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2[countable] a shop or part of a shop wherehaberdashery is sold ▶ pasmanteria stoisko pasmanteryjne haberdashery /ˌhæbəˈdæʃəri; US ˈhæbəd- / noun (pl. -ies) 1[uncountable] (old-fashioned) (Brit.) small articles for sewing, for example needles, pins, cotton and buttons ▶ pasmanteria
Habit oznacza właściwy jednostce sposób postępowania. Custom oznacza sposób postępowania charakterystyczny dla grupy ludzi, społeczności lub narodu: the custom of giving presents at Christmas begynn å lære
I don’t mind you being late this time, but don’t make a habit of it (ale nie rób tego więcej). He’s got an annoying habit of coming round just as we’re going out. Once you start smoking it’s hard to break the habit (zerwać z nałogiem). ▶ zwyczaj nawyk habit /ˈhæbɪt / 1[countable] a/the habit (of doing sth) something that you do often and almost without thinking, especially sth that is hard to stop doing I’m trying to get into the habit of (przyzwyczaić się do) hanging up my clothes every night.
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2 [uncountable] usual behaviour I think I only smoke out of habit (z przyzwyczajenia) now – I don’t really enjoy it. I’m a real creature of habit – my routine is exactly the same every day. ▶ przyzwyczajenie
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habitable /ˈhæbɪtəbl; US / adj. (used about buildings) suitable to be lived in ▶ mieszkalny
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habitation /ˌhæbɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the act of living in a place These houses are not fit for human habitation (nie nadają się do zamieszkania). ▶ zamieszk(iw)anie habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt; US / noun [countable] the natural home of a plant or an animal I’ve seen wolves in the zoo, but not in their natural habitat. ▶ środowisko naturalne (roślin i zwierząt)
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□ habitually /-tʃuəli; US / adv. ▶ zwykle stale nałogowo habitual /həˈbɪtʃuəl; US / adj. 1 which you always have or do; usual He had his habitual cigarette after lunch. ▶ zwykły zwyczajowy 2[only before a noun] doing sth very often a habitual criminal/drinker/liar ▶ nałogowy
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2 (informal) hack (into) (sth) to use a computer to look at and/or change information that is stored on another computer without permission ▶ uprawiać piractwo komputerowe hack /hæk; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1hack (away) (at) sth to cut sth in a rough way with a tool such as a large knife He hacked away at the bushes. The explorers hacked their way through the jungle. ▶ siekać rąbać
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hacker /ˈhækə(r); US / noun [countable] (informal) a person who secretly looks at and/or changes information on sb else’s computer system without permission ▶ pirat komputerowy haker
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haemoglobin (US hemoglobin) /ˌhi: məˈɡləʊbɪn; US / noun [uncountable] a red substance in the blood that carries oxygen and contains iron ▶ hemoglobina
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haemophiliac (US hemophiliac) /ˌhi: məˈfɪliæk; US / noun [countable] a person who suffers from haemophilia ▶ osoba chora na hemofilię hemofilik haemophilia (US hemophilia) /ˌhi: məˈfɪliə; US / noun [uncountable] a disease that causes a person to lose a lot of blood even from very small injuries because the blood does not clot ▶ hemofilia
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haemorrhage (US hemorrhage) /ˈhemərɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the loss of a lot of blood inside the body ▶ krwotok □ haemorrhage verb [intransitive] ▶ krwawić mieć krwotok
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haemorrhoids (especially US hemorrhoids) /ˈhemərɔɪdz; US / (also piles /paɪlz; US /) noun [pl.] a medical condition in which the veins to the anus swell and become painful ▶ hemoroidy żylaki odbytu
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hag /hæɡ; US / noun [countable] an ugly and/or unpleasant old woman I’m going to tell that old hag what I think of her! ▶ wiedźma
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haggard /ˈhæɡəd; US / adj. (used about a person) looking tired or worried ▶ wymizerowany zmizerniały zmizerowany
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2[transitive] to call or wave to sb/sth to hail a taxi ▶ za/wołać przywoływać 3 [intransitive] when it hails, small balls of ice fall from the sky like rain ▶ (grad) padać hail1 /heɪl/ verb [t] hail sb/sth as sth to say in public that sb/sth is very good or very special The book was hailed as a masterpiece. A student who rescued a boy from a river is being hailed as a hero. ▶ ogłaszać/okrzykiwać kogoś/coś kimś/czymś
