LU 8.2-8.4

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All the money (has been spent) on clothes.
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has gone on
The wind had dropped and the rain (gradually became less severe).
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let up
He (has a lot of) money.
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is rolling in money
He didn't live (in a manner worthy of) his reputation.
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live up to
Will he (try to be elected) president?
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run for
The fraud (pretended to be) a scientist.
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passed himself off as
I (perceived the true nature of) his excuses.
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saw through
I will (give consideration to it overnight).
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sleep on it
My friend (supported me) in my darkest moments.
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stood by me
Don't (supervise me).
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stand over me
He (allowed his debts to increase).
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run up huge debts
It's easy to go on a diet but it's harder to (continue it.)
begynn å lære
stick to it
A bus (hit) my car.
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run into
She (denounced Jack to) the police.
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told on Jack to
He didn't (mention) the subject in the discussion.
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touch on
The total cost of the renovation (reaches) millions.
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runs into
He has (become hostile) to us.
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turned against
I (finished it with difficulty.)
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waded trough it
Parents must (share their experience with) their children.
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pass on their experience to
How shall we (cause) a change in their attitudes to each other?
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bring about
When making an important decision you should ________________________ it first before making the final decision.
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sleep on
Having positioned himself as a leader in the health reform, he is now ____________________________ governor of Nevada.
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running for
We should not have to ___________________________ lots of papers and websites to get the information we need.
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wade through
Those watching the programme could ___________________________ her and realise that she wasn't a mother in real life.
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see through
America and its allies are trying to do something to _____________________________ the downfall of the Assad regime.
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bring about
The nurse was ____________________________________ me to make sure I would eat all my breakfast.
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standing over
Travel insurance is essential as medical bills can _________________________ thousands of pounds.
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ran into
Cold and stormy seas were the order of the day but the weather _______________ gradually and we disembarked at Brest.
begynn å lære
let up
The genes are ________________________ from the parents __________ the children.
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passed on, to
He claimed that most of the money _______________________ entertaining and meeting people.
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went on
I don't think it's fair to ________________________ your neighbours even if they do something illegal.
begynn å lære
tell on
Today we're going to ________________________ the topic of how to choose your manufacturer.
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touch on
Having lost my job and having paid off my bank loan I haven't exactly been _______________________________ cash.
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rolling in
In this disease the body _____________________________ itself, with the immune system attacking healthy, normal tissue.
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turns against
She was dressed in men's clothes trying to _________________ herself __________________ a teenage boy named Hal.
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pass herself off as
If the party have adopted this policy they have to ______________________ it in all their public messages.
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stick to
The players who make up the team aren't ____________________________ the high expectations experts have put on them.
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living up to
When a lorry ________________________ the back of a tourist bus, it caused a large spillage of fuel.
begynn å lære
run into
Despite reports of misdemeanour Glenn's supporters and sponsors are all ________________________________ him.
begynn å lære
standing by
The temptation to ________________________ credit card debt can get you in big trouble.
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ran up

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