PHRASAL VERBS About, Around 4

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Mr Comer abas said, Martin's success (- -) ABOUT as a result of hard work and some good luck. ------- COME, GO, BRING.
El éxito de Martin sucedió como resultado de trabajo duro y algo de buena suerte.
Pasar algo, suceder algo, Venir a pasar algo Abas.
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COME ABOUT. ---- Martin's success "came about" as a result of hard work and some good luck.
Pasar, suceder algo por casualidad. (Venir apunto de). to happen something, to occur something.
Mike asked to Jane, how did the idea of setting up his own business "come about" your father?, Was it something he planned, or did he just see an opportunity and take it?. -------- COME ABOUT.
Messy araneda said, Lalo spends his weekends (- -) ABOUT in his boat on the Illinois River. ------ ARSE, LAZE, MESS.
Lalo se pasa su fin de semana matando el tiempo en su bote sobre el rio Illinois. -- (Messi).
en una Messa Tirar la hueva, flojerear.
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MESS AROUND/ABOUT... (UK). ------ Lalo spends his weekends "messing about" in his boat on the Illinois River. -------- mess about/around. (UK).
Tirar la hueva, Messeando Abas/Alrededor, perder el tiempo. to spend time playing and not be serious, or doing things with no particular purpose. (see also: play around).
Ana said, the kids were "messing about" with a new computer game when their father told them to stop wasting time and get on with their homework. ---------- MESS AROUND/ABOUT.(UK).
Hey, Mr Orderly Araneda, you can't just come in here and start (- -) people AROUND. ------- BOSS, KICK, ORDER.
Hey Mr Ord, tu no puedes solo entrar y empezar a mandonear a la gente. -- (ordenar).
Ordenar, dar ordenes, ordenar Alrededor, mandonear.
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ORDER somebody AROUND/ABOUT. ----- Hey, Mr. Ord, you can't just come in here and start "ordering people around". --------- ORDER somebody AROUND/ABOUT.
Dar ordenes. mandonear, Ordenar Alguien Alrededor/Abas). to keep telling someone all the time what to do as if you have authority over them, in a way that annoys people. (see also: push around).
I hate the way Donald "orders us about". He’s like a sergeant in the army ordering his soldiers around. -------- ORDER somebody AROUND/ABOUT.
Knocky Araneda said, I’d (- -) AROUND all the Mediterranean for a few years. ------- WANDER, KNOCK, GET.
Lucca Lamparello dijo, andaría por todo el Mediterraneo por unos cuantos años.
Pasear, andar por ahi paseando haciendo nada, tirarndo el roll.
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KNOCK AROUND/ABOUT... (UK). ------ Knocky said, I’d knocked around the Mediterranean for a few years. ------ KNOCK AROUND/ABOUT... (UK).
Pasear, andar por ahi paseando haciendo nada, tirarndo el roll. to spend time somewhere with no particular purpose. (see also: hang out).
Sammy and I used to "knock about" together when we were kids said Kaz. ------ KNOCK AROUND/ABOUT... (UK).
Gonzalo Abas asked, Bolillo how can we GO (- -) solving this problem ?. ------- AROUND, ABOUT, ROUND.
Ir a resolver un problema Abas, empezar a lidiar, resolver o abordar una situación.
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GO ABOUT something. --------- Lorenzo asked, Bolillo how can we (go about) solving this problem?. --------- GO ABOUT something.
Empezar a lidiar con algo, abordar una situación, manejar una situación. to proceed, to start to do something or deal with something. [often used in questions]. (see also: set about).
Jane asked, how do you think we should "go about" increasing sales Mike Mastruany?. --------- GO ABOUT something.
Mr Seer Tota said, it's getting late - I'd better (- -) TO/ABOUT dinner. ------- GET, SEE, COME.
Mama dijo se esta haciendo tarde - Será mejor que yo me encargue de la cena.
Encargarse de, ver A para lidiar con Abas. to deal with something, or to arrange for something to be done.
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SEE TO/ABOUT. ------ Mom said, it's getting late - I'd better “see about” dinner. --------- SEE TO/ABOUT.
Maria’s going to “see her bank’s loans officer about” borrowing the money for a new apartment... Augusto said, I'll have to "see about" getting that roof repaired. --------- SEE TO/ABOUT.
Setrapio Abas said that the new owner (- -) ABOUT saving the company by cutting costs and laying off staff. ------- COME, GET, SET.
Setrapio dijó, el nuevo dueño se puzó a salvar la compañia al cortar costos y despediar personal.
Ponerse a hacer algo Abas, Setear a hacer algo Abas. Start doing something. (see also: go about).
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SET ABOUT something. ------ Setrapio said that the new owner "set about" saving the company by cutting costs and laying off staff. ----- SET ABOUT something.
Jane said, we’ve "set about" the task of finding new markets for our products overseas. -------- SET ABOUT something.
