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Fiona's staying with her aunt at present but she's hoping to get... soon
her own home
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a place of her own
Olivier's doing well in his new job and it seems he will...
become successful
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be going places
Anna shouldn't have spoken out against the Mayor at the council meeting... for doing such things.
there are certain circumstances
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There's a time and place
I went along to the meeting at the Twon Hall but I felt ... there.
i didn't belong
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out of place
Everything seems strange and new to you now but once you settle in, it will soon...
become natural
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fall into place
For the transport scheme to work, certain conditions need to be ... first.
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in place
The ​defendant is of no ​fixed ...(= has no ​permanent ​home).
miejsce zamieszkania
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farmland ... with forests and lakes
przeplatany czymś, przerywany czymś
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She has ​created an ​intriguing ​story by ​skilfully ...​fictional and ​historical ​events.
splecenie, splatanie, połączenie
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The ​roads ... near the ​bridge.
przecinać się
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The government should provide ... for young people to stay in school.
zachęta, bodziec
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Such a noisy environment was not ... to a good night's sleep.
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