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zmienic zdanie / zmienić koszulkę / przewinąć dziecko
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change mind / change shirt / change baby
I hope she will change her mind soon. / You should change your t-shirt because it is dirty. / Could you change the baby, please? I am a bit busy.
mieszkanie / płaskie / płaskie buty
begynn å lære
flat / flat / flat shoes
This flat is too expensive. / I like this floor. It is perfectly flat. / She hates wearing flat shoes too often.
pokazać mi drogę / pokazać różnice / upominać, ochrzaniać
begynn å lære
tell me the way / tell differences / tell off
Could you tell me the way to the post office, please? / Sorry, but i can't tell the difference between these two pictures. / Don't tell me off. I am fed up with it!
sprawy wymknęły się spod kontroli / pomóc / złożyć coś (np dokumenty)
begynn å lære
things got out of hand / give a hand / hand in something
Unfortunately, things got out of hand. / Could you give me a hand with my homework, please? / I ought to hand in my essay by Monday.
kolei / przyciszyć / kręcić się
begynn å lære
turn / turn down / turn around
Now, it's your turn. / Can you turn down the music, please? / Does the Moon turn around the Earth?
podać coś / przekazać coś (przedmiot lub informację) / minąć coś
begynn å lære
pass something / pass something (an item or information) / pass something
Will you pass me the salt, please? / I do hope, he will pass the information to all students. / To get to the city center you should pass the church over there.
podlać / woda / łzawić
begynn å lære
water / water / water
Could you water the plants now? It's so hot today. / Frankly speaking. I can't stand drinking still water. / My eyes always water when I cut onions/ It drives me crazy!
przystojny / solidny samochód / pokaźna nagroda
begynn å lære
handsome / handsome car / handsome prize
You must admit, he is very handsome. Women love him! / It seems to me, this car is really handsome. It's worth buying! / I got a handsome prize for winning this contest.
wyciąć / patrzeć z wyższością / zachorować na coś
begynn å lære
cut down / look down on / come down
She must cut down on sweets! She has put on weight recently. / Mark looks down on people who are poor. / Last year I came down with a serious disease.
światło / znicz / lekki
begynn å lære
light / light / light
Can you leave the light on? I want to read a book. / Every November she puts a light on her husband's grave. / To avoid gaining weight you should eat light meals.
zarezerwować / książka / zaksięgować
begynn å lære
book / book / book
If I were you, I would book the tickets online. / What is the most interesting book you have ever read? / I suppose the bank will book my money in the afternoon.
nie móc / puszka / możesz
begynn å lære
can not / can / you can
I'm afraid, I can not give you a helping hand. / Do you have a can opener? I can't find mine. / Do the best you can. I know it's not easy.
pasować / w dobrej formie / napad śmiechu
begynn å lære
fit / in good fit / fit of laughter
To be honest, there jeans don't fit me. I must lose some weight. / Running every morning helps you keep fit. / When I saw her, I couldn't help my fit of laughter.
garnitur / proces / kolor karty
begynn å lære
suit / suit / card suit
Yesterday he was wearing a nice suit at the weeding reception. / How long is this suid going to last? / Could you tell me which suit is the strongest in this game?
mecz / pasować / kłótnia
begynn å lære
match / match / shouting match
What time does the match begin? / This skirt does not match my shoes. / My parents and my sister had a shouting match yesterday.
pasować (z czymś) / pójść / włączyć się
begynn å lære
go (with something) / go / go off
In my opinion, this bag does not go with your stiletoos. / Why don't we go bowling tonight? / I hope my alarm clock will go off because I have to get up early.
bliska / przyglądnięcie się / kończyć (zamykać)
begynn å lære
close / close look / close
We are in a close relationship. / When I opened the door, my mum gane me a close look. / The festiwal is going to close on Sunday.
szukać / pośpieszające spojrzenie / zbadać
begynn å lære
look for / pressing look / look into
You had better look for a job. You are going to need some money. / His pressing look made me feel uncomfortable. / The police must look into the case very carefully.
wyglądać / mieć ochotę / jak
begynn å lære
look like / feel like / like
What does your dad look like? / I feel like drinking some cold lemonade. / My employees work like clockwork.
wysoki / wysoko (tłuszczowy) / być podekscytowanym
begynn å lære
high / high (fat) / be high
This gate is threee meters high. / This cace is high in fat and sugar. Don't eat it. / Why are you so high. Have you won to lottery?
