spørsmålet |
svaret |
inaczej failure begynn å lære
Stay optimistic in spite of setbacks.
wiedza, doświadczenie, kompetencja inaczej knowledge, experience, competence begynn å lære
Promotion isn't the only way to increase your expertise.
begynn å lære
Ask for information about your shortcomings.
begynn å lære
You may make alterations, but make sure your work is easy to read.
inaczej appear, arise begynn å lære
Once you see patterns emerging it will help you decide whether the gaps you have u identified can be filled relatively easily.
niedopasowanie, niezgodność begynn å lære
If you cannot work out what the mismatch is, get back to selection panel.
inaczej broken, depressed begynn å lære
Do not be dispirited if you are turned down for a job, but think of the reasons the employers give.
inaczej deficit, shortage begynn å lære
Interviews that generated them amd a list of where you think the shortfall in your perfomance lies in.
begynn å lære
apathetic --> apatyczny However, do not use this as an excuse to apathy
inaczej distrustful begynn å lære
wariness --> nieufność It has not been a good investment and may make other employers wary.
begynn å lære
to be fond of sth/sb - lubić coś/kogoś On my living room wall I have a painting of a wildcat of which I am extremely fond.
inaczej illustrate, present begynn å lære
It depicts a snarling, spitting animal, teeth bared and back arched.
begynn å lære
It depicts a snarling, spitting animal, teeth bared and back arched.
begynn å lære
It depicts a snarling, spitting animal, teeth bared and back arched.
begynn å lære
It depicts a snarling, spitting animal, teeth bared and back arched.
begynn å lære
A taut coiled spring ready to unleash some unknown fury
begynn å lære
However, the psychical differences are tangible.
begynn å lære
The tail is thicker and blunter, wtih three to five rings.
inaczej totally, completely begynn å lære
The animal has an altogether heavier look.
begynn å lære
It was during the nineteenth century, with the establishment, that the wildcat because a nuisance.
zdalny, odległy, oddalony begynn å lære
Especially in the remoter parts of northern and western Scotland.
begynn å lære
This is a cause for real concern, given that the animals in these areas have less contact with domestic cats and are therefore purer.
inaczej results from the begynn å lære
Part of the problem stems from the fact that the accepted physical desciption of the species...
begynn å lære
In other words, an artificial collection of specimens were built up, exhibiting the features considered typical of the wildcat.
inaczej display begynn å lære
In the foreground are exhibited only things that deserve attention.
inaczej isolate begynn å lære
Wildcat kittens are usually born in May/June in a secluded den.
begynn å lære
Wildcat kittens are usually born in May/June in a secluded den.
begynn å lære
Wildcat kittens are usually born in May/June in a secluded den, secreted in a gap amongst boulders.
begynn å lære
Catch a glimpse of one and the memory will linger forever.
inaczej remain, stay begynn å lære
Catch a glimpse of one and the memory will linger forever.
begynn å lære
In Europe from 1914 to 1918 meant there was very little persecution, since gamekeepers went off to fight.
inaczej avoid, prevent begynn å lære
Extinction was narrowly averted.
begynn å lære
Trying to detect the tell-tale movement of a vole or a mouse.
inaczej jump begynn å lære
But there is nothing, and in another leap he disappears into the gloom.
inaczej darkness begynn å lære
But there is nothing, and in another leap he disappears into the gloom.
inaczej leafy begynn å lære
They probably used deciduous and coniferous woodland for shelters.
begynn å lære
They probably used deciduous and coniferous woodland for shelters.
begynn å lære
And hunted over more open areas such as open woodland, thickets and scrub. grassy areas and marsh.
inaczej swamp begynn å lære
And hunted over more open areas such as open woodland, thickets and scrub. grassy areas and marsh.
begynn å lære
As the animals emerge, their curiosity is aroused by every moment and rustle in vegetation.
begynn å lære
As the animals emerge, their curiosity is aroused by every moment and rustle in vegetation.
