Family in Romanian

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We are a big family.
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Suntem o familie mare.
My parents are young.
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Părinții mei sunt tineri.
also: dad
His father is an engineer.
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la fel: tătic
Tatăl lui e inginer.
also: mom
My mother is very kind.
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la fel: mămică
Mama mea e foarte bună.
We always fight with my sister.
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Mă bat mereu cu sora.
I am proud of my brother.
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Sunt mândră de fratele meu.
My mother is her aunt.
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Mama mea îi e mătușă.
The uncle gave her a chocolate.
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Unchiul i-a dat o ciocolată.
I have three cousins.
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Am trei verișori.
Their grandparents live in the village.
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Buneii lor locuiesc la sat.
also: grandma
These are the cookies of my grandmother.
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Acestea sunt biscuiții bunicii mele.
also: grandpa
The best person I know is my grandfather.
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Cel mai bun pe care îl cunosc e bunicul meu.
She has only one nephew.
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Ea are doar un nepot.

What are the reasons to learn Romanian?

Romanian is a beautiful Romance language spoken by over 25 million people worldwide, mostly in the Southeast of Europe and the Balkans. It is rich in history, cultural diversity and definitely a great goal for passionate language-learners. Modern Romanian vocabulary has around 75% of Latin origin, while the rest is a mixture of Slavic, Greek, Turkish, Hungarian and Germanic words. That makes learning Romanian even more important and interesting, as it will help in speaking the other languages it is lexically similar to, like Italian or French. We hope we motivated you to start learning Romanian and that you are curious about the terms for family in Romanian!

VocApp makes learning Romanian easy!

Here are some reasons for you to learn Romanian with VocApp:
  • 1. Our flashcard and audio lessons represent one of the most effective ways to learn Romanian! Now you can learn how to call the family in Romanian in no time!
  • 2. They present the vocabulary basics of the Romanian language with a word list chosen based on the topic and the level of the learner. This lesson, for example, will present you the specially chosen words that represent the family in Romanian.
  • 3. The Romanian pronunciation will help you remember the family in Romanian vocabulary by hearing and practice by repeating.
  • 4. The Romanian to English translation will make the words easier to understand and use. You will now know what do the words of the family in Romanian mean.
  • 5. The pictures will assure you remember the words easier than ever!
As you can see, you have all the needed resources and information to learn Romanian with VocApp! If you are interested to learn the family in Romanian, this is the perfect lesson!

Learn how to call the family members in Romanian

This particular Romanian language lesson will teach you some of the Romanian basics - the family in Romanian! You will learn all the terms for family in Romanian in order to speak Romanian as a native! If you've been wondering how to call a sister in Romanian or how to say to a mother in Romanian, you will discover the family in Romanian vocabulary in our Romanian lesson! For more resources on learning this language, check out our Romanian courses! We advise you to take a look at the other basic Romanian lessons, for example the Love phrases in Romanian. You will not only know how to call the family in Romanian but will also learn beautiful phrases to express your love! Learn Romanian with VocApp to impress your dear persons!

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