phrasal verbs part 3

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come up to
begynn å lære
reach, equal sth
come up with
begynn å lære
have an ide about a way to solve a problem
deal in
begynn å lære
trade in sth
do away with
begynn å lære
abolish (zlikwidowac, zniesc, zakazac)
do down
begynn å lære
do out of
begynn å lære
deprive of
do up
begynn å lære
fasten (a coat, etc)
do with
begynn å lære
need/ would like (miec na cos ochote - I could do with a cold drink. I'm hot and thirsty.)
do without
begynn å lære
manage in spite of lack (obyc sie bez czegos)
drive at
begynn å lære
imply, suggest
go off
begynn å lære
1. wypadac(dobrze, zle) / 2. wybuchac (o bombie) / 3. psuc sie (o jedzeniu) / 4...
cheat out of
begynn å lære
oszustwem pozbawić kogoś czegoś, wyłudzić coś od kogoś
check in
begynn å lære
zameldować się
check out
begynn å lære
wymeldować się
check up on
begynn å lære
1. sprawdzać czy wszystko jest wporzadku / 2. patrzec komus na rece
cut back
begynn å lære
ograniczyc, ograniczac (wydatki-outgoings)
cut down on
begynn å lære
reduce (consumption)
cut in
begynn å lære
to interrupt someone who is speaking
cut off
begynn å lære
1. isolate / 2. disconnect 3. przerwac wypowiedz
cut out
begynn å lære
1. wyciąć / 2. omit
draw in
begynn å lære
shorten (of days) [when the nights or days draw in, it becomes dark earlier in the evening because it will soon be winter]
draw on
begynn å lære
to use something that you have gradually gained or saved
draw out
begynn å lære
extend (to make something continue longer than usual)
draw up
begynn å lære
1. to prepare and write something such as a document or plan / 2. if a vehicle draws up, it arrives at a place and stops
drop in
begynn å lære
wpadać (visit unexpectedly)
drop off
begynn å lære
drop out of
begynn å lære
odpasc, odejsc (ze szkoly)
eat into
begynn å lære
consume a part of sth (to use or take away a large part of something valuable, such as money or time)
fall back
begynn å lære
1. to move back suddenly from someone or something, often because you are frightened / 2. If an army falls back, it moves away from an enemy army in order to avoid fighting them
fall back on
begynn å lære
to use something for help because no other choice is available
fall for
begynn å lære
fall in love with sb
fall in
begynn å lære
fall in with
begynn å lære
1. agree to / 2. to become friendly with someone
fall off
begynn å lære
› If the amount, rate, or quality of something falls off, it becomes smaller or lower
fall on
begynn å lære
1. attack
fall out with
begynn å lære
fall through
begynn å lære
nie dojść do skutku (fail to take place)
feel for
begynn å lære
1. to feel sympathy for someone / 2. to experience sympathy and sadness for someone because they are suffering
fit in
begynn å lære
mix well with others
fit up/out
begynn å lære
to put equipment into a room or building so that it can be used for a particular purpose
fly at
begynn å lære
attack (with blows or words)
fold up
begynn å lære
collapse or fail
head off
begynn å lære
o prevent something from taking place
join up
begynn å lære
become a member of the military

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