Mr Sitter Araneda said, we SIT (- -) most of the afternoon drinking coffee and chatting. ------ ROUND, ABOUT, AROUND.
Ines dijó, nos sentamos alrededor la mayor parte de la tarde tomando cafe y platicando.
Tirar la hueva Abas, huevonear Alrededor, huevonear sentado.
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SIT ABOUT/AROUND. ------- Ines said, we "sat around" most of the afternoon drinking coffee and chatting. ------ SIT ABOUT/AROUND.
Tirar la hueva, huevonear. to spend time sitting down and doing very little. (see also: hang around, laze around).
Sometimes Benito Rubio watches his cat and the way it just "sits around" all day looking content, and he thinks it must nice being a cat. --------------- SIT ABOUT/AROUND.
Mr Sleeper Araneda said that Victor used to (- -) AROUND/ABOUT a lot at college. ------ GET, SLEEP, HUMP.
Victor solia mucho acostarse con varias mujeres en el colegio.
Acostarse con varios, dormir alrededor con varios. to have sex with a lot of different people without having a serious relationship with any of them.
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SLEEP ABOUT/AROUND. ------- Mr Sleeper Araneda said that Victor used to "sleep around" a lot at college. ------- SLEEP AROUND/ABOUT.
Christin Pasilas said that most young men like to "sleep around" while most young women prefer to stick with the one partner. ------ sleep about/around.
Mr Bossy Araneda asked who do you think you are Bolis, to (- -) me AROUND you are not my boss. ------- ORDER, PUSH, BOSS.
Quien te crees que eres Bolis para darme ordenes. Tu no eres mi jefe.
Mandonear, bossear Alrededor, compartarse mandón ó agresivo, Bossear Alrededor para ser mandón. Behaving in a bossy and aggressive way towards others.
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BOSS AROUND. ------ Who do you think you are Bolis to boss me around. you are not my boss. ------- BOSS AROUND.
Don't boss me about Ceci. ------- BOSS AROUND.
Kicke Araneda said that those bullies (- -) Melania AROUND until kill her. ------- KNOCK, KICK, BEAT.
Esos matones golpearon a Melanea hasta que la mataron.
Golpear a alguien pateando Alrededor, Patear. to strike, to hit someone, something, or some animal with the foot repeatedly.
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KICK AROUND. ------ Kicke said that those bullies kicked Melania around until kill her. Who was Jashua trying to impress when he knocked his girfriend around a hotel room a few times?. ------- KICK AROUND.
Who was Jashua trying to impress when he kicked his girfriend around a hotel room a few times?. - They kicked me around until every part of my body hurt. ------- KICK AROUND.
Mrs Pushy Araneda said, Ivan is always (- -) me AROUND. ------ BOSS, ORDER, PUSH.
Augusto dijo, Ivan esta siempre mandoneandome.
Mandonear a alguien alrededor, pushar a alguien alrededor. to keep telling someone what to do in an unfair and unpleasant way.
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PUSH AROUND. ------ Augusto said, Ivan is always pushing me around. ------ PUSH AROUND.
She was being pushed around by other people telling her what to do. ------ PUSH AROUND.
Mr Orderly Araneda asked, who do you think you are Omar, to (- -) me AROUND?. ------ PUSH, ORDER, BOSS.
Quien te cres que eres Omar para mandonearme?.
Mandonear a alguién, Ordenar a alguien Alrededor.
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ORDER ABOUT/AROUND. ------- Who do you think you are Omar, to order me about?. ------ ORDER ABOUT/AROUND.
Mandonear a alguien, Ordenar Alrededor. to keep telling someone what to do in an unfair and unpleasant way.
Who do you think you are, Yolanda, to order me about?. ------ ORDER AROUND.
Miss Lazer said, I'd l (- -) in the sun for a week. ------ ARSE, LAZE, LOUNGE.
Ana dijó pasaría tirando la hueva en el sol por una semana.
Holgasanear, huevonear, Leiziar.
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LAZE. --------- Lazy said, I'd lazed in the sun for a week. ------ to LAZE.
Holgasanear, huevonear, Leiziar. laze or laze around or laze about. to relax and enjoy yourself, doing no work laze by.
We finally found some time to swim and laze in the sun. ------ to LAZE.
Miss Handy Outelianos / Araneda said that the owner of the coffee shop HANDED (- -) cups of hot coffee. ------ ROUND, OUT, AROUND.
Repartir de mamo en mamo a varias personas. to give or distribute; pass out.
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HAND OUT/ AROUND/ROUND. -------- Miss Handy Outelianos said that the owner of the coffee shop handed round cups of hot coffee.
People were handing out leaflets on every corner.
Será mejor que yo.
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I'd better.
Será mejor que me vaya.
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I'd better go.
Mr Comer Abas asked, how do sore throats (- -) ABOUT?. ------ GO, BRING, COME.
Como suceden los dolores de garganta?.
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COME ABOUT. ------ How do sore throats come about?.

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