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zapisać na zajęcia (wpusac na listę uczestników) begynn å lære
he enrolled hinself in ballet classes
ottzymać uwagę, zostać zahważonym begynn å lære
kiedy need to a kiedy need doing begynn å lære
need to - ktoś chce/potezebuje coś zrobic, np. My sister needs to try, these shoes before buying them need doing - coś musi zostać zrobione, potrzebuje tego, np. The house needs redecorating
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artwork is good enough to rival modern compositions
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The first scientists to reach the Chauvet paintings missed some ether important details however
dane, informacje, szczegóły begynn å lære
The first scientists to reach the Chauvet paintings missed some other important details however
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they were initially regarded as insignificant
powodować, że ktoś robi coś begynn å lære
Which is causing people to rethink
nawiązać / mieć kontakt z begynn å lære
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... mówić po angielsku równie DOBRZE jak... begynn å lære
... speak English as WELL as...
w pogoni/pościgu za czymś begynn å lære
Orcas arives here in pursuit of shoals
przyjdź jako niespodzianka / być czymś nieoczeliwanym begynn å lære
this shouldn't come as a surprise
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In the absence of a Virus
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"bug everything except a battery
nie móc się doczekać czegoś begynn å lære
look forward to doing sth Mark is looking forward to using
myśleć o czymś wiecej, poswiecac czemuś więcej uwagi begynn å lære
put more thought into doing sth We put more thaught into looking cool
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TIt seems an obvious thing to say, but the main role isn’t...
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It's not the best guide to the effectiveness
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*Rapids farther/further down the Zarbabi
mieć problem z robieniem czegoś begynn å lære
Alex has great trouble getting up
dolaldnie ustawic coś w określonym miejscu begynn å lære
The line is positioned doliadnie ustavic cos u about a metre above the ground
odnosi sie do wczesniejszego zdania, unika powtorzeń begynn å lære
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the encounaged Blanca to apply for a place.
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pozwolic komuś u siebie mieszkać na krotki okres czasu begynn å lære