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2[sing.] a hail of sth a large amount of sth that is aimed at sb in order to harm them a hail of bullets/stones/abuse As he left the pitch, the referee was met by a hail of abuse. ▶ (przen.) grad potok (np. wyzwisk) hail2 /heɪl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] small balls of ice, called hailstones, that fall from the sky like rain ▶ grad
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hailstone /ˈheɪlstəʊn; US / noun [usually pl.] a small ball of ice that falls like rain ▶ ziarnko gradu
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hailstorm /ˈheɪlstɔ: m; US / noun [countable] a storm during which hail falls from the sky ▶ burza gradowa
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2(-haired) a dark-haired woman a long-haired (długowłosy) rabbit ▶ (określa rodzaj włosów) 3 a thing that looks like a very thin thread that grows on the surface of some plants The leaves and stem are covered in fine hairs. ▶ (bot.) włos(ek) hair /heə(r); US / noun 1 [u, c] the mass of long thin things that grow on the head and body of people and animals; one of these things He has got short black hair. Dave’s losing his hair. The dog left hairs all over the furniture. ▶ włosy włos
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hairband /ˈheəbænd; US / noun [countable] a strip of cloth or curved plastic worn by women in their hair, that fits closely over the top of the head and behind the ears ▶ opaska na włosy
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hairbrush /ˈheəbrʌʃ; US / noun [countable] a brush that you use on your hair ▶ szczotka do włosów
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haircut /ˈheəkʌt; US / noun [countable] 1 the act of sb cutting your hair You need (to have) a haircut. Musisz się ostrzyc. ▶ strzyżenie (włosów) 2 the style in which your hair has been cut That haircut really suits you. ▶ fryzura
fryzjerka, zakład fryzjerski begynn å lære
2(the hairdresser’s) [sing.] the place where you go to have your hair cut I’ve made an appointment at the hairdresser’s for 10 o’clock. ▶ salon/zakład fryzjerski hairdresser /ˈheədresə(r); US / noun 1 [countable] a person whose job is to cut, shape, colour, etc. hair ▶ fryzjer/ka ⇨ look at barber
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hairdryer (also hairdrier) /ˈheədraɪə(r); US / noun [countable] a machine that dries hair by blowing hot air through it ▶ suszarka do włosów
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hairgrip /ˈheəɡrɪp; US / (US ˈbobby pin) noun [countable] a piece of wire that is folded in the middle and used for holding hair in place ▶ spinka do włosów
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hairless /ˈheələs; US / adj. without hair ▶ bezwłosy ⇨ look at bald
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hairline2 /ˈheəlaɪn; US / adj. (used about a crack in sth) very thin a hairline fracture of the leg ▶ bardzo cienki hairline1 /ˈheəlaɪn; US / noun [countable] the edge of sb’s hair, especially at the front ▶ granica włosów linia włosów
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ˌhairpin ˈbend (US ˌhairpin ˈcurve; ˌhairpin ˈturn) noun [countable] (Brit.) a very sharp bend in a road, especially a mountain road ▶ serpentyna (drogi)
sprawiający, że włosy jeżą się na głowie begynn å lære
ˈhair-raising adj. that makes you very frightened a hair-raising experience ▶ sprawiający, że włosy jeżą się na głowie
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hairspray /ˈheəspreɪ; US / noun [uncountable, countable] a substance you spray onto your hair to hold it in place ▶ lakier do włosów
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hairstyle /ˈheəstaɪl; US / (also informal hairdo /ˈheədu:; US /) noun [countable] the style in which your hair has been cut or arranged ▶ fryzura
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hairstylist /ˈheəstaɪlɪst; US / (also stylist) noun [countable] a person whose job it is to cut and shape sb’s hair ▶ stylist(k)a
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hairy /ˈheəri; US / adj. (hairier; hairiest) 1 having a lot of hair a hairy chest ▶ owłosiony włochaty kosmaty 2(slang) dangerous or worrying We had a hairy journey down the motorway in freezing fog. ▶ przerażający zatrważający
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Two halves (dwa małe) of bitter, please. Half of this money is yours. Half the people in the office leave at 5. ▶ połowa pół half1 /hɑ: f; US hæf / determiner, pron., noun [c] (pl. halves /hɑ: vz; US hævz /) three and a half kilos of potatoes Two halves make a whole. half an hour an hour and a half półtorej godziny The second half of the book is more exciting.
