on the road 3

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udaremniać zapobiegać / to do or say something before someone so that you make their words or actions unnecessary or not effective
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The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
przelewanie myśli na papier lub do komputera
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brain dump
pacjent leczony ambulatoryjnie
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akcentować, uwydatniać, uwypuklać, podkreślać
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wnikliwy, bystry
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szczebel drabiny
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gwałtownie zatrzymać samochód np gdy o czymś sobie przypomnimy
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stop short
wyłączyć się, odpływać myślami
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zone out
upośledzony na przykład czynnościach narządów
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sygnały na przykład do rozpoczęcia czegoś
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dobre filmy łaskawy życzymy na przykład o uśmiechu
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punkt obserwacyjny, punkt widzenia
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vantage point
uniwersalny, wszechstronny
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obdarowany, np talentem /(formal) to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc.
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be endowed with something
She was endowed with intelligence and wit. The stones are believed to be endowed with magical powers.
obficie, hojnie, obszernie
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His efforts were amply rewarded.
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przestępca, sprawca przestępstwa
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przestępca, sprawca przestępstwa
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w linii prostej, prosto jak strzelił
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as the crow flies
rozmieścić; wdrożyć, zastosować
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niebieska plakietka, usługa parkingowa dla osób z trudnościami w poruszaniu się
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Blue Badge
cypel, przylądek / a narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea / syn: headland
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a rocky promontory overlooking the bay
reduta / (literary) a place or situation in which somebody/something is protected when they are being attacked or threatened
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niemiecka nazwa mocnego piwa, polski koźlak
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groping allegations
fałszować na przykład rachunki dochody
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fiddling your expenses
zgodność / the quality of being similar to or in agreement with something
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congruence between what you say and what you do. the congruence of the two systems / a congruency of values
poprzedzać słowa czynem, robić to co się mówi
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walk the talk/walk
dbałość, starannością, wytrwałość
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złagodzić, łagodzić, ulżyć
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to help alleviate some of the pressure
to try and find something that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands
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grope (around) (for something)
He groped around in the dark for his other sock. She groped for the railing to steady her as she fell. (figurative) ‘It’s so..., so...’ I was groping for the right word to describe it.
iść po omacku / to try and reach a place by feeling with your hands because you cannot see clearly
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He groped his way up the staircase in the dark. She groped through the darkness towards the doors.
obmacywać kogoś /(informal) to touch somebody sexually, especially when they do not want you to
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grope somebody
She described how he had groped her whenever they were alone.
pokaźny / more than enough
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You'll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk. There's ample evidence that the lawyer knew exactly what she was doing. They had ample warning of the factory closure.
pokaźny / humorous If the shape of someone's body or a part of their body is ample, it is large
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her ample bosom His ample girth (= his big stomach) was clear evidence of his passion for food.
zmagać się z czymś, borykać się z czymś
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grapple with something
rozważać szczególowo / to stop and think carefully about the way in which a particular situation is developing in order to decide what to do next / to examine a situation carefully:
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take stock (of something)
It was time to stand back and take stock of his career. After the storm homeowners came out to take stock of the damage.
współdziałać, współpracować
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pull together
być w czymś po uszy, tkwić w czymś po uszy (być bardzo zapracowanym, być w coś bardzo zaangażowanym lub czymś dotkniętym)
W tym tygodniu tkwię po uszy w zadaniach domowych. Oni są po uszy w długu.
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be up to one's eyes
Yes, I approve, Teresa... sorry I have been up to my eyes with budgets. I'm up to my eyes in homework this week. They're up to their eyes in debt.
schodzić z utartego szlaku, przełamywać schemat, przerywać rutynę, wyzwalać się od szablonu (np. zachowania, działania)
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break the mould
I thought we had broken the mould this year with direct to the school but clearly not.
bać się, lękać się / to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen
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He's dreading the exam - he's sure he's going to fail. I'm dreading having to meet his parents.