wspaniały / mandat / w porządku
begynn å lære
fine / fine / fine
Today is a fine day. Shall we go for a walk? / I'm furious! I have just got a fine for speeding. / If you feel like going home now, that's fine.
klatka piersiowa / skrzynia / strzał klatką piersiową
begynn å lære
chest / chest / chest shot
Yesterday evening I felt a sharp pain in my chest. / How about buying a toy chest? The kids will like it! / Our team won the game thanks to his chest.
stłuc / łamać prawo / przerwa
begynn å lære
break / break the law / break
Every time I wash the dishes I always break some plates. / If you break the law, you must pay the consequences. / They will continue the show after a short commercial break.
wytrzymać / podpisać / położyć
begynn å lære
put up / put signature / put
I can't put up with your behavior any longer! / Could you put your signature here, please? / Where did you put my old newspapers?
szkło / szklanka / szklanka soku
begynn å lære
glass / glass / glass of juice
This window is made of expensive glass. / There was a glass vase on the kitchen table. / Could you bring me a glass of juice, please? I'm thirsty.
biec / kursować / ubiegać się o stanowisko
begynn å lære
run / run / run for a position
The fasten you run, the sooner you met her. / How often does the bus to the city run? / She is going to run for the presidency.
mieć coś przeciwko / moim zdaniem / mieć na uwadzie
begynn å lære
mind / to my mind / bear in mind
Do you mind if I open the window? / To my mind, it sounds ridiculous. / Bear in mind that we do not use the same machines.
podnieść / poruszać (podnosić) temat / wychowywać (dziecko)
begynn å lære
raise / raise the subject / raise (a child)
They promised to raise our payments soon. / If I were you, I wouldn't raise this subject at the meeting. / She would rather raise her children in a more tolerant country.
ustalić (np. datę) / ustawić (np. pułapkę) / nakryć do stołu
begynn å lære
set (e.g. date) / set (e.g. trap) / set the table
We ought to set the date of our next meeting. / My mum has just set traps to get rid of mice. / Could you set the table, please?
randka / aktualne / daktylowiec
begynn å lære
date / up to date / date palm
I'm so excited! I've got a date with Frank tonight. / Is this list up to date? What do you think? / It is said that date palms grow up to 25 meters.
kropla / rzucić (przedmiot) / rzucić (np. pracę)
begynn å lære
drop / drop (object) / drop (e.g. work)
Would you like some wine? Just a drop. / Don't drop the vase! It's very expensive! / I hope he won't drop out of university.
oszczędny styl pisania / zapasowy / wolny czas
begynn å lære
spare writing style / spare / spare time
This author is believed to have a spare style of writing. / Do you have a spare tyre in your car? / My daughter hasn't had much spare time lately.
kurs / przebieg choroby / danie główne
begynn å lære
course / course of the disease / main course
I intend to sugn up for an English course next summer. / The doctor gave me a detailed description of my course. / I was too full to eat the main course.
naczynie / danie główne / talerz satelity
begynn å lære
dish / main dish / satellite dish
I burnt my finger while I was removing the dish from the oven. / Did you enjoy the main dish? / My neighbor has a huge satelite dish outside.
ciężki / obciążający emocjonalnie / gruba gleba
begynn å lære
heavy / heavy emotional / heavy soil
The box was so heave that she couldn't lift it. / They are said to have a heave emotional bond. / This plant needs heavy soil to thrive.
bujne / gęste / tępy
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thick / thick / thick
My grandma used to have thick hair. She was so beautiful. / He was so scared that he hid behind thick bushes. / My classmate is such a thick boy!
ślepy / zaślepiony (ślepy od czegoś) / zasłony
begynn å lære
blind / blind / blind
My uncle has been blind since his childhood. / People are so blind when it comes to love. / Do you mind if I pull the blid? I feel like going to bed now.
obejmować / okładka / pokrywa
begynn å lære
cover / cover / cover
Does this insurance cover water damage? / Don't judge a book by its cover. / The cover of the pot is on the table. Are you blind?
filia / gałąź / rozgałęzienie
begynn å lære
branch / branch / branch
There is a branch of my company in France. / Kate fell off a branch and hurt her arm. / Can you see this branch? It will lead us to te motorway.
fala / machnięcie / machać
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wave / wave / wave
Another wave of immigrants has just turned up in Germany. / We were waiting for the wave of his hand. / My parents always wave goodbye to us.
