spørsmålet |
svaret |
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loty krajowe - międzynarodowe begynn å lære
domestic - international flights
gdzie oddajesz bagaż rejestrowany i otrzymujesz kartę pokładową begynn å lære
where you give in any checked-in luggage and are given a boarding pass
gdzie zabierasz bagaż, aby go odprawić, jeśli masz już kartę pokładową begynn å lære
where you take your luggage to check it in if you already have your boarding pass
bagaż może być sprawdzony begynn å lære
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długość lotu: punktualnie, wejście na pokład, zamknięty lub opóźniony begynn å lære
flight times: flight is on time, boarding, closed, or delayed
gdzie wsiadasz do samolotu begynn å lære
where you board your flight
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where planes take off and land
pokój wypoczynkowy dla VIP begynn å lære
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zmęczenie spowodowane różnicą czasu begynn å lære
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wysadzić mnie na lotnisku begynn å lære
to drop me off at the airport
zamelduj się online dzień wcześniej begynn å lære
check in online the day before
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wypełnić formularz emigracyjny begynn å lære
to fill in the emigration form
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odebrać mój bagaż przy odbiorze bagażu begynn å lære
to pick up my luggage at baggage reclaim
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wstępnie napompować kamizelkę ratunkową begynn å lære
to pre-inflate lifejacket
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dzięki uprzejmości branży lotniczej begynn å lære
courtesy of the airline industry
krzyczeć do innych pasażerów begynn å lære
to shout to the other passengers
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The flight was so bumpy that we all felt sick.
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The taxi driver drove so quickly that we got to the airport on time
so much / so many + rzeczownik begynn å lære
There was so much traffic that we nearly missed out flight
SUCH A + przymiotnik + policzalny pojedynczy rzeczownik begynn å lære
It was a such a great hotel that we want to go back there next year.
SUCH + przymiotnik + rzeczownik niepoliczalny begynn å lære
We had such terrible weather that we didn't really enjoy the holiday
SUCH + przymiotnik + rzeczownik w liczbie mnogiej begynn å lære
They were such uncomfortable seats that I couldn't sleep at all
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flight took off from x to y
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a voice came out of the loudspeakers
To jest ogłoszenie awaryjne begynn å lære
This is an emergency announcement
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on nie wyjaśnił, co się stało begynn å lære
he didn't explain what had happened
Pilot latał tą trasą wiele razy begynn å lære
The pilot had flown this route many times
samolot leciał trzy godziny begynn å lære
the plane had been flying for three hours
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kolejne działania lub sytuacje begynn å lære
consecutive action or situations
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a longer continuous past action or situation in progress when another action happened We were having dinner when the plane hit some turbulence.
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the "earlier past": emphasizes the completion of an activity When we arrived we suddenly realized that we had left one of the suitcases in the taxi
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emphasizes the continuation of an activity We had been flying for 2 hours when the capitan told us to fasten our seat belts
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W pośpiechu powiedzieć sobie nawzajem begynn å lære
be in haste to tell each other
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poczucie zarówno rozkoszy, jak i zmartwienia begynn å lære
a sense of both delight and worry
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aby pokonać naszą rezerwę begynn å lære
w celu ułatwienia interakcji społecznych begynn å lære
to facilitate social interaction
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sam w sobie interesujący temat begynn å lære
an intrinsically interesting topic
sam w sobie, z natury rzeczy begynn å lære