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być zainteresowanym czymś
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to be interested in something. to be interested in something.
Jestem zainteresowany tym pomysłem
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I am interested in this idea. I am interested in this idea. I am this. idea.
Jestem zainteresowany sportem.
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I am interested in sports. I am interested in sports.
Czy jesteś tym zainteresowany?
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Are you interested in this? Are. you. this? Are you interested in this?
NIe interesuje mnie to.
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I'm not. interested. in that. I'm not interested in that.
On nie jest zainteresowany historią.
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He is not interested in history. He is not interested in history.He. is. not. history.
podobny do kogoś / czegoś
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similar to someone / something similar to someone / something someone / something
podobny do
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similar to. similar to.
podobny do kogoś
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similar to someone. similar to someone. similar to someone
Moja kurtka jest podobna do twojej.
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My jacket is similar to yours. My jacket is yours.My. yours.
Ta sofa jest podobna do tamtej
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This sofa is similar to that sofa. This sofa is similar to that sofa. This. that sofa. This sofa is similar to that sofa
One są podobne do siebie.
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They are similar to each other. They are similar to each. other. They. are. each. other.
genialny z czegoś
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brilliant at something
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brilliant. brilliant. brilliant
Ona jest genialna z matmy.
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She's. math. She's brilliant at math.
Ona jest genialna z geografii.
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She is brilliant at geography. She is brilliant at geography. geography.
być dobrym w czymś.
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be good at something. be good at something. be good at something.
ona jest dobra w plywaniu.
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she is. good at. swimming. good at swimming. she is good at swimming.
czy jesteś dobry w kontaktach z ludźmi?
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are you good at dealing with people? are. you. dealing. with. people? are you good at dealing with people?
oni są dobrzy w wielu rzeczach
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they are good at many things. they are good at many things. they. are. many things.
my nie jesteśmy dobrzy w przedmiotach ścisłych.
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we're not good at science. we're not good at science.
czy jesteś dobry(a) z angielskiego
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are you good at english? are you good at english?
jestem dość dobry z angielskiego.
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i'm pretty good at english. i'm pretty good at english. i'm. pretty. english.
nie jestem dobry z greckiego.
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I'm not good at greek. I'm not good at greek. I'm not. good. at greek.
być złym z czegoś/w czymś
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be bad at something. be bad at something.
Jesteśmy źli w graniu na gitarze
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We're bad at playing the guitar. We're bad at playing the guitar. We're playing. the. guitar. We're playing. the. guitar.
być zły z powodu czegoś co ktoś robi
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be angry about. something. someone. is doing
Mój sąsiad jest zły z powodu imprezy.
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My neighbor is angry about the party. My neighbor is angry about the party.My. angry. about. the. party.
jestem zła z powodu hałasu.
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I'm angry about the noise. I'm angry about the noise. I'm angry. about. the noise.
być strasznym w robieniu czegoś
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be terrible at doing something. be terrible at doing something.
Oni są straszni w gotowaniu.
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They are terrible at cooking. They are terrible at cooking. They are terrible at cooking.
oni są straszni w komunikowaniu się.
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they are terrible at communicating. they are terrible at communicating. they. are. communicating.

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