begynn å lære
As the animals emerge, their curiosity is aroused by every moment and rustle in vegetation.
begynn å lære
It is a typical image most folk have of the beast, but it is very much a false one.
begynn å lære
arcane knowledge --> tajemna wiedza Clarifying the arcane for the layman.
begynn å lære
Clarifying the arcane for the layman.
inaczej valuable begynn å lære
We can make this a really worthwhile project for the EU.
begynn å lære
Questions concerning the quest of beauty in architecture, or its rejection or denial.
zniechęcający, onieśmielający inaczej discouraging begynn å lære
To walk him across daunting threshold of architecture.
begynn å lære
Yes, the irregularities of the nervous system can be... perplexing.
inaczej boring begynn å lære
De Botton never once discusses the importance of such dull.
inaczej brave begynn å lære
Alain de Botton has a great time making bold and amusing judgements about architecture.
inaczej funny begynn å lære
Alain de Botton has a great time making bold and amusing judgements about architecture.
begynn å lære
Alain de Botton has a great time making bold and amusing judgements about architecture with lavish and imaginative references.
begynn å lære
He worries away, as many architecture do, at how inert materials can convey meaning and alter consciousness.
poddawać, wyrażać, przekazywać np. emocje, treść begynn å lære
He worries away, as many architecture do, at how inert materials can convey meaning and alter consciousness.
inaczej change begynn å lære
He worries away, as many architecture do, at how inert materials can convey meaning and alter consciousness.
begynn å lære
However, this is an engaging and intelligent book on architecture.
inaczej barely begynn å lære
Do we want our buildings merely to shelter us, or do we also want them to speak to us?
inaczej happy begynn å lære
He makes the most of his theme on his jolly trip through the world of architecture.
begynn å lære
Genealogy is a branch of history.
begynn å lære
It concerns family history rathen than the national or world history studied in school.
zainteresowany, zatroskany, zmartwiony inaczej interested begynn å lære
begynn å lære
The internet enables millions of people worldwide to approach information about their history, without great expense.
begynn å lære
The survey also concluded that the further back you follow your family line...
ogromny, szeroki, olbrzymi begynn å lære
However, the vast majority of people who participated in the survey, discovered that...
inaczej notice begynn å lære
Baba remarks that this kind of instantaneous and mechanical life is also reflected in the mother-child relationship.
begynn å lære
I work as a motorbike stunt rider - that is, I do tricks on my motorbike at shows.
begynn å lære
And it's joined to the mailand by a causeway called the Stand.
inaczej wide begynn å lære
It's about four kilometres long and two kilometres wide at its broadest point.
begynn å lære
The mainland is just a vast stretch of tall grasses and brown mud.
begynn å lære
But when there's a high tide and the water rises a half a metre or so...
begynn å lære
He had been talking non-stop from the moment he'd slung his rucksack in the boot.
begynn å lære
I mean talking as in jabbering like a mad thing.
inaczej foggy begynn å lære
Stretched out before us, clear and dry, beatifully hazy in the heat
begynn å lære
A raised strip of grey concrete bound by white railings and a low footpath on either side.
łączony, złączony, oprawiony begynn å lære
A raised strip of grey concrete bound by white railings and a low footpath on either side.
inaczej shine begynn å lære
Beyond the railings, the water was glinting with that wonderful silver light.
leniuchować, wylegiwać się begynn å lære
With that wonderful silver light we sometimes get here in the late afternoon which lazes through to the early evening.
begynn å lære
There's nothing but small cottages, farmland, heathland and a couple of hills.
begynn å lære
What we ballet dancers do is instinctive.
begynn å lære
And so the idea persists that dancers spend every waking hour in pain.
begynn å lære
There is no need to break bones or tear muscles to achieve ballet positions.
begynn å lære
Starting with the left hand on the barre, the routine unrolls over some 75 minutes.
