essence. [C] GR 2 [JC. 2024]

 0    44 fiche    danielleszczynski1
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spørsmålet English svaret English
Mistake: I don't want to spoiler you
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Correct: I don't want to spoil you
pronunciation: Penguin
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when you want to say: People moving out to another place
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simpy say: relocation
pronunciation: Souvenir
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when you want to say: Amazed and exhausted
begynn å lære
simply say: overwhelmed
you say: Famous places
begynn å lære
try saying: landmarks
you say: Keeping memories
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try saying: remembrance
pronunciation: Aunts
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mistake: We seen some churches
begynn å lære
correct: we've seen some churches
mistake: She find her husband
begynn å lære
correct: she found her husband
when you want to say: I couldn't tell you how big it was
begynn å lære
simply: I could not compare its size to anything here so far
definition: A marine crustacean with an external shell, which attaches itself permanently to a surface and feeds by filtering particles from the water using its modified feathery legs
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pronunciation: Above
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mistake: It just clear my head
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correct: It just clears my head
definition: a shot scored just as the clock expires at the end of a period of play, especially one at the end of a game resulting in a win for the shooter's team
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buzzer beater
when you want to say: work with my body
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simply say: work out
definition: the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group
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Quality of Life
definition: term commonly used by statisticians to refer to the highest degree of education an individual has completed
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Educational Attainment
definition: an institution of higher education offering courses at degree level or below, especially in vocational subjects
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you say: Remember the people
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try saying: Commemorate
mistake: People are overhyped
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correct: People are overhyping it
pronunciation: center
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you say: electric trimmer
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try saying: electric hair trimmer
pronunciation: bit (a little bit)
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mistake: So much queue
begynn å lære
correct: The line is long, The queue is long
you say: Impulse income
begynn å lære
try saying: Quick cash schemes
definition: wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available for a purpose such as starting a company or investing
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you say: Earn some abilities
begynn å lære
try saying: Develop some skills, expertise
you say: Easiest way to print money
begynn å lære
try saying: Easiest way to generate money
you say: You are young only once
begynn å lære
try saying: Today is the youngest you will ever be
you say: cut off the thoughts about business
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simply say:
you say: What I meant
begynn å lære
try saying: To add to what I said, To clarify
you say: Connect learning to specific activities
begynn å lære
try saying: Associate learning to specific activities
definition: a form of marketing that focuses on getting consumers to talk about and share their positive experiences with a product or service with other people
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word of mouth marketing
pronunciation: online
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you say: you can take it everywhere
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try saying: convenient
mistake: when our parents had their youth
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correct: during our parents' youth
pronunciation: vinyl
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when you want to say: act of being born
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simply say: giving birth
you say: get their energy back
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try saying: for their recovery
you say: aimed
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try saying: meant, intended
pronunciation: ballet
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pronuciation: pyramid
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you say: accidental pregnancy
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try saying: unwanted pregnancy

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