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giver Uprah said, hey Quique, keep on trying to learn these phrasal verbs and don’t THROW IN THE TOWEL I’m sure you can do it! Rendirse, GIVIAR, rajarse, tirar la toalla. to accept that you have been defeated and agree to stop competing or fighting. begynn å lære
Macgiver Uprah said, hey Quique, keep on trying to learn these phrasal verbs and don’t give up. I’m sure you can do it!. - - - GIVE UP.
Mr Take Up said, we’re selling the grand piano it’s too big for our new apartment and FILL too much room. Ocupar, usar. to use a particular amount of time, space or effort. begynn å lære
Mr Take Up said, we’re selling the grand piano it’s too big for our new apartment and takes up too much room. ----TAKE UP.
Taker Uprah said, If we can’t finish the job today, we’ll stop and CONTINUED it again in the morning. Retomar o tomar, empezar una nueva actividad, empezar a hacer. to take or start doing a particular job or activity. begynn å lære
Taker Uprah said, If we can’t finish the job today, we’ll stop and take it up again in the morning. ---- TAKE something UP.
Taker Uprah said, these jeans fit well around the waist, but they’re a bit too long. If I buy them, will you shorten them for me please?. Recortar un pedazo de tela, acortar una prenda de tela. to shorten a piece of clothing [e.g. skirt, trousers]. begynn å lære
Taker Uprah said, these jeans fit well around the waist, but they’re a bit too long. If I buy them, will you "take them up" for me please?. - — - - TAKE UP.
Taker Uprah said, you should ACCEPT Orlando's offer to help you out with your website. Aceptar una propuesta Sobre. to accept an offer that someone has made. begynn å lære
Taker Uprah said, you should TAKE Orlando UP ON his offer to help you out with your website. ---- TAKE sb UP ON something. I’ve seen one of his sites and it looks pretty good.
Mister Take Up With said, hey son I don’t want you to JOIN WITH the wrong crowd. Juntarse Con. to become friendly or start a relationship with someone, especially someone who might have a bad influence on you. begynn å lære
Mister Take Up With said, hey son I don’t want you to TAKE UP WITH the wrong crowd. - - - - - TAKE UP WITH.
After Tear Up read the letter from her boyfriend, she RIPPED it into little pieces and then she burst into tears. Despedazar, hacer trisas algo. to tear something, especially paper or cloth, into a lot of small pieces. begynn å lære
After Tear up read the letter from her boyfriend, she tore it up into little pieces and then she burst into tears. ---- TEAR UP something.
Tearisa Uprah RIPPED TO PIECES the contract and walked out. Romper en pedazos, TEARIAR en pedazos, destruir en pedazos un contrato y reusarse a aceptar algo... to refuse to accept something such as an agreement any longer. begynn å lære
Tearisa Uprah TORE UP the contract and walked out. ------ TEAR UP. The angry workers "tore up" their work contracts in front of the TV cameras. ---- He wanted us to tear up the contract.
Tearisa Uprah said that after hearing the tragic news Obama CRIED and could hardly speak. Sollozar, que se te salgan las lagrimas, lagrimear. to make someone cry or feel very unhappy and upset. (See also: break down). begynn å lære
Tearisa Uprah said that after hearing the tragic news Obama TORE UP and could hardly speak. ---- TEAR UP someone.
Hey Mr Thinkner Uprah, I just INVENT a solution to your problem!. Imventar, crear. to invent or create an idea or plan by using your imagination and intelligence. (see also: come up with, cook up (inf), make up). begynn å lære
Hey Mr Thinkner Uprah, I just thought up a solution to your problem!. ---- THINK UP. The boss wants me to go to a trade fair in China, but I don’t want to go. I’ll have to think up a good excuse so I can get out of it.
Mrs Clearsely Uprah asked, hasn't Kaz CLEANED her room yet?. I've asked her to do that twice this week. Limpiar y ordenar., aclarar y limpiar. to make a place clean by putting things back where they should be. (See also: tidy up, clean up, straighten up). begynn å lære
Mrs Clearsely Uprah asked, hasn't Kaz cleared up her room yet?. I've asked her to do that twice this week. ---- CLEAR UP. Emmy always CLEARS UP the house whenever visit is coming. -------- CLEAR UP.