1) sztafeta 20 as a verb: przekazywać (np. wiadomość), podawać dalej (informację)
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Please feel free to give her my email address once you relay my comments.
trzęsący się ze starości
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doddery pensioners
1) parskać, prychać 2) wciągać nosem (np. kokainę)
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serwetka synonim: (table) napkin
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wkradać się w czyjeś łaski
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curry favour with somebody
przekazywać coś komuś, powiedzieć coś komuś, aby poznać opinie innej osoby
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run something past somebody
Elizabeth wanted to run the theory past Sue Reardon.
być w swoim żywiole
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be in one's element
When swimming, he is in his element.
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oburzony, bardzo zdenerwowany
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up in arms
I told Ron on my way back and he is up in arms aboit it.
machinacje, wymyszanie okupu, wyłudzanie pieniędzy
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It's 30p a copy! That seems hard to justify. And I had to do extra copies as well, because the first two times I had the letter in the wrong way up. what a racket. You have to wonder where all that money is going.
daremne, próżny na przykład trud
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zazdrościć, pozazdrościć
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schowek na bagaż
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left – luggage locker
lekkomyślny, roztrzepany, kapryśny, np o nastolatce
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konkurs sztuki kulinarnej
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wewnątrzzakładowy, wewnętrzny
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namyślać się
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think better of it
Lance raises hish hand to push it through his hair, before thinking better of it.
kończyć się, wyczerpywać się, znikać/to gradually srop or disappear
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peter out
The fighting which started in the night had petered out by the morning. The track petered out after a mile or so.
piaszczysty, żwirowaty, krupiasty
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1) zbierać sie w sobie, przygotowywać się 2) przeczekać coś (np. w schronieniu, w domu); przyczaić się w ukryciu
1) Zabrało mu dużo czasu, aby zebrać się w sobie i się jej oświadczyć.
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hunker down
1) It took him a long time to hunker down and propose to her. 2) We hunkered down in the cellar while the storm raged outside. Members of Congress were hunkered down for weeks of debate on the health-care issue.
traktować kogoś łagodnie / to treat someone in a gentle way, esp. when you want to be or should be more severe
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go easy on somebody
Do you think judges should go easy on criminals if they're teenagers?
słaby, marny o wymówce, argumentacji
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marzenia ściętej głowy, mrzonka
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a pipe dream
obserwować kogoś, śledzić kogoś
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stake somebody out
maruda, grymaśnik, ktoś, kto niepotrzebnie martwi się
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mieć używanie, krytykować kogoś
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have a field day
uważnie, bacznie, w wielkim skupieniu
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stalówka (od pióra)
Zanurzył stalówkę ponownie w pojemniku z atramentem.
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He dipped the nib again in the pot of ink.
przydomek, ksywa / used when giving the name that a person is generally known by, after giving their real name / a false name, especially one used by a criminal
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Malcolm Little, alias Malcolm X / He travels under (= using) an alias.
potrząsać, wstrząsnąć, szarpać / to move from side to side or up and down with quick short movements, or to make something do this
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If the door won't open, try jiggling the key in the lock. His leg is jiggling up and down at speed.
brzęczeć, buczeć (np. telefon, dzwonek)
Telefon komórkowy brzęczy w twojej kieszeni.
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The mobile phone is buzzing in your pocket.
torba biodrowa, nerka, saszetka, saszetka biodrówka, piterek (mała torebka na pasku noszonym w talii) (Br En potocznie) / a small bag attached to a long strap that you fasten around your waist, used for carrying money, keys, etc.
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bumbag / (US fanny pack, waist pack)
profesjonalista, zawodowiec / (informal) a person who plays a sport as a job rather than as a hobby
On jest profesjonalistą w swoim rzemiośle.
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He's a pro at his craft. a tennis pro / a pro golfer
pokierować, popchnąć, popychać
Po prostu trzeba ją popchnąć do zrobienia właściwej rzeczy.
