president's reckless comments have caused an aggravation of our relations with China.
begynn å lære
He tickled his daughter until she laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe. / Stop, it tickles...
rozgość się, czuj się jak u siebie w domu begynn å lære
Come on in and make yourself at home.
begynn å lære
We will have strict controls to ensure compliance with our quality standards. / In compliance with your instructions, we painted the house red.
perspektywa czasu (mądrość po fakcie) begynn å lære
with the benefit of hindsight - gotowe okreslenie with the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had studied harder for the exam. / The pandemic was totally predictable, with the benefit of hindsight
dalekowzroczność, umiejętność przewidywania, przezorność begynn å lære
Thanks to the broker's foresight, we sold our shares before the market crashed. / With total lack of foresight, we bought only four bottles of wine for the party.
begynn å lære
We dedicate this monument so that these events do not fall into oblivion.
krem z filtrem / balsam do opalania 2 begynn å lære
a sunscreen / a sunscreen lotion Put on sunscreen before going out. / Can you put sunscreen lotion on my back?
obgadywać kogoś za plecami, mowić o kimś źle begynn å lære
no one wants to hire an individual who bad-mouths a prior employer
begynn å lære
are the objectives timebound?
begynn å lære
What day did your wife give birth?
kąpiel (w jeziorze, morzu ale nie wannie) begynn å lære
It's so hot. I think I'm going to take a dip.
begynn å lære
They couldn't argue with her logic, so they tried to discredit her with false rumors.
przytulać (się), tulić (się), pieścić (się) begynn å lære
The little girl cuddled her favorite stuffed animal.
dobrze sie stało, jest to dobra rzecz, to dobrze begynn å lære
it's just as well = to dobrze / dobrze sie stalo - kiedy wystepuje samo It's beginning to rain - it's just as well that we brought our umbrellas.
być lepsze od czegoś innego, nie umywać się do czegoś begynn å lære
I love French food but it’s got nothing on Spanish food
begynn å lære
Pass me those screws so I can fix the light to the ceiling. / The hardware factory specializes in making screws, nuts, and bolts.
begynn å lære
Some researchers theorised that the virus had been created in a laboratory.
kompleks (np. niższości, wagi, wygladu) begynn å lære
I need to stop blaming you for my insecurities.
begynn å lære
honk the horn / blow the horn / to honk Stop honking your horn. Why don't you just calm down, eh? / I blew my horn because a truck was blocking my way. / A car stopped in front of the house and honked three times.
begynn å lære
Use a wrench to screw in the screws of the tire.
odkręcić (srubę, sloik itp) begynn å lære
I can't unscrew this jar of pickles. / It would be a lot faster if we had an electric screwdriver to unscrew these parts.
begynn å lære
It would be a lot faster if we had an electric screwdriver to unscrew these parts.
begynn å lære
We need a drill to hang the mirror on the wall.
syczeć (wąż, gęś, żelazko, kot...) begynn å lære
Whenever I tried to stroke the cat, it would hiss.
begynn å lære
There are incoherences in these numbers. They don't add up.
begynn å lære
The facts given by the defendant lack coherence.
to try to do something that one will not be able to do (idiom) begynn å lære
I've been trying to organize this mess, but I think I'm fighting a losing battle.
kontrproduktywne, dajace efekt przeciwny do zamierzonego begynn å lære
A diet that lets you have soft drinks everyday is counterproductive for your health.
interoperacyjny / able to exchange and make use of information. begynn å lære
if two products, programs, etc. are interoperable, they can be used together: The program was not interoperable with other software.
begynn å lære
The tradeoff in a democracy is between individual liberty and an orderly society.
begynn å lære
The fireflies light up the swamp.
zawiesić się, wyłączyć się, zagapić się begynn å lære
potoczne What did you say? Sorry, I spaced out for a second.
wrzucić do (jednego worka) / To put or categorize someone or something in the same manner or group as someone or something else, especially in a careless, hasty, or indiscriminately. begynn å lære
Just because I've dabbled in drugs and alcohol doesn't mean I deserve to be lumped in with those degenerates. Kids, please don't lump the dark clothes with the whites
Do tego czasu, do tego moment (w tym okresie w przyszlosci) begynn å lære
By this time tomorrow I'll be a millionaire. / By this time next year I'll be on vacation in Hawaii.
begynn å lære
I didn't get very good results from my experiment. I can't explain their randomness.
begynn å lære
Every time I see a beggar asking for money I feel impotent.
begynn å lære
When I die, my son will inherit my fortune.
begynn å lære
He had some cockamamie idea about turning waste paper into animal food.
begynn å lære
małostkowy, drobny, nieistotny begynn å lære
My job is hampered by hundreds of petty rules about tidiness and punctuality.
begynn å lære
There are certain precautions that a sailor has to take when navigating a storm. / The school didn't take the precautions necessary to prevent the fire.
begynn å lære
The clown spoke to the child in a goofy voice to make her laugh.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
lead / led / led Raising the minimum wage led to a rise in prices.
zdzierać z kogoś (pieniadze) begynn å lære
You've paid twice what it's worth. I'm sorry to say you've been ripped off.
begynn å lære
His actions may be morally reprehensible, but they are not crime.
męczący, nużący, dokuczliwy (causing one to feel bored or annoyed) begynn å lære
You can be so tiresome sometimes. Please leave me alone! / I was assigned the tiresome task of reorganizing the file cabinet.
begynn å lære
I've always had a terrible fear of heights.
