Marriage and family conference 1

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spørsmålet English svaret English
a situation in which something develops quickly or successfully
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breeding ground for
Pol. przysięga małżeńska
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marriage vows
to do the same as someone else has done is to _____.
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follow suit
Pol. buntować się przeciwko (czemuś)
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rebel against sth
something that makes you feel better when you are sad or disappointed;
Pol. pociecha, pocieszenie
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to make someone very poor;
Pol. zubożeć, doprowadzić do zubożenia
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Pol. przeciwdziałać trendowi
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counteract a trend
Pol. odwrócić trend
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reverse a trend
something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc;
Pol. bodziec, zachęta
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Pol. statek osiądzie na mieliźnie
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the ship will run aground
the state of being completely controlled by a person or group, and accepting that you have to obey them
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Pol. poddać się komuś (w posłuszeństwo)
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submit to sb
in a less important position than someone else;
Pol. podwładny, podporządkowany (komuś)
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subordinate to sb
used to say that the person who gives the money for something can decide how it will be used
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he who pays the piper calls the tune
Pol. okres, kadencja
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Pol. sprawować rządy, być u władzy
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to be in office
Pol. pierwsza kadencja
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the first term
to involve something as a necessary part or result;
Pol. wymagać (czegoś), nakładać konieczność
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