scena / zorganizować / zdiagnozować
begynn å lære
stage / to stage / to stage diseage
It's my first time on the stage. I'm so excited! / We are going to stage this charity event next Monday. / The doctor has to stage your diseage. Never lose your hope.
występ / awantura (scena) / osiągi
begynn å lære
performance / performance / performance
The performance was so impressive that everybody was moved. / Don't make a performance, will you? / Could you tell me what the performance of this processor is?
rozmowa telefoniczna / palnik (kuchenki) / pierścionek
begynn å lære
ring / ring / ring
Could you give me a ring when you come back home? / Put the kettle on the ring. I want to drink some tea. / Karla is dreaming of a beautiful engagement ring.
bystry / elegancki / inteligentny
begynn å lære
smart / smart / smart
My grandson is such a smart boy! I'm so proud of him! / I don't like wearing smart clothes. I prefer casual ones. / The laptop I have just bought is very smart. It cost me a fortune.
wciąż / martwa natura / niegazowana
begynn å lære
still / still life / still
She still hasn't done the research. She is so lazy! / He is keen on painting still life. / Can I have two bottles of still water, please?
pozwolić / zawieść kogoś / na wynajem
begynn å lære
let / let someone down / to let
Don't let her near fast food. She has been on a diet for two months. / I have never let you down! Trust me! / I have a detached house to let. I need some money.
dziedziniec / kort / sąd
begynn å lære
court / court / court
There used to be a nice garden in the court. / Shall I book a tennis court for us? / People gathered aoutside the court to await the verdict.
jaskrawe kolory / świetlana przyszłość / mądry
begynn å lære
bright colours / bright future / bright
I enjoy wearing bright colours, they make me happy. / Marta has a bright future ahead of her. / She is only 4 but she is so bright. She can read and write!
przestrzeń / pokój / przebieralnia
begynn å lære
room / room / changing room
There isn't much room in my kitchen. I wish I had more space. / The room was cluttered so I decided to throw away some chairs. / Where is the changing room?
pilot do telewizora / odległy / nieprzystępny
begynn å lære
remote control / remote / remote
Have you seen thre remote control? I want to watch the news. / My uncle used to live in a remote village. / Maria is known to be a remote person. She isn't very sociable.
kończyć się / uważać / zrozumieć
begynn å lære
run out / look out / make out
I've run out of milk. Can you get some? / Look out. You are going to fall! / I can't make out why he hates me so much!
wyruszyć / psuć się / wyłączyć
begynn å lære
set off / gone off / turn off
We must set off early to get there on time. / Don't eat the cheese - I think it has gone off. / Will you turn off the radion? I need some rest.
pogodzić się / zapiąć / odbierać (kogoś)
begynn å lære
made up / do up / pick somebody up
They have just made up. They had a fight a few days ago. / I can't do up my jeans. I must give up eating sweets. / I will pick you up in the afternoon.
zamówić / porządek (ład) / w celu
begynn å lære
order / order / in order
Are you ready to order? / The police uphold the order in this area. Don't panic. / She went abroad in order to find a better job.
przybyć do / wsiadać do / za
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arrive in / get in / in
We arrived in Paris at midnight. We were exhausted. / Come on, we are late - get in the car! / I hould be with you in half an hour.
utrata mowy / przemowa / mowa
begynn å lære
loss of speech / speech / speech
People who suffer a stroke may experience a loss of speech. / I had to give a speech at my sister's wedding. / The speech is more informal than the written language.
wyświadczać przysługę / wykonać / zrobić
begynn å lære
do a favor / do / do
Can you do me a favour? / He has to do some research on the language of dolphins. / When I do my chores, I will go to the cinema.
na / dogadywać się / przybrać na wadze
begynn å lære
on / get on / put on weight
Which finger does she wear her ring on? / I get on well with my siblings. We love each other very much. / She has put on some weight recently.
znaleźć / uważać (coś) / dowiadywać się
begynn å lære
find / find it / find out
I had a map but I still couldn't find my way back to the hotel. / I don't find it easy to make new friends. I'm very shy. / To find out more, visit our website.
płacić / dowodzić / ładować
begynn å lære
charge / charge / charge
How much do you charge for the haircut? / Petra has been in charge of this department for 5 years. / MY battery is flat. I need to charge my mobile phone.