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half2 /hɑ: f; US hæf / adv. not completely half full The hotel was only half finished. He’s half German. I half thought (prawie myślałem) he might come, but he didn’t. ▶ do połowy w połowie
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ˌhalf ˈboard noun [uncountable] (Brit.) a price for a room in a hotel, etc. which includes breakfast and an evening meal ▶ z częściowym wyżywieniem
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ˈhalf-brother noun [countable] a brother with whom you share one parent ▶ brat przyrodni
wymuszony, bez entuzjazmu begynn å lære
ˌhalf-ˈhearted adj. without interest or enthusiasm ▶ bez entuzjazmu wymuszony □ half-heartedly adv. ▶ bez entuzjazmu
okres połowicznego rozpadu begynn å lære
ˈhalf-life noun [countable] the time taken for the radioactivity of a substance to fall to half its original value ▶ okres połowicznego rozpadu
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ˌhalf-ˈprice adj. costing half the usual price a half-price ticket ▶ za połowę ceny ze znizką 50 % □ ˌhalf-ˈprice adv. Children aged under four go half-price. ▶ za połowę ceny
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ˈhalf-sister noun [countable] a sister with whom you share one parent ▶ siostra przyrodnia
krótka przerwa w połowie semestru szkolnego begynn å lære
ˌhalf-ˈterm noun [c] (Brit.) a short holiday in the middle of one of the periods into which a school year is divided ▶ krótka przerwa w połowie semestru szkolnego
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ˌhalf-ˈtime noun [uncountable] (in sport) the period of time between the two halves of a match ▶ połowa (meczu)
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semitone /ˈsemitəʊn; US / (also ˈhalf step; ˈhalf-tone) noun [countable] the shortest step between notes in a musical scale, for example between C♯ and D, or B♭ and B ▶ półton
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□ halfway adj. the halfway point/stage ▶ w połowie drogi/czasu halfway /ˌhɑ: fˈweɪ; US ˌhæf- / adv. at an equal distance between two places; in the middle of a period of time We live halfway between Oxford and Reading. They have a break halfway through the morning. ▶ w połowie drogi/czasu
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There is a public telephone in the entrance hall of this building. ▶ przedpokój hol korytarz 2 a building or large room in which meetings, concerts The end-of-year party will be held in the school hall. the Royal Albert Hall ▶ sala hala hall /hɔ: l; US / noun [c] 1(also hallway /ˈhɔ: lweɪ; US /) a room or passage that is just inside the front entrance of a house or public building She ran into the hall and up the stairs. Leave your coat in the hall.
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2 a mark that is put on objects made of valuable metals, giving information about the quality of the metal and when and where the object was made ▶ próba (np. złota) hallmark /ˈhɔ: lmɑ: k; US / noun [countable] 1 a characteristic that is typical of sb The ability to motivate students is the hallmark of a good teacher. ▶ cecha charakterystyczna
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hallucinate /həˈlu: sɪneɪt; US / verb [intransitive] to see or hear things that are not really there because of illness or drugs ▶ mieć halucynacje
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hallucination /həˌlu: sɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] seeing or hearing sth that is not really there (because you are ill or have taken a drug) to suffer from/have hallucinations ▶ halucynacja
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hallucinogenic /həˌlu: sɪnəˈdʒenɪk; US / adj. (used about a drug) affecting people’s minds and making them see and hear things that are not really there hallucinogenic drugs/effects ▶ halucynogenny
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halo /ˈheɪləʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. halos or haloes) the circle of light that is drawn around the head of an important religious person in a painting ▶ aureola
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□ halt verb (formal) An accident halted the traffic in the town centre for half an hour. ▶ przystawać zatrzymywać halt /hɔ: lt/ noun [sing.] a stop (that does not last very long) Work came to a halt (praca stanęła) when the machine broke down. to bring sth to a halt zatrzymywać coś The government decided to call a halt to the project. ▶ postój zatrzymanie się
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2 [usually used as an adjective] a narrow piece of cloth around the neck that holds a woman’s dress or shirt in position, with the back and shoulders not covered She was dressed in a halter top (w zawiązaną na szyi bluzkę bez pleców i rękawów) and short halter /ˈhɔ: ltə(r); US ˈhɒlt- / noun [countable] 1 a rope or narrow piece of leather put around the head of a horse for leading it with ▶ postronek
przepoławiać, dzielić na połowę begynn å lære
2[transitive] to divide sth into two equal parts First halve the peach and then remove the stone. ▶ dzielić na pół przepoławiać halve /hɑ: v; US hæv / v 1 [intransitive, transitive] to reduce by a half; to make sth reduce by a half Shares in the company have halved in value. We aim to halve the number of people on our waiting list in the next six months. ▶ zmniejszać o połowę
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ham /hæm; US / noun [uncountable] meat from a pig’s back leg that has been cured ▶ szynka