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You just need to nudge her to do the right thing. There is a baseball bat covered with barbed wire leaning up against the photocopier, and Connie nudges it out of sight.
podkoszulek / a piece of clothing without sleeves that is worn on the top part of the body under clothes, or for playing particular sports
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a thread or string that goes through an opening, especially in the top of a bag or the waist of a piece of clothing, and can be pulled to fasten it or make it tighter / troczek (np. sznurek)
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torba ze ściąganymi uszami
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drawstring bag
przybity, przygnębiony, strapiony, zawiedziony / disappointed and sad because of having failed unexpectedly synonym: deflated
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He looked crestfallen at their decision.
czułe miejsce / to feel that you like someone very much
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have a soft spot for someone
She'd always had a soft spot for her younger nephew. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Denver.
obserwować kogoś, śledzić kogoś / to watch a place continuously in order to catch criminals or to see a famous person
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stake somebody / something out
The police staked out the hotel where the two terrorists were reported to be staying.
swobodne spodnie / a pair of pants
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They both wore grey slacks and white shirts.
krawędź zarostu, linia włosów
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Polo shirt, beige slacks, sunglasses pushed up into his hairline.
chodzić zamaszystym krokiem / krok
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Elizabeth and Joyce step into stride on either side of him. Off he strides again, with Elizabeth keeping pace alongside and Joyce hurrying to catch up.
trąbić klaksonem
Facet w mijającym mnie samochodzie zatrąbił i pomachał do mnie.
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A guy in a passing car honked and gave me a wave. He gives her a quick honk on the horn.
wata cukrowa
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candy floss
małomówny, milczący, mrukliwy (oficjalnie)
W miarę upływu lat Anna stawała się coraz bardziej cicha i małomówna.
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As the years passed, Ann became more and more silent and taciturn.
szablon (do odrysowywania), matryca, wzornik / pisać według wzoru (listy), malować używając szablonu (wzór)
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A Toyota Avensis with 'Robertsbridge Taxis' stencilled onto the driver's door arrives next, pulling up behind the Lotus.
nijaki, nieokreślony, bez wyrazu / very ordinary, or having no interesting or exciting features or qualities / Synonym characterless
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Their offices are in a nondescript building on the edge of town.
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zmyślać, opowiadać bajki
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spin a line
o kimś kto ma minę niewiniątka
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butter wouldn't melt in somebody's mouth
Tommy looked as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.
dziwaczny, cudaczny
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an outlandish hairstyle/outfit / Synonyms: bizarre, eccentric (STRANGE), flaky (PERSON) informal sometimes offensive, freakish
zaczyna się prawdziwa walka
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the gloves are off
z głowy, pozbyć się kłopotów
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out of one's hair
Puść tam gdzie król chodzi piechotą, iść do łazienki
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spend a penny
oficjalnie: spóźniony, późny
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A few tardy birds flying to their roosts.
grzęda, żerdź, schronienie dla ptaków
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wprowadzić kod do domofonu
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Joyce keys in a security code and the three women entered the building.
gardłowy (dźwięk)
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a guttural cry
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udręka, boleść, cierpienie / extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering
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The anguish etched onto her face. His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear. In her anguish, she forgot to leave a message. He groaned in anguish. Tears of anguish filled her eyes.
uczciwie, normalnie żyć, kierować się uczciwymi zasadami / (idiom / humorous) If you keep on the straight and narrow, you behave in a way that is honest and moral
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keep the straight and narrow
My grandmother was strict and kept me on the straight and narrow.
tajny agent, detektyw
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sleuth, syn detective
natknąć się przypadkiem na coś
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stumble across something
skrzynka kontaktowa
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dead letter box
1) zaczepiać, nagabywać 2) napastowac (seksualnie)
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Ibrahim is accosted by teenagers while out on the town by himself.
larwa, czerw, pędrak
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pękać z trzaskiem na przykład o balonie
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dryfować, być zawieszony, unosić się na przykład na wodzie w powietrzu na przykład o balonie
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prowizoryczny, przybliżony
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Mike Berners-Lee, a respected professor on the topic whose research was used in the Ovo Energy work, told the Financial Times it was based on "back-of-the-envelope" maths from 2010 - and while useful to start conversations, there were bigger questions.
płotki (potocznie) / people or things that are not considered to be important
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small fry
They may be key players in their own company, but they're small fry in the industry itself.
kontynuować coś / to make something continue to happen or operate
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keep the wheels turning
It’s people like him that keep the wheels of commerce turning.
na progu czegoś (np. dorosłego życia), na przełomie czegoś (np. lat)
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on the cusp of something
There were certain men you could allow to dress themselves and certain men you couldn't. Chris was on the cusp. Soon he would be able to run free.
