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Mr Zipolo Uprah said, FASTEN your jacket Quito, it's cold out there. Subir el cierre con el codigo Postal. to fasten a piece of clothing by using its zip a long metal or plastic fastener, or to help someone close the zip on a piece of clothing they are wearing. (see also: do up). begynn å lære
Mr Zipolo Uprah said, ZIP your jacket UP Quito, it's cold out there. --- ZIP, ZIP UP. ------- zip, or, zip up (UK)... Melania said, hey, Donal make sure you haven’t forgotten to SUBIR EL CIERRE your fly before you go on stage to give your speech.
Facessy Uprah Tota said, now It’s time for me that I have to ACCEPT the fact that I’m getting older and I have to start taking better care of my body. Afrontar, aceptar con, aceptar la realidad. to accept that a difficult or unpleasant situation exists. begynn å lære
Facessy Uprah Tota said, now It’s time for me that I have to FACE UP TO the fact that I’m getting older and I have to start taking better care of my body. --------- FACE UP TO something. Trump's daughther refuses to "face up to" reality and still believes the project will be a success. -- - FACE UP TO something.
Filly Uprah kept MAKING FULL my glass with champagne. Llenar, rellenar, llenar al tope. to become full, or to make something become full. begynn å lære
Filly Uprah kept FILLING my glass UP with champagne...---- FILL UP. FILL UP. ------- Filly kept filling my glass up with champagne... By eight o’clock the restaurant was beginning to fill up. If you pour a glass of beer for someone, make sure you fill it up to the top. FILL UP.
Mrs Finishony Uprah said, after working her way around South America, Melany WINDED UP in Mexico City working as an English teacher. Terminar en. Ir a dar, ir a parar, finishiar a la Altura. to finally be in a particular place, state or situation, especially without having planned it. (see also: end up, wind up). begynn å lære
Mrs Finishony Uprah said, after working her way around South America, Melany (- -) up in Mexico City working as an English teacher. ---- FINISH UP. After working her way around South America, Melany finished up in Mexico City working as an English teacher... Jenny drank so much that she finished up in hospital. --------- FINISH UP.
Mr Firenando Uprah said that the coach Tucca Ferreti EXITED his players with his half-time talk, and they came out and played much better in the second half. Encender los animos, Prender fuego a los animos, poner a alguien, exitado ó enojado. to make someone become excited or angry. (See also: stir up, whip up). begynn å lære
Mr Firenando Uprah said that the coach Tucca Ferreti FIRE UP his players with his half-time talk, and they came out and played much better in the second half. Uprah said that the coach Tucca Ferreti fired up his players with his half-time talk, and they came out and played much better in the second half... The issues of Donal has fired up civil rights activists. ----------- FIRE UP.
Mrs Fixy Uprah said, we bought an old house and REPAIRED it. We painted it and redecorated it and now it looks lovely. Arreglar, reparar, acondicionar, remodelar. to repair or arrange something [e.g. room, house] in order to improve it or to make it suitable for a particular purpose. (see also: do up). begynn å lære
Mrs Fixy Uprah said, we bought an old house and FIXED it UP. We painted it and redecorated it and now it looks lovely.--- FIX UP. Edgar said, we bought an old house and fixed it up. We painted it and redecorated it and now it looks lovely... Chava had fixed up one of the bedrooms for me to use as an office. -------- FIX UP.
Follownado Uprah said, hey April, TAKE ACTION WITH the phone call with a written confirmation. Dar seguimiento, estar al pendiente, dar segumiento. to do something in addition to what you have already done, in order to be certain of achieving your goal. begynn å lære
Follownado Uprah said, hey April, FOLLOW UP the phone call with a written confirmation. ---- FOLLOW UP. Hey April, follow up the phone call with a written confirmation. ---------- FOLLOW UP.
Freenando Uprah said, I cancelled my meeting to free up the afternoon to write my report. Crear tiempo ó espacio disponible, dejar ó hacer espacio libre, dejar Gratis a la Altura. to have time or money available for a particular use by not using it in another way. begynn å lære
Freenando Uprah said, I cancelled my meeting to free up the afternoon to write my report. ------- FREE UP. Dave Papioly said, we have to stop making some of our models for a while to (- -) up machines in order to fill a huge order for one particular model. ---- FREE UP.
Gonzalo Udersly said that Felipe's company WENT INTO BANKRUPTCY when the economy slowed down, and he had to go back to his old job. Ir, irse a bancarrota, ir, Irse a quiebra. Irse Debajo de, a pique. if a company or business goes under, it fails financially. (see also: close down, shut down). begynn å lære
Gonzalo Udersly said that Felipe's company WENT UNDER when the economy slowed down, and he had to go back to his old job. ----GO UNDER. GO UNDER ------ The government has refused any financial assistance to stop the company from going under. ---------------- GO UNDER.
Mrs Comersy Uprah said that the president has come under fire for not solving the country’s problems. Venir Debajo a estar en el ojo del huracan, venir Por debajo del ojo del huracan, tensión, ó presión, critica, etc. estar en medio del ojo del huracan. to be expose, affected, controlled, or influenced by (something). begynn å lære
Mrs Comersy Uprah said that the president has come under fire for not solving the country’s problems. ----------- COME UNDER. The government has came under pressure from the media and protest groups to release the committee’s report on corruption. ------ COME UNDER something.
Keepco Under Twrapos said, I can’t show anyone the new design yet. We’re KEEPING it SECRET until the new advertising campaign starts. Mantener Bajo secreto, trapos, garras. to keep something secret and not reveal it to anyone. begynn å lære
Keepco Under Twrapos said, I can’t show anyone the new design yet. We’re KEEPING it UNDER WRAPS until the new advertising campaign starts. ---- KEEP UNDER WRAPS. KEEP UNDER WRAPS. -------The name of the movie is being "kept under wraps". ---------------- KEEP UNDER WRAPS.
Mrs Comerny Uprah asked, do you think the issue of getting more staff will be MENTIONED at this week’s meeting?. Salir, surgir, venir a sacar un tema a colación Altura. to be discussed mentioned or thought of something. begynn å lære
Mrs Comerny Uprah asked, do you think the issue of getting more staff will COME UP at this week’s meeting? ---- COME UP. Do you think the issue of getting more staff will come up at this week’s meeting? I'm afraid a problem has come up, so I won't be at the meeting this afternoon... The senator knew that questions about his campaign would come up. -------- COME UP.