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make an effort to achieve or complete
All Frank`s attempts to rule his wife life fail.
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Some women attempt to achieve a compromise.
circle back
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Move in a wide loop back towards one's starting point
She didn`t want to circle back
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She keeps circling back to a few events, a few places, all from childhood
incapable of
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Unable to do or achieve
She was incapable of seeing things clearly.
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She was incapable of refusing when she was offered an opportunity
call for
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make necessary wymagać
Working in a corporation calls for resistance to stress
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Desperate times call for desperate measures
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As a consequence; for this reason
Hence we should aske ourselves what we would like to achive
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Alcohol can cause liver failure and hence death
teething troubles
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Short-term problems that occur in the early stages of a new project
It seems to have got over its teething troubles
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Wygląda na to, że przezwyciężył problemy
Nest egg
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A sum of money saved for the future
I worked hard to build up a nice little nest egg
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Everybody needs to have a nest egg
chicken feed
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A ridiculously small sum of money.
the pay was chicken feed for the work I put in
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wynagrodzenie było bardzo małe w stosunku do pracy, którą wykonałem
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A trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade
sales gimmicks such as free trips
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It’s not a real education policy, it’s just a gimmick to win votes
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An ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules
She chooses to improvise, to break rules, to find loopholes.
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I have certainly bent the rules, or found loopholes to use to my advantage.
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An unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback
there's one small snag
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Unfortunately, this morning the plan hit a snag when none of them actually turned up.
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Niezawodny- godny zaufania, na którym można polegać
a reliable source of information
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My friend is a reliable person
Reliant on something
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zależny, uzależniony od
We are reliant upon debt for our money
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My children are completely reliant on me because they’re too young to be independent.
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extremely large, rozległy
The potential for difficulties in your relationship is vast.
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Potencjał trudności w związku jest ogromny.
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bezpośrednio, z wyprzedzeniem
you’ll need to address this head-on
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If you deal with a problem head-on, you deal with it in a very direct way
To encounter
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napotkać, natknąć się
But I've never encountered any real difficulties or trouble.
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We all encounter some challenges in our lives.
To prevail
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to dominate, to rule, dominować
Tt is hard for logic to prevail over emotion
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Trudno logice przeważyć nad emocjami
When this mindset prevails in a relationship
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Kiedy ten sposób myślenia dominuje w związku,
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add up
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I Increase in amount, number, or degree / II Seem reasonable or consistent; make sense
watch those air miles add up
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The amount of caffeine in these tea extracts can add up quickly
bargain for
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Be prepared for; expect
I got more information than I'd bargained for’
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he didn't bargain on this storm
come up against
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Be faced with or opposed by
I'd come up against this kind of problem before
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The boys were not so successful, coming up against very strong opposition.
draw up
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sporządzić; - zatrzymać się (o pojeździe)
drop off
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a sudden drop-off in tourism
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Some programms have been cancelled because of a drop-off in demand
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resistant to sth
I have the stamina to finish the book about neuroscience in coaching
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‘their secret is stamina rather than speed’
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The ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.
‘she was close to the limit of her endurance’
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I would like to climb Mount Everest but I think my endurance would be a major snag in
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Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.
‘intermittent rain’
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"przerywany deszcz"
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The communication of disease from one person or organism to another by close contact.
‘the rooms held no risk of contagion’
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when I’m ill I may spread contagious diseases
to discourage
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to prevent from happening, zniechęcać
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attempt, effort, [INDEWE] struggle
‘he is endeavouring to help the Third World’
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I’m trying to endeavour to stick to a new diet without gluten
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the phrase was obsolete after 1625’
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Cameras are becoming replaced by smartphones
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he had a guilty conscience about his desires’
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miał wyrzuty sumienia z powodu swoich pragnień "
Ben was suffering a pang of conscience’
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Ben cierpiał z powodu sumienia "
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strengthen, fortify, bolster up,
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Just; only.
to invoke force majeur
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przywoływać siłę wyższą
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wrażliwy, odpowiadający, reagujący
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pay attention to, take notice of, take note of, pay heed to, be heedful of
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Simply and convincingly, he forgives his enemies.
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Po prostu i przekonująco wybacza swoim wrogom.
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Its very auspicious day.
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To bardzo pomyślny dzień.
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favourable, propitious, promising, full of promise, bright, rosy, good, optimistic, hopeful, encouraging
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Critical observation or examination.
every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny’
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każdy aspekt samorządu lokalnego został poddany kontroli "
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niezgodność, sprzeczność
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życzliwy, dobrotliwy, dobroduszny
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aggravating circumstances that warrant further discipline’
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okoliczności obciążające, które uzasadniają dalszą dyscyplinę "
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w odniesieniu do tendency, view, idea, attitude, beliefmacniać
the latest figures reinforce the view that economic growth is slowing
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najnowsze dane potwierdzają pogląd, że wzrost gospodarczy zwalnia
Feminists often argue that marriage reinforces the inequality between the sexes
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Feministki często twierdzą, że małżeństwo wzmacnia nierówność między płciami
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skurcz, ukłucie
I had a pang of conscience
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Miałem wyrzut sumienia
discouraged by the lack of time
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zniechęcony brakiem czasu
he was discouraged by the lack of progress in the project
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zniechęcił go brak postępu w projekcie
to come up against
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to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant
In the first week, we came up against a very tricky problem
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W pierwszym tygodniu napotkaliśmy na bardzo trudny problem
I would like to land a new job in English
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Chciałbym rozpocząć nową pracę w języku angielskim
to land
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dostać, znaleźć pracę

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