w lepszym kierunku; na wyższy poziom (np. o karierze; dosł. naprzód i w górę)
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onwards and upwards
(jezyk mowiony) co tam jeszcze, cośtam, cokolwiek / (idiom) and other similar things
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what have you / and what have you
There were a couple of bags full of old records, magazines, and what have you.
niesamowity, zadziwiający / 1) strange or mysterious; difficult or impossible to explain 2) strange or mysterious, often in a way that is slightly frightening
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1) He has an uncanny ability to pick a winner. 1) Barb’s uncanny resemblance to Tia is scary. 2) It was uncanny the way that she always knew what he was thinking. 2) She bears an uncanny resemblance to her father's best friend.
nie mający sobie równych, być najlepszym / as good as or better than all others
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second to none
The conditions that these prisoners are kept in are second to none. The training programmes on offer at Cambridge Assessment are second to none, and I have been able to apply training from my time at Cambridge English to both ELT and APG projects.
codzienny, zwykły, powszechny (termin literacki) / ordinary (formal)
This is a Friday Night shout-out to anyone brand new to an organisation. It's exhausting, right!? I promise it gets easier. It becomes quotidian and settles. Try to notice as it does: acknowledge your progress. Trust in your capabilities. Told You So!
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Television has become part of our quotidian existence...... I promise it gets easier. It becomes quotidian and settles. Try to notice as it does: acknowledge your progress. Trust in your capabilities. And remember-I Told You So!
windować się na czyichś plecach /
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ride on somebody's coat-tails
Everyone knows you've been riding on the governor's coattails for the last two years, but once her term ends you'll be on your own. Jonathan rode on the famous professor's coattails to get some recognition for his own work from esteemed academic journals.
rodzaj horroru (zwykle o zabójcy grasującym w okolicy)
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slasher film
1) horyzont, prospekt (sceneria za czymś, na co patrzymy); 2) tlo 3) tło (fragment dekoracji scenicznej w teatrze)
1) On był tak skupiony na znaku, że nie zauważył nadjeżdżającego samochodu na horyzoncie. 2) To historia miłosna rozgrywająca się na tle wydarzeń wojennych. 3) Potrzebujemy jaśniejszego tła do tej sceny.
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1) He was so focused on the sign that he didn't notice a car approaching in the backdrop. 2) It is a love story set against a backdrop of war. 3) We need a lighter backdrop for this scene.
zszokowany, zdumiony, wprawiony w osłupienie
Byłem całkowicie zdumiony, gdy usłyszałem wieści od mojej siostry.
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I was utterly gobsmacked when I heard the news from my sister.
zbiegać się, zejść, schodzić się, łączyć się
Wszystkie ścieżki zbiegają się przy głównej bramie.
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All the paths converge at the main gate.
wdawać się w szczegóły, stawiać kropkę nad i, postawić kropkę nad i / to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to complete a task
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dot the i's and cross the t's
The negotiations are nearly finished, but we still have to dot the i's and cross the t's.
hojnie, obficie, szczodrze
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liberally tattooed
kopalnia, szyb
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zbliżony do czegoś, pokrewny do czegoś / having some of the same qualities
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akin to something
an advertising tool (...) akin to contemporary movie trailers. They speak a language akin to French.
pozdrowienie, podziękowanie / an occasion when someone mentions a person or thing in order to thank them or praise them
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shout-out / shout out
Massive shout-out to Vinz on the Concur team who is always so helpful. I want to give a shout-out to my dad, who helped me a lot. Also worth a shoutout is Joe and Jerry's burger bar.
wylegiwanie się (gdy leżymy w łóżku dłużej niż zwykle) (tylko liczba pojedyncza)
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Getting out of bed early in the morning is gnarly. I like a lie-in.
stawka, zakład / an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something uncertain, or the agreement that you make to take this risk SYN: bet
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She has lost her wager in the gambling room. She put a cash wager of £50 on the race. He tried to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs, for a wager.
1) opuszczony, samotny (o osobie) 2) opuszczony, wymarły (o miejscu) / (literary) alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for
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She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop.
