kgiua 11장 수업6 을/를 비롯해서 부2

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1. ancient palace
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Verb 1. practice; fulfill
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이론이나 계획, 생각한 것을 실제 행동으로 옮기다. To put one's theory, plan, thought, etc., into action. 실천하는 삶. 계획을 실천하다. 나눔을 실천하다. 사랑을 실천하다.
1.(Am) specialty, (Brit) speciality, regional product, indigenous product
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1. ginseng
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1. ginseng liquor
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1. raising; rearing 잘 보호하여 기름. The act of rearing someone with good care.2. revitalization; recuperation; taking care of health 몸을 편안하게 하여 건강을 잘 돌봄. The act of taking care of health by relaxing the body.
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1. (인상) impression; (생각) thoughts; (느낌) feelings; (의견) opinion
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소감을 말하다 give one's thoughts (on) 소감을 말하다 give[state] one's impressions (of) 박물관을 구경한 소감이 어땠어요? What was your impression of the museum? 기자들은 그에게 수상 소감을 물었다 The reporters asked him how he felt about receiving the award
1. all
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부상자는 전부 13명이었다 All told, 13 persons were injured. 전부 합쳐서 얼마예요? How much in total[all]? 전부 합쳐서 얼마예요? What do you charge for them all together? 그의 말은 전부 거짓말이다 Everything he says is a lie
1. [명사] heredity, inheritance, hereditary transmission, [동사] be inherited, be hereditary
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1. (조직의 직위) section chief[head]
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1. [동사] stop[keep] (sb from doing); (설득하여) (formal) dissuade (sb from doing)
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나는 직장을 그만두고 싶다는 남편을 만류했다 I tried to dissuade my husband from giving up his job. 네가 정 가고 싶다면 더는 만류하지 않겠다 I won't stop[keep] you any longer if you really want to go. 그는 주변의 만류에도 불구하고 결국 여행을 떠났다 Even though everyone tried to dissuade him, he left on...
1. submit[tender; hand in] one's resignation
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사표를 제출하다
1. (tourist) attraction
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우리는 그 도시의 명소들을 둘러보았다 We looked around the tourist attractions in the city. 경복궁은 한국의 유명한 관광 명소 중 하나다 Gyeongbok Palace is one of the famous tourist attractions in Korea
1. agency
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연예 기획사 an entertainment management company[agency
1. (중심이 되는 회사) head office; (우리 회사) this[my, our] company
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본사 직영의 directly operated 본사를 이전하다 move one's headquarters 저는 본사에 있습니다 I'm at the head office. 저는 본사에 있습니다 I work in the head office
1. (일이 처음 시작되는 계기) origin, trigger, starting point
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그 사건이 LA 폭동의 시발점이 되었다 The incident is what triggered[set off] the LA riots. 그 사건이 LA 폭동의 시발점이 되었다 The incident was the starting point of the LA riots
1. (각각의 나라) every[each] country[nation]; (여러 나라) various countries[states]
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세계 각국의 대표들 representatives from all over the world 유럽 각국을 시찰하다 make a tour of inspection to various European countries
Verb 1. establish; found
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1. branch (office)
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현지에 지사를 세우다 establish[set up] a local branch (office) 해외 지사로 발령이 나다 be assigned to an overseas branch (office)
We have to develop the emerging market
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우리는 신흥시장을 개척해야 한다
1. groundbreaking, epoch-making
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획기적인 사건[발견] an epoch-making event[discovery] 획기적인 아이디어를 떠올리다 come up with a revolutionary idea 획기적인 아이디어를 떠올리다 come up with groundbreaking ideas
1. rise, come up, float2. strike, occur to
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해가 떠오르고 있다 The sun is rising그에게 갑자기 영감이 떠올랐다 An inspiration struck him.그 팀이 강력한 우승 후보로 떠올랐다 The team has emerged as the likely winner
1. extensive, large-scale, grand-scale
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대대적인 구조 조정을 단행하다 carry out a large-scale restructuring 그 병원은 대대적인 보수공사를 했다 The hospital underwent extensive[major] renovations. 우리는 신상품을 대대적으로 광고할 계획이다 We plan to advertise our new product extensively
. (전달 수단)2. medium
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대중매체 the mass media공기는 소리를 전달하는 매체다 The air is a medium that conveys sound.
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1. (능동적인) active, aggressive; (열정적인) enthusiastic
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그는 적극적인 태도를 보였다 He showed an enthusiastic attitude. 그녀는 매사에 적극적이다 She is always active[enthusiastic] in everything she does. 제가 적극적으로 이번 프로젝트를 추진해 보겠습니다 I'll try to be aggressive about pushing this project forward
1. (level of) awareness
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브랜드 인지도를 높이다 raise[improve] brand awareness
1. (앞장서서 이끌다) lead (the way), pioneer
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선도적 역할을 하다 play a leading role (in) 선도적 역할을 하다 be in the vanguard (of) 선도적 역할을 하다 take an initiating role
lead the boom
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붐을 선도하다
Adjective 1. underprivileged; unfortunate; disadvantaged
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불우한 어린이.
1. boy
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1. youth; (십 대) adolescent, teenager, (informal) teen
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Verb 1. provide; offer
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금품을 제공하다. 볼거리를 제공하다. 숙식을 제공하다. 자료를 제공하다. 잠자리를 제공하다. 정보를 제공하다.
1. (원조) support, backing, aid, support, back (up), shore up
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지원을 요청하다 ask for support 지원을 요청하다 seek support (from) 식량 지원이 긴급히 필요하다 Food aid is urgently needed. 지원이 필요하다면 제가 도와 드릴게요 I'll back you up if you need support
1. trainee, apprentice
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대중의 지지를 얻다 have the support of the (general) public
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1. leading role, driving force2. lead[leading starring] role
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1. [명사] contribution, [동사] contribute (to/toward)
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그 선수는 팀 내 공헌도가 높다 The player makes big contributions in the team. 그는 암 치료 연구에 크게 공헌했다 He made a great contribution to research in the treatment of cancer

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