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hammer1 /ˈhæmə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a tool with a heavy metal head that is used for hitting nails, etc. ▶ młotek 2(the hammer) a sports event in which a metal ball attached to a wire is thrown ▶ rzut młotem
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2[intransitive] to hit sth several times, making a loud noise He hammered on the door until somebody opened it. ▶ walić tłuc stukać hammer2 /ˈhæmə(r); US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] hammer sth (in/into/onto sth) to hit with a hammer She hammered the nail into the wall. I could hear somebody hammering next door. ▶ uderzać młotem kuć klepać stukać
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hammering /ˈhæmərɪŋ/ noun 1 [u] the noise that is made by sb using a hammer or by sb hitting sth many times ▶ stukanie walenie 2[countable] (Brit., informal) a very bad defeat Our team took a real hammering in the first half. ▶ sromotna klęska
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hammock /ˈhæmək; US / noun [countable] a bed, made of rope or strong cloth, which is hung up between two trees or poles ▶ hamak
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hamper2 /ˈhæmpə(r); US / noun [countable] a large basket with a lid that is used for carrying food a food/picnic hamper ▶ kosz z pokrywą hamper1 /ˈhæmpə(r); US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to make sth difficult The building work was hampered by bad weather. ▶ przeszkadzać
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hamster /ˈhæmstə(r); US / noun [countable] a small animal that is kept as a pet. Hamsters are like mice but are fatter and do not have a tail. They store food in the sides of their mouths. ▶ chomik
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2 a tendon behind the middle joint (= hock) of the back leg of a horse and some other animals ▶ ścięgno stawu kolanowego hamstring /ˈhæmstrɪŋ; US / noun [countable] 1 one of the five tendons behind the knee that connect the muscles of the upper leg to the bones of the lower leg a hamstring injury She’s pulled a hamstring. ▶ ścięgno podkolanowe
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2(-handed) adj. [in compounds] having, using or made for the type of hand(s) mentioned right-handed/left-handed heavy-handed niezręczny left-handed scissors nożyce dla leworęcznych ▶ (określa cechy rąk) /hænd / 1 [c] the part of your body He took the child by the hand. She lifted the hot pan out of the oven with her bare hands. She was on her hands and knees looking for an earring. He held the bird in the palm of his hand (na dłoni). ▶ ręka
pomoc, wskazówka, robotnik begynn å lære
5[countable] a person who does physical work on a farm, in a factory, etc. farmhands hired hands All hands on deck! Wszyscy na pokład! ▶ robotni-k/ca 3(a hand) [sing.] (informal) some help I’ll give you a hand with the washing up. Do you want/need a hand? ▶ pomoc 4[countable] the part of a clock or watch that points to the numbers the hour/minute/second hand ▶ wskazówka
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hand2 /hænd; US / verb [transitive] hand sb sth; hand sth to sb to give or pass sth to sb Please hand me the scissors. Please hand the scissors to me. ▶ podawać wręczać
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handbag /ˈhændbæɡ; US / (US purse) noun [countable] a small bag in which women carry money, keys, etc.
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handbook /ˈhændbʊk; US / noun [countable] a small book that gives instructions on how to use sth or advice and information about a particular subject a DIY handbook ▶ podręcznik poradnik
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handbrake /ˈhændbreɪk; US / (US eˈmergency brake; ˈparking brake) noun [countable] a device that is operated by hand to stop a car from moving when it is parked ▶ hamulec ręczny
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ˈhand cream noun [uncountable] cream that you put on your hands to prevent dry skin ▶ krem do rąk
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handcuffs /ˈhændkʌfs; US / (also cuffs) noun [pl.] a pair of metal rings that are joined together by a chain and put around the wrists of prisoners ▶ kajdanki
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handful /ˈhændfʊl; US / noun 1 [countable] a handful (of sth) as much or as many of sth as you can hold in one hand a handful of sand ▶ garść 2[sing.] a small number (of sb/sth) Only a handful of people came to the meeting. ▶ garstka
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handgun /ˈhændɡʌn; US / noun [countable] a small gun that you can hold and fire with one hand ▶ broń ręczna
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3 [countable] a disadvantage that is given to the strongest people competing in a sports event, etc. so that the weaker people have more chance ▶ (sport) wyrównanie szans handicap1 /ˈhændikæ 2[countable] something that makes doing sth more difficult; a disadvantage Not speaking French is going to be a bit of a handicap in my new job. ▶ przeszkoda zawada utrudnienie
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handicap2 /ˈhændikæp; US / verb [transitive] (handicapping; handicapped) [usually passive] to give or be a disadvantage to sb They were handicapped by their lack of education. ▶ utrudniać przeszkadzać
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2 a thing done by a particular person or group, especially sth bad This looks like the handiwork of criminals. ