National Geographic Adventurer

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adventure. adventure. adventure
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fourteen. fourteen. fourteen. fourteen
wspinać się.
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climb. climb. climb. climb.
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tall. tall. tall. tall.
Większość najwyższych gór świata znajduje się w Himalajach.
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mountain. mountain. mountain. mountain. mountain.
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kilometre. kilometre. kilometre. kilometre. kilometre.
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ambition. ambition. ambition. ambition. ambition.
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famous. famous. famous. famous. famous.
W zeszłym roku wybrali się w podróż pociągiem przez Chiny.
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journey. journey. journey. journey.
pojechałem (np. samochodem)
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I drove (e.g. by car)
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achieve. achieve. achieve. achieve
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To było wielkie wyzwanie, któremu musieliśmy stawić czoła.
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It was a great challenge we had to face.
droga / szosa
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Silnik nie odpala, musimy zadzwonić do serwisu.
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The engine doesn't start, we need to call the service.
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To miasto jest takie duże.
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This city is so big.
Nie ustawił ostrości w aparacie i zdjęcie było okropne.
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He didn't focus the camera and the picture was terrible.
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Szefa w tej chwili nie ma w gabinecie.
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The boss is not in the office at the moment.
przez coś
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Najlepszym sposobem na zwiedzenie Londynu jest udział w wycieczce z przewodnikiem.
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The best way to see London is by taking a guided tour.
Koła są okrągłe.
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Wheels are round.
w czasie / podczas
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W Unii Europejskiej jest dwadzieścia osiem niepodległych państw.
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There are twenty-eight independent states in the European Union.
Ten obszar jest bardzo niebezpieczny, ponieważ zostały tu wylane chemikalia.
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The area is very hazardous because chemicals were spilt there.
Jaki ten świat mały!
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Small world!
Ona zachowuje się jak dziecko.
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She acts like a child.
Czy mogę przyjąć zamówienie?
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Can I take your order?
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zostać. stać się. np. lekarzem
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become. a doctor become. become.
Ona jest moją siostrą.
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She is my sister.
głosować na
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vote for. vote for. vote for. vote for.
Większość najwyższych gór świata znajduje się w Himalajach.
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Most of the world's highest mountains are located in the Himalayas.
głosuj na mnie.
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vote for me. vote for me. vote for me. vote for me.
W zeszłym roku wybrali się w podróż pociągiem przez Chiny.
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Last year they went on a train journey through China. Last year they went. on a train. journey. through. China.
osiągnąć cel
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to reach the target
dwoje z nich
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two of them. two of them. two of them. two of them.
Ona jest moją siostrą.
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She is my sister. She is my sister. She is my sister. She is my sister.
Ona zachowuje się jak dziecko.
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She behaves like a child. She behaves like a child. She behaves like a child. She behaves like a child.
poszukiwacz przygód
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adventurer. adventurer. adventurer. adventurer.
On jest poszukiwaczem przygód.
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He is an adventurer.
wzajemnie, nawzajem
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each other. each other. each other. each other.
poznać się nawzajem
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get to know each other. get to know each other get to know each other get to know each other. know. each. other
dookoła świata podróż
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travel around the world. travel around the world. travel around the world. travel around the world. travel around the world.
Oni podróżują dookołoa świata.
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They travel around the world.
różne kraje
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different countries. different countries different countries. different countries. different countries
My podróżujemy do różnych krajów.
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We travel to different countries.
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during. during. during. during.
podczas lekcji
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during the lesson
alpinista, wspinacz
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mountaineer. mountaineer. mountaineer. v
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mountainous. mountainous. mountainous. mountainous.
w górzystym obszarze
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in the mountainous area
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challenge. challenge. challenge. challenge.
największe wyzwanie.
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the greatest challenge. the greatest challenge. the greatest challenge. the biggest challenge.
to jest moje największe wyzwanie.
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this is my biggest challenge. this is my biggest challenge. this is my biggest challenge. this is my biggest challenge. my. biggest. challenge.
obecnie, w dzisiejszych czasach
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nowadays. nowadays. nowadays. nowadays.
w dzisiejszych czasach należy znać technologię.
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technology is important nowadays.
w celu aby
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in order to. in order to. in order to. in order to.
Maluję obrazy, w celu aby być szczęśliwym.
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I paint pictures in order to be happy. I paint pictures in order to be happy. I paint pictures in order to be happy. I paint. be. happy.
sposób na życie
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way of life. way of life. way of life. way of life.
to jest sposób na życie
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it's a way of life. it's a way of life. it's a way of life. it's a way of life.
jaki jest twój sposób na życie.
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what is your way of life. what is your way of life. what is your way of life. what is your way of life.
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achievement. achievement. achievement. achievement.
Czy to jest twoje największe osiągnięcie?
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Is this your greatest achievement?
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I had. I had I had. I had
Miałem dużo przygód w przeszłości.
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I had a lot of adventures in the past. I had a lot of adventures in the past. I had a lot of adventures in the past. I had. a lot of. adventures. in the past.
Ona stała się alpinistką.
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She became a climber. She became a climber. She became a climber.
Oni byli sławni.
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They were famous. They were famous. They were famous. They were famous.

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