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spørsmålet svaret
to put something into a bag, box, etc.: We're leaving early tomorrow morning, so you'd better ... (= put clothes and other possessions into suitcases or bags) tonight.
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We're leaving early tomorrow morning, so you'd better pack (= put clothes and other possessions into suitcases or bags) tonight.
bardziej rzucający się w oczy
attracting attention, sometimes by being extreme in color, design, or materials: This one's...
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This one's showier
burak, osioł
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wyjedź ze mną
to leave a place or situation with the stated feeling, idea, condition, etc.: Some 39 percent said they ... a more favorable view of the candidate.
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come away with me
Some 39 percent said they came away with a more favorable view of the candidate.
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take a trip
zrobić rezerwację
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make a reservation
a room to sleep in for the night and a morning meal, or a private house or small hotel offering this:
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bed and breakfast
absurdalny, niedorzeczny, śmieszny
stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at: Don't be so ...! I can't possibly afford to stay in a hotel like that
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Don't be so ridiculous! I can't possibly afford to stay in a hotel like that
ubezpieczenie podróży
insurance for people who are travelling, to pay for any medical treatment, loss of money or property, etc.: A claim on our ... was rejected as our baggage was 'not in our control' when the theft took place.
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travel insurance
A claim on our travel insurance was rejected as our baggage was 'not in our control' when the theft took place.
żyć na krawędzi
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live on the edge
Zarezerwowałem bilety na samolot
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I have reserved a flight / I have booked a flight
Prawo jazdy
official permission for someone to drive a car, received after passing a driving test, or a document showing this. // I'm afraid your ... is invalid in Eastern Europe.
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Driving licence / driver's license
I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.
Bagaż podręczny
small bags that can be taken into the cabin of a plane by its passengers: There is a five-kilo limit on...
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Hand luggage / carry-on
There is a five-kilo limit on hand baggage.
zarezerwować bilet na lot
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book a flight
Zorganizuję coś innego
begynn å lære
I'll make other arrangements
miejsce (w samolocie)
a piece of furniture or part of a train, plane, etc. that has been designed for someone to sit on: Chairs, sofas and benches are different types of...
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Chairs, sofas and benches are different types of seat.
na ostatnią chwilę
the latest possible opportunity for doing something: He always leaves his homework until the...
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He always leaves his homework until the last minute.
the money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus or train: Train ... are going up again.
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Train fares are going up again.
to (cause to) divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line: The prize was ... between Susan and Kate.
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The prize was split between Susan and Kate.
a piece of land on which grapevines are grown (= plants that produce small round fruits used for making wine)
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dwie godziny jazdy samochodem
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a two-hour drive
w najgorszym wypadku
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if worse came to worst
znaleźć pokój (infl)
potocznie używa się tego słowa, gdy mowa o kupowaniu lub jedzeniu
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grab a room
np. grab a drink
tylko na wszelki wypadek
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just in case
a paper copy of computer text and images produced by a printer attached to the computer // There were pages of computer ... all over the desk.
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There were pages of computer printout all over the desk.
the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are travelling: We bought some new ... for our trip.
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luggage, baggage
We bought some new luggage for our trip.
wysłać pocztą
to send something, usually a large object or a large quantity of objects or people, to a place far away: We ... books out to New York every month.
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We ship books out to New York every month.
dokumenty podróżne
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travel documents
na blacie
a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. at which people are served: There was nobody ... when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
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on the counter
There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
bilet na samolot
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plane ticket
przygotowanie do podróży
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travel preparation
a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something or about the likely winner of a race or competition: gardening/cooking/sewing...
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gardening/cooking/sewing tips
to buy something: She ... her first house with the money.
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She purchased her first house with the money.
w obie strony (bilet)
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both ways
z wyprzedzeniem
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ahead of time
tracić ważność
(of something that lasts for a fixed length of time) to end or stop being in use: My passport will ... next year.
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My passport will expire next year.
begynn å lære
have it renewed
ważny (np. o paszporcie)
valid; A ticket or other document is valid if it is based on or used according to a set of official conditions that often include a time limit: My passport is ... for another two years.
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up to date
My passport is valid for another two years.
złożyć wniosek o wizę
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apply for a visa
to samo dotyczy
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the same goes for
(of two or more items) with each relating to something previously mentioned, in the same order as first mentioned: George and Kenneth were married in 1980 and 1985,...