pogoda / pogoda / źle się czuć
begynn å lære
weather / weather / to feel under the weather
The weatcher is expected to remain clear for the next few weeks. / What was the weatcher like when you were in Rome? / I feel under the weatcher. I nned to go to sleep.
podanie o pełnomocnictwo / mieć siłę / energia nuklearna
begynn å lære
application for power / to have power / nuclear power
I have applied for a power. / Monika is thought to have the power to charm any men she meets. / The expansion of nuclear power is a very important issue.
sprawa / wydanie / wydawać oświadczenie
begynn å lære
issue / issue / issue a statement
Don't worry about it, that's just a side issue. / An old issue of this book is on the top shelf. / The university is going to issue the statement to the press.
wywierać nacisk / prasować / naciskać
begynn å lære
to press / to press / to press
She tried to press her case for promotion once again. / Mum, can you press my shirt, please? I'm in a hurry. / To start the machine, just press the button.
bar / tabliczka czekolady / kod kreskowy
begynn å lære
bar / chocolate bar / bar code
There wasn't a free table so I decided to sit at the bar. / Can I have a bar of chocolate, please? / A handhed scanner is used for reading bar codes.
średnia ilość / średniego wzrostu / średnio wysmażony
begynn å lære
medium quantity / medium height / medium rare
They earn a medium amount of money. / My husband is a man of medium height. / How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well-done?
środkowy / pośrodku niczego / środkowy palec
begynn å lære
middle / middle of nowhere / middle finger
Open the middle drawer, there are the socks you need. / I was in the middle of nowhere/ I didn't know what to do. / I broke the middle finger while I was cycling.
szrostki, chropowaty / przybliżone / wzbużone
begynn å lære
rough / rough / rough
My skin gets very rough in the cold. I made a rough calculation of the costs. / The sea is rough today. You had better not go swimming.
prosto / proste (np. włosy) / szczerze
begynn å lære
straight / straight / straight
Go straight this road and then turn left. / I have always wanted to have straight hair. / Tell me straight why did you do that?
dach / pod jednym dachem / wzrosnąć gwałtownie
begynn å lære
roof / under the same roof / go through the roof
The roof of our house needs repairing. / They used to live under the same roof for almost 30 years. / Prices have gone through the roof recently.
trudne / twardy / twardy
begynn å lære
hard / hard / hard
It is a hard decision to make so I need more time. / These toys are made from hard plastic. / This steak is very hard. I don't want to eat it.
chory / chory / chorobowe
begynn å lære
sick / sick / sick leave
I'm sick and tired of your complains. / Martin must be sick. He hasn; t come to schoold today. / I have a flu. I am on sick leave.
odjechał / został / zostawił ślady
begynn å lære
left / left / left marks
The train had already left by the time we arrived. / There isn't any bread left. Can you get some? / The dog has left marks on the floor again!
rola / rozstać / udział
begynn å lære
part / part / part
Peter played the main part in the school play. / I think we should part. We don't love each other. / She admitted her part in the robbery.
czynsz / wynająć / pęknięcie
begynn å lære
rent / rent / rent
I pay a high rent because my studio flat is in a good location. / I'm going to rent a car so that I can get around the country. / There is a rent in your tyre. Have you seen it?
znosić / wyróżniać się / mieć szansę
begynn å lære
stand / stand out / stand a chance
I can't stand wearing woolen clothes. What about you? / This green hair makes her stand out in the crowd. / My students stand a chance of passing their exams well.
przestawić / przenieść / wyprowadzić
begynn å lære
move / move / move out
Will you help me move the sofa, please? / Do you mind if we move to another table by the window? / I had to move out because I got a job in Cracow.
odebrać / wybrać kogoś / kilof
begynn å lære
pick up / pick someone / pick (pickaxe)
Could you pick me up from the airport? / The police asked her to pick out the killer from the photos. / It is said that they demolished the wall with a pick.
smak / gust / posmakować
begynn å lære
taste / taste / taste
I hate the taste of garlic. It is disgusting! / Her taste in clothes leaves a little to be desired. / When you taste freedom, you don't want to lose it.
mieć miejsce / miejsce pracy / miejsce do życia
begynn å lære
take place / place of work / place to live
The event took place last Friday. We colledcted a lot of money. / It is essential to fell comfortable in your place of work. / She has been looking for a place to live since October.
zlew / tonąć / trwonić
begynn å lære
sink / sink / sink
Don't wash the plates! Put them in the sink. / Look! That ship is going to sink. / He is rumoured to sink money in alcohol.
