spørsmålet |
svaret |
Pozwolono mi wyjść (She let me go out) begynn å lære
Nie pozwól sobie być tak dokuczanym (Don't let him tease you) begynn å lære
Don't let yourself be teased
Kazano jej wyjsć (He made her leave) begynn å lære
Uważa się, że jest szpiegiem (They believe she is a spy) (it is...) begynn å lære
It is believed that she is a spy
O niej się uważa że jest szpiegiem (They believe she is a spy) She is believed... begynn å lære
She is believed to be a spy
Pokazano mi drogę do drzwi (He showed me the way to the door) begynn å lære
I was shown the way to the door
Droga do drzwi została mi pokazana (He showed me the way to the door) begynn å lære
The way to the door was shown to me
To zostało przecięte nożem (narzędzie) begynn å lære
Lody są robione na mleku (narzędzie) begynn å lære
Ice cream is made with milk
Stadion był zapełniony przez tysiące widzów (narzędzie) begynn å lære
The stadium was filled with thousand of spectators
Zostałem oskarżony o kłamstwo (She accused me of lying) begynn å lære
Ameryka została zdobyta przez Kolumba (Columbus arrived in America) arrived in - reached begynn å lære
America was reached by Columbus
Oni weszli do pokoju (They went into the room) entered - went into begynn å lære
The room was entered by them
Budynek nie może być naprawiony (They can't repair the building) begynn å lære
The building can't be repaired
The assistant types reports begynn å lære
Reports are typed by the assistant
The assistant typed reports begynn å lære
Reports were typed by the assistant
The assistant is typing reports begynn å lære
Reports are being typed by the assistant
The assistant was typing reports begynn å lære
Reports were being typed by the assistant
The assistant has typed reports begynn å lære
Reports have been typed by the assistant
The assistant had typed reports begynn å lære
Reports had been typed by the assistant
The assistant will type reports begynn å lære
Reports will be typed by the assistant
The assistant will have typed reports begynn å lære
Reports will have been typed by the assistant
The assistant would type reports begynn å lære
Reports would be typed by the assistant
The assistant would have typed reports begynn å lære
Reports would have been typed by the assistant
The assistant ought to type reports begynn å lære
Reports ought to be typed by the assistant
The assistant ought to have typed reports begynn å lære
Reports ought to have been typed by the assistant
The assistant hates people asking him to type reports begynn å lære
The assistant hates being asked to type reports
The assistant remember her boss having asked her to type reports begynn å lære
The assistant remember having been asked type reports by her boss