Extremely simplified grammar - Gramàtica extremadament simplificada

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verb "to be" in Catalan (2)
I'm here.
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pay attention: the verb "estar" is used to talk about locations, feelings or physical conditions. All these categories are "variable" - we can move, our feelings change, we can get sick etc.
Jo estic aquí.
neuter article / neuter pronoun
The best you can.
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Lo millor que puguis.
plural indefinite article in the plural
Some boys play video games, some girls do sport.
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uns, unes
uns = masculine plural form, unes = feminine plural form
Alguns nens juguen als videojocs, algunes noies fan esport.
What's the letter that doesn't exist in the English alphabet but has a similar pronunciation to the Spanish for ñ?
There are less people than yesterday.
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-ny in the Catalan alphabet is used to imitate the sound of the ñ
Hi ha menys persones que ahir.
3 groups of verbs
I love to sing./ We had to run./ You have to serve.
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1. -ar, 2.-er, -re, 3.-ir
remember: the Catalan verbs are divided into 3 categories: 1. those ending with -ar; 2. those ending with-er; 3. those ending with -ir
M´encanta cantar./ Vam haver de córrer./ Has de servir.
superlative of an adjective
Spain's most beautiful castle.
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el / la més + adjective
El castell més bonic d´Espanya.
singular indefinite article
I can see one boy, I can see one girl.
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un, una
un = masculine indefinite article, una = feminine indefinite article
Puc veure un noi, puc veure una noia.
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