1) blady 2) bezbarwny nudny
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1) Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy. 2) This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.
zez, zezować / też: (z) mrużyć oczy
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Squinting under her wide-brimmed hat, Inger is bathed in dazzling sun.
tajny, potajemny, sekretny
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Removed from the clarity of daylight, Munch's nocturnal scenes are charged with clandestine possibility.
wpajać, przepajać / (formal) to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality, or idea
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imbue / imbue something/someone with something
Melancholic feeling imbues ever aspect of the painting from the brooding figure to the mournful colours and drawn-out brushstrokes. His poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.
1. złowieszczy, złowrogi 2. ponury, zamyślony /1. making you feel uncomfortable or worried, as if something bad is going to happen 2. feeling sad, worried, or angry for a long time
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He stood there in the corner of the room, a dark, brooding presence.
przeciągający się, rozwlekły, np dyskusja
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zła sława
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odzwyczajać kogoś od czegoś / to make someone gradually stop using something that is bad for them
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wean somebody off something
He was weaned off alcohol and tobacco to calm his volatile mental state. It's difficult to wean addicts off cocaine once they're hooked. The whole scheme is intended to wean people off welfare dependency.
wybuchowy, gwałtowny (o osobie)
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odwet, zemsta, odpłata
Jest różnica pomiędzy terroryzmem a uzasadnionym odwetem.
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There's a difference between terrorism and a justifiable act of retaliation.
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Additionally, we strive to prevent our editorial independence from being compromised by any form of personal, business, financial, or political influence.
rozpowszechniać, szerzyć (np. poglądy, idee) / syn: spread
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We work to disseminate knowledge to the widest possible audience and to serve communities in countries around the world.
zaostrzyć, pogorszyć / to make something that is already bad even worse
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This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.
opuszczony np budynek; porzucony np o rzeczy
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16 years later the Doomsday Book records that 940 of the city's 1400 were still derelict.
zadręczać, ciągle atakować
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'Harrying of the North'
podroby; odpadki
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In 1371 the dumping of offal and the cleaning of skins in the river was prohibited near the friars' property because the river water was used for brewing and baking!
loch, ciemnica
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robactwo, szkodniki
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venomous vermin
ponury, posępny / sad and without hope / SYNONYM gloomy, miserable
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a dismal expression / dismal conditions/surroundings/weather / Christmas will be dismal without the children.
okazały np budynek
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wapno niegaszone, wapno palone, tlenek wapnia
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The Turnip's body was reburied, possibly with quicklime, and is alleged to lie here in George's graveyard.
surdut, noszony w 19w
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frock coat
pojąć, 1) zrozumieć 2) pojmać złodzieja
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The body-snatchers together with Turnip's corpse were soon apprehended.
porywacz, kidnaper
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stróżówka, portiernia
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wał obronny, mur obronny
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kratka zabezpieczająca
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security grille
moździerz (naczynie do rozdrabniania substancji), moźdIerz z tłuczkiem
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ładunek, np emocjonalny
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allowing Freud the opportunity to look deeply at his subjects and imbue the depicted relationships with a psychological charge.
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unflinching observation
irytacja, złość
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propaganda wywrotowa, sabotaz, przewrot, obalenie autorytetów na przykład politycznych
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przewracać do góry nogami
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With a reclining male nude and a female painter as active agent, the composition upendstypical gender roles and flauntsthis reversal as a product of the act of painting itself.
obnosić się, wystawiać na pokaz, paradować, afiszować
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1) skalisty, urwisty 2) pobróżdżony
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A craggy landscape of paint flames his head.
równomiernie rozprowadzony, np farba
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obedrzeć ze skóry
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zakładać, przyjmować, postulowć
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przekroczać, przewyższač, prześcigać
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przeciwstawiać się prawu, ignorować (zakazy), postępować wbrew (czemuś, komuś)
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krzepki, męski, tęgi, zdrowy
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dumny krok, pyszny krok
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mętny, podejrzany (np przeszłość, interesy)
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The murky, brutal scene reflects a widespread fascination with murder and acts of violence in late 19th century France.
skomplikowany, zawiły, misterny
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intricately folded blue fabric
epizodyczna rola odtwarzana przez wybitnego aktora lub znaną osobistość
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cameo (role)
He recently made a cameo appearance in Knives Out sequel Glass Onion.

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