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cancel (sth) out - znosić coś wzajemnie - What I owe you is the same as what you owe me, so our debts cancel each other out. All flights have been cancelled because of the bad weather. I wish to cancel my order for these books.
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saying exactly what you think a candid interview ▶ otwarty bezpośredni ⇨ noun candour
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(used about food) preserved in a can canned food/soup ▶ w puszce
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Można powiedzieć He is learning to canoe lub They canoed down the river, ale kiedy mówi się o spędzaniu dłuszego czasu w kajaku, wtedy częściej używa się zwrotu go canoeing: We’re going canoeing on the Thames tomorrow.
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czapka, czepek, nakrętka, kapsel begynn å lære
cap, cap, cap, bottle cap
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▶ uwieńczyć 4 to choose a player to represent their country in a sport ▶ wybierać do reprezentacji narodowej to cover the top of sth mountains capped with snow ▶ pokrywać 2 to limit the amount of money that can be spent on sth ▶ ograniczać (wydatki) 3 to follow sth with sth bigger or better
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capability (to do sth/of doing sth) the quality of being able to do sth Animals in the zoo have lost the capability to catch/of catching food for themselves. I tried to fix the computer, but it was beyond my capabilities.
zdolny, będący w stanie (zrobić coś) begynn å lære
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pojemność, kubatura, zdolność do czegoś, wydajność begynn å lære
the amount that a factory or machine can produce The power station is working at full capacity. ▶ wydajność a capacity (for sth/for doing sth); a capacity (to do sth) the ability to understand or do sth That book is beyond the capacity (przekracza możliwość zrozumienia) of young children. a capacity for hard work/for learning languages
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a piece of clothing with no sleeves that hangs from your shoulders ▶ peleryna ⇨ look at cloak Cape jest okryciem krótszym niż cloak. 2 a piece of high land that sticks out into the sea the Cape of Good Hope ▶ przylądek
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stolica, duża litera, kapitał begynn å lære
capital, capital letter, capital an amount of money that you use to start a business or to put in a bank, etc. so that you earn interest on it When she had enough capital, she bought a shop. The firm has been trying to raise extra capital.
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connected with punishment by death a capital offence przestępstwo karane śmiercią ▶ główny najwyższy 2 (used about letters of the alphabet) written in the large form ‘ David’ begins with a capital ‘ D’
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PHRASAL VERB capitalize on sth to use sth to your advantage We can capitalize on the mistakes that our rivals have made. ▶ wykorzystywać coś (do własnych celów)
kapitulować, kapitulacja formal begynn å lære
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podpis pod rysunkiem fotogratią begynn å lære
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hold sb captive/prisoner - trzymać kogoś w niewoli take sb captive/prisoner - brać kogoś do niewoli
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