rozwijać się, rozwinąć się begynn å lære
Starting with the left hand on the barre, the routine unrolls over some 75 minutes.
begynn å lære
But I am shocked when consumers are knowingly and deliberately misled.
begynn å lære
Gives an example of how Gavin reassured his son.
osoba lub czynnik demokratyzujący begynn å lære
No one avoids this, it is ballet's great democratiser, the well established members of the company working alongside the newest recruits.
begynn å lære
Both a rigorous and comprehensive fitness regime and highly nutritious diet.
begynn å lære
It is carbohydrates, rathen than proteins and fat, that provide athletes with the endurance.
begynn å lære
Sports people are prone to injury but a quality training regime can ensure that...
seriously begynn å lære
All boats within 800m were severely damaged.
np. urazu begynn å lære
Examples of different degrees of severity of each lesion should be described.
begynn å lære
No doubt this is why serious works devoted to colour are rare.
begynn å lære
Many authors search for the universal or archetypal truths they imagine reside in colour.
begynn å lære
Colour is first and foremost a social phenomenon.
begynn å lære
What many books based on poorly grasped nuerobiology.
begynn å lære
Such books unfortunetaly clutter the bibliography on the subject, and even do it harm.
begynn å lære
We couldn't conceive that someone is in our office.
inaczej change, modify begynn å lære
As time has altered them and not as they were originally.
begynn å lære
Despite the current diffusion of colour photography, our was of thinking have remained more or less black and white.
inaczej struggle begynn å lære
He must grapple with a host of factors all at once.
begynn å lære
Because among the numerous facts pertaining to colour, a researcher tends to select those facts...
inaczej motive, theme begynn å lære
On various concrete factors such as the rate of occurrence of particular objects and motifs.
begynn å lære
While the notion of primary and secondary colours did not become common until the nineteenth century.
inaczej aspect begynn å lære
All kind of objects in order to consider the different facets of the history of colour.
begynn å lære
Most studies devoted to the history of colour consider only the pictorial, artistic or scientific realms.
begynn å lære
Most studies devoted to the history of colour consider only the pictorial, artistic or scientific realms.
inaczej to dazzle, to amaze begynn å lære
bewildering --> oszałamiający Analysis is complicated by the bewildering number of natural colours.
patrzyć z góry, pogardliwie begynn å lære
Colour has been rather looked down upon as a fit subject for academic study.
begynn å lære
The writer says that the historian writing about colour should be careful, when making basic distinctions between key ideas.
begynn å lære
An idea recurring in the text is that people who have studied colour have been muddled about their aims.
powtarzający, powracający begynn å lære
An idea recurring in the text is that people who have studied colour have been muddled about their aims.
inaczej brave, bold begynn å lære
He took the daring step of forming relationships with the animals, bringing them food to gain her acceptance.
begynn å lære
The insight, this has given him into their behaviour has allowed him to dispel certain myths.
inaczej claim begynn å lære
He contends that bears do not bother as much for fruit as previously supposed.
begynn å lære
He killed his parents in a particularly ferocious manner.
begynn å lære
Such as swatting paw on the ground, as this is a defensive, rather than an agrresive act.
begynn å lære
swat --> packa na muchy, strzał, cios
begynn å lære
It is hard to dispute the claim that their availability helps make GNU/Linux more popular.
inaczej effort begynn å lære
It's a realisation that makes all the more impressive, the endeavours of the explorers to come here.
przysiąść na skraju, znajdować się na szczycie (czegoś) begynn å lære
Here at Brothers Point, perched on a headland off the island's east coast.
begynn å lære
Here at Brothers Point, perched on a headland off the island's east coast.
nędzny, nieszczęsny, przeklęty inaczej miserable, unfortunate begynn å lære
Arriving in 1822, Douglass called Macquire "the most wretched place".
begynn å lære
The resultant landships have devastating consequences.
begynn å lære
Only their gurgling barks tell me when to jump.
begynn å lære
As i lose feeling in my fingers, numbed by glacial temperatures.
