spørsmålet | svaret | |||
Bold = brave, courageous, confident
Bye (exclamation), Buy (verb) buy - bought - bought
brake= the device/mechanism for slowing or stopping a vehicle.
Serial= Doing something the same way over and over again (A serial killer.)
Flaw: A mistake, an imperfection, a weakness, a defect.
Fore (noun) = The front, at the front
Hare (countable noun) An animal, like a rabbit but bigger, with longer hind legs.
Heal (verb) heal - healed - healed The processes of how your body repairs damage or injury
Our (possessive pronoun) Our house is a very very very fine house
Knot (countable noun) A thing that you tie with string, or rope.
Know (verb) know - knew - known
Mail (uncountable noun) British English → post
Meat (uncountable noun, usually) The soft flesh or an animal, which is eaten by meat eaters.
Mourning (noun) A feeling of sadness after someone has died.
Nun (countable noun) A member of a religious community of women who devote their lives to god and often live together in a convent.
Ore (uncountable noun) Rock or earth from which metal can be obtained.
Pear (noun) A fruit, a bit like an apple but a different shape.
Pores (noun) Little holes in your skin where sweat comes from
Piece (countable noun) A smaller amount of something that’s been broken or cut off.
Pour (verb) pour - poured - poured Pour me a cup of tea, would you?
Prey (noun) The animals that other animals hunt and eat. Prey on (verb) Prey- preyed - preyed Owls normally prey on small rodents like mice, voles
Prophet (noun) In religion, a person who is sent by god to give messages to people.
Rein (countable noun - usually plural): The reins are the leather straps that you hold when you ride a horse.
Rays (countable) = Narrow beams of light, Raze (verb) raze - razed - razed = to destroy or ruin, usually buildings (Common collocation: Razed to the ground)
Reel (countable noun) A reel is a cylinder around which you wrap something like string, a line, rope or film.
Root (countable noun) The roots of a tree = the parts which are underground and which allow the tree (or plant) to absorb water, minerals etc.
Sail (countable noun) (verb) sail - sailed - sailed Noun 1 = The sheet of cloth that a boat has which catches the wind and propels it forwards. Noun 2 = A trip in a boat (a boat with a sail or a motor)
Soar (verb) soared - soared = To fly very high in the air or go very high into the air (The eagle soared over the canyon)
Sword - a long blade carried by a knight or a samurai (and other people in history, and in Lord of the Rings films and stuff like that)
Sea (noun) The sea A big load of salty water. You know!
Seam (countable noun) A line where two bits of fabric have been sewn together.
Cite (verb) = To mention something as an example to support what you’re saying (mention) eg. In her presentation she cited examples
Shore (noun) = The bit of land at the edge of the sea
Sow (verb) sow - sowed - sown = Put seeds in the ground to produce plants.
Soul (noun) The inner, spiritual part of a person which lives on after you die (apparently).
Sum (noun) A calculation or mathematical problem, when you add numbers together.
Sun (noun) The sun! The big ball of fire in the sky that keeps us all alive.
Stare (verb) stare - stared - stared To look at someone or something for a long time without moving your eyes because you’re angry, surprised, fascinated or bored.
Stationery (uncountable noun) Materials for writing or for use in an office, including paper, pens, rulers, staplers, envelopes etc.
Steel (uncountable noun) = A strong metal made from iron and carbon
Tale (noun) A made-up story (rather than a true one), often involving some adventure or action.
There (adverb) We use this to say that something exists (hard to define), or it refers to a place.
Toe: Your toes are like the fingers of your feet. (Toes: Big toe, Little toe, Toenails)
Waste (uncountable noun) (verb) waste - wasted - wasted = Stuff that has been thrown away and is no longer useful. Trash (US), rubbish (UK).
Weight (noun) = How much something weighs.
Week (noun) I’ll see you next week.
Right (adjective) That’s the right answer