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George and Kenneth were married in 1980 and 1985, respectively.
szukać wszystkiego
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do all the research
biuro podróży, pracownik biura podróży
a person or company that arranges tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for people going on holiday or making a journey
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travel agency, travel agent
Śniadanie i obiadokolacja
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Half board = HB
pełne wyżywienie
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full board = FB
wczasy all-inclusive
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all-inclusive vacation
na własne ryzyko
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at your own risk
na wypadek
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in case of
niespodziewana sytuacja awaryjna
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unexpected emergency
przezorny zawsze ubezpieczony (dosłownie lepiej być bezpiecznym niż żałować)
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It's better to be safe than sorry
oszczędząć na
to avoid using something so that you do not have to pay for it: It was a warm winter, so we ... electricity.
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save on
It was a warm winter, so we saved on electricity.
rodzaj ubezpieczenia
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insurance plan
a fact or situation that influences the result of something: Price will be a major/crucial ... in the success of this new product.
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Price will be a major/crucial factor in the success of this new product.
ryzykowny, przygodowy
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aktywności wysokiego ryzyka
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high risk activities
dodatkowa polisa
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additional policy
the act of deciding that an organized event will not happen or of stopping an order for something: Many trains are subject to ... because of the flooding.
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Many trains are subject to cancellation because of the flooding.
an occasion when someone or something stops something from happening for a short period: I worked all morning without...
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I worked all morning without interruption.
ubezpieczenie medyczne
insurance for the cost of medical treatment if you are ill or injured, often paid for by companies for their employees: If you want private ... once you stop work, you must be prepared for substantial costs.
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medical insurance
If you want private medical insurance once you stop work, you must be prepared for substantial costs.
financial protection so that you get money if something bad happens: They have a national program that provides health/medical ... for every citizen.
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They have a national program that provides health/medical coverage for every citizen.
warunki (regulamin)
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terms and conditions
area or length; amount: Rosie's teacher was impressed by the ... of her knowledge (= how much she knew).
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Rosie's teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge (= how much she knew).
an amount of money paid to someone: The ... was increased from 10 cents to 11 cents a share.
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The payout was increased from 10 cents to 11 cents a share.
składka ubezpieczeniowa
an amount of money paid to get insurance: The premiums for healthcare plans are high.
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The premiums for healthcare plans are high.
wyłączenia (w ubezpieczeniu)
an event or situation that is not included in an insurance agreement as something for which the insurance company will pay money: Many insurance policies are full of ..., meaning insurers can legitimately turn claims down.
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Many insurance policies are full of exclusions, meaning insurers can legitimately turn claims down.
zgłosić, zadeklarować
to officially tell someone the value of goods you have bought, or the amount of money you have earned because you might have to pay tax: You have to ... any earnings over a certain amount.
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You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.
wcześniejsze stany chorobowe
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pre-existing medical conditions
choroba przewlekła
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chronic disease
to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something: She ... him (up) with a blanket.
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She covered him (up) with a blanket.
otrzymać zwrot pieniędzy
to pay someone back an amount of money that they have spent doing their work, or to pay them money because you have caused them to have a problem:
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get reimbursed
doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results: He was found guilty of ... driving.
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He was found guilty of reckless driving.
bez opieki, niepilnowany
not being watched or taken care of: Please do not leave your luggage...
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Please do not leave your luggage unattended.
the fact of not being where you are usually expected to be: She has had repeated ... from work this year.
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She has had repeated absences from work this year.
opiekun domu
a person who stays in someone's house while they are away in order to keep it safe: If you will be away, I know two great ... needing a place to stay.
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If you will be away, I know two great house-sitters needing a place to stay.
podlać Ci kwiatki
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water your plants
opiekun zwierzaka
a person who takes care of someone's pet while that person is away from home: From now on she'll find another ... when she travels.
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From now on she'll find another pet sitter when she travels.
zamówić przerwę w usłudze
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place a stop order
zapłacić z góry
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pay in advance
odłączyć od prądu
to remove a plug for an electrical device from a socket: Did you ... the iron?
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Did you unplug the iron?
urządzenia elektryczne
products that use electronic parts: Sales of ... and toys have been strong.
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Sales of electronics and toys have been strong.
łatwo psujący się
used to describe products, especially food, that decay quickly: ... food, such as meat, isn't always handled or stored safely.
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Perishable food, such as meat, isn't always handled or stored safely.
zepsuć się (o jedzeniu)
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go bad
used to refer to cows that are used for producing milk, rather than meat, or to foods that are made from milk, such as cream, butter, and cheese:
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płatność kartą
any of a range of different cards that can be used by a customer to make a payment: At the end of last year, US households on average had access to more than 13 ..., according to the credit-tracking firm.