ślady / oceniać / oceny
begynn å lære
marks / marks / marks
Why are you always leaving dirty marks on the floor?! / Our Polish teacher always marks tests with a red pen. / When I was in primary schoold I often got top marks.
ocena / rocznik (w szkole) / klasa (produktu)
begynn å lære
grade / grade / grade
I hope I will get the best grade in my final exam. / Mark is in the fifth grade now but he is very mature for his age. / They used the highest grade to manufacture this car.
zwracać uwagę / odwiedzić / płaca
begynn å lære
pay attention / pay a visit / pay
Frank got angry because I didn't pay attention to what he said. / I will pay you a visit when I'm in this area. / Is a soldier satisfied with his pay.
prezent / obecnie / obecne
begynn å lære
present / present / present
The present I got was supposed to be a surprise. / At present she is working for a big company. / There were no children present only adults.
ukończyć uniwersytet / z powodu / daleko od
begynn å lære
graduate from university / suffer from / far from
She graduated from university in 1999. / Do you suffer from any allergies? / They are far from finishing the project.
wkrótce / tak szybko jak / wkrótce
begynn å lære
soon / as soon as / soon
Get better soon! Everybody is waiting you. / I will call you as soon as I come back home. / She will be here soon. Don't worry!
zaręczony / zajęty (o lini tel) / zaangażowany
begynn å lære
engaged / engaged (telephone number) / engaged
Mary and Frank got engaged last July. They are so happy! / Every time I call him, the number is engaged. He is such a talkactive boy. / They are engaged in many projects to help people in need.
kończyć (wiek) / odrzucić / przewrócić (stronę)
begynn å lære
turn (age) / turn down / turn (page)
When I turn 18, I hope I will get my driving licence. / If they turn down our offer, we will get into trouble. / Now turn to page 50 and look at the second paragraph.
być podobnym / zajmie / wykorzystać szansę
begynn å lære
take after / take / to take advantage
I take after my mother, people say that we look like sisters. / How long does it take you to get to the nearest bus stop? / Are you going to take advantage of this information?
konflikt pokoleń / pokolenie / generacja
begynn å lære
generation gap / generation / generation
What does the generation gap mean? / He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation. / They are working on developing the next generation of computers.
wpaść na coś / przez rzekę / po drugiej stronie
begynn å lære
come across something / across the river / across the street
I came across some old photos while I was cleaning the cellar. / A new bridge across the river is being build now. / My ex-boyfriend build a house across the street.
fascynować się / wejść w posiadanie / wpaść (na kogoś)
begynn å lære
be into / come into / run into
She has always been into rock music. / They have just come into a good deal of money. / I ran into Betty last week. Did you know that she got divorced?
kucharz / gotować / gotować (się na słońcu)
begynn å lære
cook / cook / cook
My aunt is the worst cook in the world. She always eat out. / If I could cook I would prepare dinner for you, but I can't. / Let's go swimming or I will cook.
napiwek / napiwek / koniuszek, czubek, wierzchołem
begynn å lære
tip / tip / tip
I usually leave a tip when I eat out. / The taxi driver was rude to me so I didn't tip him. / He kissed the tip of her nose and went away.
rachunek / projekt ustawy / rachunek
begynn å lære
bill / bill / bill
Could we have the bill, please? / When a bill is passed in Parliament, it becomes law. / The bill must be paid by the end of the week.
przyjęcie weselne / przyjęcie, odbiór, reakcja / zasięg (sygnału w telefonie)
begynn å lære
wedding reception / reception / reception
The wedding reception will be held at the Hilton Hotel. / Her book got a warm reception from the cricits. / I walked out of the basement to get better reception.
droga / sposób, styl / kondycja
begynn å lære
way / way / way
Could you tell me the way to the shoe shop, please? / I like the way you do your hair. / Mike has been in a bad way since the accident happened.
rząd / kłótnia / wiosłować
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row / row / row
I booked the seats in the first row. / Could you tell me what caused the row? / We had to row to the shore.
filiżanka / puchar / filiżanka
begynn å lære
cup / cup / cup
I could do with a cup of coffee. What about you? / Last week our team won the world cup. / Listening to rock music is not my cup of tea.

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