begynn å lære
As i lose feeling in my fingers, numbed by glacial temperatures.
begynn å lære
Forced to the surface by the convergence of two tectonic plates - an ongoing process.
begynn å lære
I am stumbling, blinded by tiny missiles of ice and snow driven horizontally into my face.
begynn å lære
I am stumbling, blinded by tiny missiles of ice and snow driven horizontally into my face.
begynn å lære
Into my face by a howling gale.
begynn å lære
I'm leaping skyward in undignified panic as a foot narrowly misses an outraged elephant seal.
begynn å lære
I'm leaping skyward in undignified panic as a foot narrowly misses an outraged elephant seal.
begynn å lære
Squinting painfully through torchlight, I've little hope of seeing the beasts.
przytulny, kameralny, wygodny begynn å lære
Later, inside a cosy hut, I decided to chill for a bit.
begynn å lære
sore --> obolały, bolesny Sporting a patch over the sorer of my eyes.
begynn å lære
Or to be precise, Macquire Island: a silver of land conjured abruptly from the vast wilderness.
pozbyć się, uwolnić(od czegoś) begynn å lære
Impossible task - to rid the entire island of every rabbit, rat and mouse.
inaczej suddenly, unexpectedly begynn å lære
Next morning, I abruptly change my mind
begynn å lære
I awake to a view that justifies the three day voyage to this remote outpost of Australia.
begynn å lære
I awake to a view that justifies the three day voyage to this remote outpost of Australia.
begynn å lære
The island is painted white, from highland plateaus, with frozen lakes.
kamyk,żwir, kamyczkowy,żwirkowy begynn å lære
To rocky black sand and pebble shore.
inaczej to shine begynn å lære
All glistens in rare sub-Antarctic sunshine.
begynn å lære
The delay while we doubled back made it impossible to reach the hut before dusk.
begynn å lære
I had also blundered, deciding snow goggles were unnecessary.
begynn å lære
Our first challenge was getting ashore as there is no safe place to hide.
begynn å lære
Over the next few days, seals, penguins and a host of seabirds are a constant presence.
begynn å lære
Unaccustomed to the herbivores teeth, the island flora has been overgazed.
nadmiernie wypasać zwierzęta co prowadzi do erupcji gleby begynn å lære
Unaccustomed to the herbivores teeth, the island flora has been overgazed.
begynn å lære
Unaccustomed to the herbivores teeth, the island flora has been overgazed and reduced to stubble.
begynn å lære
The hills and plateaus are pock marked with holes and soft surfaces.
begynn å lære
Petrel and albatross chicks are thus more vulnerable.
begynn å lære
A number of factors have been proposed, including competition and predation by introduced species.
begynn å lære
Convention discussed whether the island should lose its World Heritage Status.
np. tytuł begynn å lære
However, the status was also conferred because of its outstanding natural beauty.
begynn å lære
Daniel Burnham was an architect whose ever-shifting style and aesthetic made him a true architectural chamma-leeon.
begynn å lære
Given that the wild hillsides that should be lushly covered are bare.
begynn å lære
And are animated not by the movement of wind in tussock, but by rabbits.
komora, sala, komnata (pokój) begynn å lære
Some of the largest underground chambers even host concerts, conferences and business meetings.
inaczej disturbing begynn å lære
Most people find change unsettling and difficult to adapt to.
begynn å lære
Another strategy advocates learning to avoid set patterns of routine behaviour.
uwieczniony, kontynuowany, zachowany begynn å lære
Refers to someone who understood the self perpetuating nature of laughter.
begynn å lære
Desciribes laughter having a detrimental effect.