begynn å lære
be afraid NIE do afraid - jak w przykladzie they are really not afraid of anything
begynn å lære
I just can't get used to the rigidity of the rules here. / The rigidity of this piece of metal makes it impossible to bend. / This cement has the necessary stiffness to be used as pavement.
begynn å lære
how does this relate to...? but how does this relate to what you said?
begynn å lære
Aldo is watering the plants with the hose.
begynn å lære
Some compromising pictures of the singer were leaked on the Internet.
begynn å lære
If we start driving now, we'll get to Las Vegas by Friday.
begynn å lære
a sailing ship / a sailboat My father worked one summer as part of the crew of a tourist sailing ship.
begynn å lære
an intercom / an entryphone The intercom in my building isn't working, so call me when you're downstairs. / Juliana said over the entryphone that she wants us to wait for her for five minutes.
begynn å lære
a branching / a ramification you shouldn't be doing a lot of branching in the plot of the new game.
begynn å lære
The project manager needs to take into consideration the needs of all stakeholders.
begynn å lære
At the Japanese restaurant, I tried a delicious dish of eel in soy sauce.
begynn å lære
There must be clothes moths in the closet. All the clothes are full of holes.
begynn å lære
We must conduct our scientific research within a framework of ethical norms.
udoskonalenie, ulepszenie begynn å lære
This new technique represents a substantial refinement in the process. / We still have some refinement to do on the machine design before releasing it for sale.
begynn å lære
He's a shortsighted man who can only live for the moment. / These students have a myopic attitude toward learning. They have no interest in anything beyond what's on the test.
begynn å lære
Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil, here she is.
dużo gada mało robi (idiom) (o kims kto jest mocny tylko w gebie) begynn å lære
a barking dog never bites Mr. Stewart may yell a lot, but I doubt he'll do anything to you—a barking dog never bites.
begynn å lære
The card arrived a week after my birthday. Oh well, better late than never, I suppose.
bułka z masłem 2 (coś bardzo łatwego) begynn å lære
piece of cake / easy-peasy
begynn å lære
We need to make sure that the bus schedule hasn't changed.
begynn å lære
Don't get me wrong. I still love her. I just don't want to be with her.
begynn å lære
The instructions were not explicit enough and they planted the trees in the wrong place.
begynn å lære
He made explicitly racist statements, and yet denies being a racist.
przestrzegać, stosować się do begynn å lære
Every state must comply with the new federal regulations. / We have to comply with the judge's decision.
begynn å lære
You're a soldier, and therefore you must obey the general's orders.
letni, lekko ciepły, ciepławy 2 begynn å lære
This tea is lukewarm. / The pool's water is tepid.
begynn å lære
There were bales of hay around the field.
begynn å lære
environmental protection / protection of the environment
begynn å lære
The government seeks to punish the discharge of wastewater into rivers.
begynn å lære
sewage treatment plant / waste water treatment plant
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I need to activate the file sharing and synchronization feature on my computer. / The government really appears to be out of sync with the public
begynn å lære
The ice cream had a really nutty taste.
begynn å lære
We can serve the turkey with a fruity wine. I think they go well together.
begynn å lære
Everyone said to her that it was just infatuation and she'd soon forget him, but time went on and she just couldn't get him out of her head.
szkło powiększające / lupa begynn å lære
I examined the evidence with a magnifying glass
begynn å lære
It's very difficult to get ticks out of animals' fur.
begynn å lære
Johnson runs a waste management company that works for the city council.
begynn å lære
We didn't use fertilizers to grow these tomatoes.
begynn å lære
I always thought we got along well. I don't understand why she was so hostile towards me.
dostosować się do tego, wyrównywać np podejscie czy myslenie itp begynn å lære
There are those who think that the biased media has aligned with this candidate. / The politician aligned with the Church to try to get more votes from Catholics.
begynn å lære
I love these pants because they fit like a glove and they're so comfortable.
begynn å lære
The freezing wind numbed Leonardo's face.
begynn å lære
I'm drowsy because I didn't sleep well last night. / Ana is sleepy now because she was awake the whole night.
poziom, stopień, szczebel begynn å lære
The tickets for the highest tiers at the stadium are the cheapest. / The upper tiers of management got raises while people were laid off on the lower tiers.
begynn å lære
a woodcutter / a lumberjack / a logger The woodcutter cut down the tree with his ax. / The lumberjack turned on his saw and began cutting the tree.
begynn å lære
She described the new criminal law as a perfidious attack on democracy.
begynn å lære
The colonies had enriched Spain to the point where it was the most powerful nation in the world. / Coffee export made the country rich.
stanąć na wysokości zadania/wyzwania begynn å lære
rise to the occasion/challenge In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.
begynn å lære
I am a flash in the pan and I've got the desire to do everything all at once, which usually ends with a poor result.
ranny ptaszek / ranny ptaszek 2 begynn å lære
an early riser / an early bird I'm an early riser. I always get up at five. / Early birds do not perform well in the evenings; they prefer to work or study in the morning.
Zakłopotany, zawstydzony 2 begynn å lære
I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life! / We're ashamed we canceled at the last minute.
begynn å lære
Markets have remained static this week.
begynn å lære
we have two cats under care
begynn å lære
That's an old saying that my grandmother quotes all the time. / There's a proverb that goes: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
begynn å lære
Let's see if you can say this tongue-twister without getting any words wrong.
begynn å lære
Buckwheat is a gluten-free cereal-like seed that helps decrease cholesterol levels.
begynn å lære
Helping the victims of the earthwuake was an enriching experience.
begynn å lære
Every winter, they turn this basketball court into an ice rink.