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card payment
At the end of last year, US households on average had access to more than 13 payment cards, according to the credit-tracking firm.
money in the form of coins rather than notes: She gave me €5 in...
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She gave me €5 in change
a small amount of money given to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use: He gave the porter a...
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He gave the porter a tip.
automat (np. z kawą)
a machine from which you can buy small things such as cigarettes, drinks, and sweets by putting coins into it: The ... in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee.
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vending machine
The vending machine in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee.
the fact that something can be bought, used, or reached, or how much it can be: Abortion rates are high because the ... of contraceptives is limited.
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Abortion rates are high because the availability of contraceptives is limited.
wypłata z bankomatu
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ATM withdrawal, cash machine, cash dispenser
przelicznik (kurs walut)
the rate at which one type of currency, share, etc. can be exchanged for another: Check our latest dollar ... online.
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conversion rate
Check our latest dollar conversion rates online.
a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small meal: Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal...
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Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.
ubrania na zmianę
a set of clothes that is additional to the clothes that you are wearing: Bring a change of clothes with you in case we stay overnight.
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a change of clothes
Bring a change of clothes with you in case we stay overnight.
an official limit on something: The president urged other countries to lift the trade...
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The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions.
naładować (telefon)
to put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery: It's not working - I don't think the battery is...
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It's not working - I don't think the battery is charging.
urządzenie (elektryczne)
an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose: Rescuers used a special ... for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.
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Rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.
a device that is used to recharge a battery (= fill it with electricity), for example in a mobile phone:
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to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer: All of our products are available for ... on our website.
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All of our products are available for download on our website.
an extra wire used to take electricity to a piece of electrical equipment when it is an extra distance from the nearest socket
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extension cord
gniazdko elektryczne
a device to which a piece of electrical equipment can be connected in order to provide it with electricity
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electrical outlet, electric socket
abonament na telefon komórkowy
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cell phone plan
wyłączyć transfer danych komórkowych
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turn off your data
wejść na pokład samolotu
o get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft: At London airport she ... to Australia.
begynn å lære
board the plane
At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia.
expensive, a ... purchase
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a costly purchase
kłopot, zamieszanie (infl)
(a situation causing) difficulty or trouble: I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth (all) the...
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I should have taken it back to the shop but I just didn't think it was worth (all) the hassle.
poruszać się po mieście
begynn å lære
navigate the city
the process or an act of giving someone a vaccine (= a substance put into a person's body to prevent them getting a disease): All the children were given two ... against measles.
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vaccination, vaccine
All the children were given two vaccinations against measles.
wynająć samochód
begynn å lære
rent a car
the state of being a member of a particular country and having rights because of it: He was granted Canadian...
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He was granted Canadian citizenship.
sprawdzić dwa razy
If you double-check something, you make certain it is correct or safe, usually by examining it again. I always ... to make sure I locked the door.
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I always double-check to make sure I locked the door.
Do kiedy ważny jest twój paszport?
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When does your passport expire?
Moje ubezpieczenie pokrywa zagubiony bagaż.
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My insurance covers lost luggage.
Zrobię rezerwację
begynn å lære
I'll make a reservation
porównać ceny
begynn å lære
compare prices
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currency exchange
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excess baggage
zrobić listę
begynn å lære
make a list
wielowalutowa karta płatnicza
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multi-currency card
wykupić ubezpieczenie
begynn å lære
take out insurance
Adama nie ma w domu. Wyszedł.
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Adam is out
Adama nie ma w domu. Wyjechał
begynn å lære
Adam is away
Ile waży Twoja walizka?
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How much does your suitcase weigh?
a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, theater, church, etc., or between the rows of shelves in a store. I always ask for an ... seat, not a window seat.
begynn å lære
I always ask for an aisle seat, not a window seat.
the way in which people or things are arranged, either in relation to one another or according to a particular characteristic: Put the files in alphabetical/chronological...
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Put the files in alphabetical/chronological order.
z jakiegoś powodu
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for some reason
równie dobrze
to be a good thing to do, or to be a lucky thing to happen or be done: It's ... you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.
begynn å lære
just as well
It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.
oczyszczacz powietrza
a machine or a substance that removes harmful substances from something:
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air purifier
an air purifier
involving a lot of different but related parts: a ... procedure
begynn å lære
a complex procedure

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