spørsmålet |
svaret |
what you het when sales are higher than the cosy of production begynn å lære
a profit of $4.5 million. It's very hard for a new business to make a profit in its first year
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the money you get back when you're not satisfied with a product begynn å lære
The travel company apologized and gave us a full refund.
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the money needed to start a business begynn å lære
someone who buys or usesgoods or services begynn å lære
a reduction in price begynn å lære
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The government's annual expenditure on arms has been reduced
the money a bank charges for a loan begynn å lære
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a bill listing the products delivered begynn å lære
money borrowed from a bank or a person begynn å lære
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someone who sells products to the public begynn å lære
the money that you earn from your job (monthly) begynn å lære
udziałowiec, akcjonariusz begynn å lære
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a business that sells goods in a large quantities to retail stores begynn å lære
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the state when coats are higher than total sales begynn å lære
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stopa procentowa, procent odsetek the percentage of an amountof money that is charged orpaid by a bank or otherfinancial company begynn å lære
hipoteka, kredyt hipoteczny begynn å lære
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premia, bonus produktywności begynn å lære
money that is paid to a writer, actor, etc each time their workis sold or performed begynn å lære
He could receive as much as $1 million in royalties over the next six years.
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dotacji uczelni, stypendium begynn å lære
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dodatek na utrzymanie dzieci begynn å lære
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unemployment money begynn å lære
income from having shares begynn å lære
konto depozytowe / konto oszczędnościowe a bank account that pays interest on the money you put into it and that you use for saving begynn å lære
deposit account / savings account
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I really count on my tax refund this year. He said the $250 million cost of the tax rebate would take no money from anyone outside the city.
all the money you spend in a given time begynn å lære
państwowe ubezpieczenie zdrowotne begynn å lære
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a method of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the costimmediately and then makes smallregular payments until the debt iscompletely paid begynn å lære
składka ubezpieczenia na życie begynn å lære
an amount of money to be paid to an insurance company for insurance begynn å lære
You have to pay premium in regular time intervals
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Jego poprzedni pracodawca opóźnia wysłanie mu zaległej zapłaty begynn å lære
3 months overdue. His former employer delays sending him an overdue payment.
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zadłużenie konta, przekroczenie stanu konta, debet begynn å lære
I’ve got an £80 overdraft at the moment.
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subscription to magazines
taca, zbiórka pieniędzy na mszy begynn å lære
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contribution to Labour Party funds
pieniądze, które inwestujesz an amount of money that you invest in something begynn å lære
Stake money for football pools and horse-racing. With some high-risk investment, you may lose some of your original stake money.
in large amounts begynn å lære
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ostateczne wezwanie do zapłaty the last request for the payment ofmoney owed for goods or servicesbefore an action is taken against theperson who owes that money begynn å lære
AmE - final reminder
wyprzedaż rzeczy używanych begynn å lære
a sale of old items, especiallyclothes, usually to makemoney for an organization
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poza godzinami szczytu, poza sezonem np. o rozmowach telefonicznych begynn å lære
use the telephone at off-peak, cheap-rate times phone calls
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odcinek kontrolny (z czeku) begynn å lære
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I pay my rent by standing order.
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She held the note up to the light to make sure it wasn't counterfeit.
1. Moja karta kredytowa nie została przyjęta, możesz zapłacić? 2. Na pewno jego czek jest bez pokrycia begynn å lære
1. My credit card bounced, can you pay? 2. I'm sure his cheque will bounce.
prawny środek płatniczy (oficjalna waluta) begynn å lære
the money that can be officially used in a country Don't worry, Scottish banknotes are legal tender in England too.
Ledwie wiązał koniec z końcem begynn å lære
He barely made ends meet.
Potrzebuję 20 funtów na benzynę. begynn å lære
Can you lend me a couple of quid? I need 20 guid for petrol.
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To a millionaire $100 is chickenfeed.
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I'm completely broke. I have no money left at all.
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I couldn't really afford to buy a car so I got it on hire purchase and paid monthly instalments until it was finally mine.
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The card offers 59 days' interest-free credit. You are in effect getting an interest-free loan on 30% of your mortgage.