świadczenie. postanowienie również warunek/ zaopatrywać begynn å lære
This provision applies only among GATT Contracting Parties.
begynn å lære
The scrupulous tending of strains of plants finds its parallel in the domesticating of animals
begynn å lære
A visitor, and one wanting to retain his anonymity, I should say.
begynn å lære
One designer recently showed off a liquid that can be used to produce clothes that are seamless.
begynn å lære
Untangling the Web by Aleks Krotoski.
begynn å lære
All the possible routes one could take in traversing or exploring it.
begynn å lære
Superimpose on the street map the actual traffic flows that are observed.
begynn å lære
What we actually wind up doing with it is, at any point in time, largely unknown.
begynn å lære
This adage is corroborated every time most of us go online.
begynn å lære
The bartender who could corroborate his involvement has disappeared.
begynn å lære
That embody our biases towards things that affect those who are closest to us.
begynn å lære
biased --> stronniczy That embody our biases towards things that affect those who are closest to us.
szczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności również szczęśliwy traf, zdolność do przypadkowych odkryć begynn å lære
Engineering serendipity, however is a tougher proposition.
begynn å lære
Has been doing the conference rounds with an intriguing contraption.
zagrożenie, niebezpieczeństwo begynn å lære
at one’s peril - na własne ryzyko People underestimate Krotoski at their peril.
begynn å lære
She's a rare combination of academic, geek, which her chapter on the concept of friendship online exemplifies
begynn å lære
Connecting in a substantial way with other cultures.
begynn å lære
The arts matter because they link society to its past, a people to its inherited store of ideas.
begynn å lære
The arts challenge those links in order to find watys of exploring new paths and ventures.
inaczej tendency begynn å lære
Humanity's love of the arts somehow reflects some inherent inclination.
begynn å lære
Does strengthen the individual and fosters independence.
begynn å lære
As if they were just another economic lever to be pulled.
begynn å lære
Yet retain their intrinsic value to humanity.
begynn å lære
Without a doubt, the arts are at the very centre of society and innate in every human being.
inaczej definitely begynn å lære
My personal though admittedly controversial, belief is that...
begynn å lære
How much this affects the economy as a whole, which is by no means straightforward.
begynn å lære
It goes without saying that end products of artistic endeavour can be seen as commodities.
begynn å lære
They have concluded, and I have no reason not to concur.
begynn å lære
Nevertheless, emphasis on these in preference to the arts fails to promote.
begynn å lære
And when the baby's born in prison, Michael will have sole custody.
jednolitość, jednorodność begynn å lære
A believe that in an age of dull uniformity.
begynn å lære
The arts are an enlightening and humanising force.
begynn å lære
Laughter in a group of schoolgirls rapidly rose to epidemic proportions.
begynn å lære
Fluctuating in intensity, the epidemic laughter lasted for around two and a half years.
begynn å lære
14 schools were closed and about 1000 people were afflicted.
begynn å lære
When we hear laughter, we become beast of the herd.
begynn å lære
Further clues about the social context of laughter came from surreptitious observation of 1200 people.
begynn å lære
Another counterintuitive discovery was that the average speaker laughs 46%...
begynn å lære
They neglect the social nature of the laughing relationship.
begynn å lære
The speaker and the audience seldom interrupted the phrase structure of speech with ha-ha.
begynn å lære
That a neurologically based process governs the placement of laughter.
być niewypłacalnym/na minusie begynn å lære
I'm in the red. There is no more money on my bank account.
begynn å lære
We didn't expect sally to come. She arrived out of the blue.
begynn å lære
My neighbour was green with envy when he saw my brand new volvo.
begynn å lære
How's your health mike? -Thanks, I'm in the pink, can't be better.
begynn å lære
There's loads of money on my bank account - I'm in the black.
begynn å lære
Their windows are so dirty. I assume they clean them once in a blue moon.
begynn å lære
I'm afraid Tom will see red when you tell him you've scratched his car.
begynn å lære
Our little son likes to tell white lies, really harmless ones.
begynn å lære
Ronald is the black sheep in our family. We prefer to keep away from him.
begynn å lære
Collin's not shy. He is simply afraid of everything. He's so yellow-bellied.
begynn å lære
I could tell by the smirk on your face that you were telling a fib – that’s the word for a small, inoffensive lie.
begynn å lære
Often what we mean by lying is someone setting out to deceive us with their words
begynn å lære
Some good advice from Richard Wiseman. So to detect lies we need to listen out for the response latency
begynn å lære
I’m afraid. Lawyers, as well as politicians, are not allowed to enter the competition. It’s claimed "they are judged to be too skilled at telling porkies"
begynn å lære
How can you be so barefaced?
begynn å lære
A lie has no legs so don't deceive someone on a regular basis.
begynn å lære
Honesty is the best policy Honesty is the best policy, sooner or later your kindness will be returned.
begynn å lære
There's something very special between us that I will always cherish.
begynn å lære
You have to fulfill the long-cherished dream and become a master fisherman!
begynn å lære
It gives our bags very distinctive, simple and austere style which distinguishes us.
begynn å lære
I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out.
wytarty, odrapany, obskurny begynn å lære
Although clean, all areas of the hotel were shabby, desperately in need of decoration and or modernisation.
begynn å lære
Its probably because you're a bit shabby.
begynn å lære
There are three things we can't foresee how they'll change.
przewidywać, oczekiwać, spodziewać begynn å lære
anticipated --> przewidywany, oczekiwany The highly anticipated solo debut of the Big Bang leader is a versatile and innovative album.
pochłonięty (inaczej absorbed) begynn å lære
They sit engrossed, listening, but their faces express nothing, no emotions, no feelings.
begynn å lære
enlivened --> ożywiony This gives rise to the spirit which must enliven dialogue in the context of mission.
begynn å lære
We've always excelled at killing one another.
begynn å lære
You're dear and honest and open, without a trace of pretension.
rzadki, ograniczony, niewystarczający begynn å lære
scarcely --> niewiele, ledwie Such schools are relatively scarce and often difficult for families to locate.
begynn å lære
acutely --> dotkliwie, ostro, wnikliwie Increased blood loss, lower blood pressure and acute pain.
begynn å lære
Kundera astutely illustrates that identity is not something constant and unchanging.
begynn å lære
Secondly, we need to expand high-quality childcare.
begynn å lære
diminishing --> znikający, malejący In this way we can diminish the cost of the climate/energy package to our economy.
begynn å lære
In addition, they are very agile and skilled in their field.
begynn å lære
He was lazy and inept in all facets of his business.
begynn å lære
which brought us to a more timorous and closed process than the process in the Convention which paved the way for a Constitution
chwytać, przejmować, zawładnąć begynn å lære
seizure --> napad, atak have a seizure --> atak padaczkowy Totomaru seizes this opportunity and gets ready to launch his strongest attacks on Natsu.
begynn å lære
A bouquet of fresh tulips in March led us into raptures.
begynn å lære
Schengen is facing challenges that might endanger its very existence.
begynn å lære
✓ Stay reachable abroad with free voicemail to email.
begynn å lære
In his first sermon, Khomeini addressed the West.
begynn å lære
The owner, who speaks several languages is always approachable and helpful.
begynn å lære
Convictions for theft, burglary, accessory to robbery.
begynn å lære
A guy named Jimmy lanucci tried to force me in.
begynn å lære
You look like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary, Doctor Monro.
begynn å lære
Some people are very adept at keeping their pain hidden.
wydzielać, wydawać (np. dźwięk) begynn å lære
High temperature photopolymer resin can give off fumes that can cause discomfort.
begynn å lære
Do you reckon people can change?
begynn å lære
Otherwise the situation might really destabilise in this fragile region and bring about frightening and unforeseeable consequences.
begynn å lære
Oil and gas account for around three-quarters of the country's export earnings.
begynn å lære
The ECB decides to allot a total of EUR 105 million.
ciężki, niezgrabny, nudny begynn å lære
They are among the most ponderous of weapons, but successful strikes will crush enemies to powder.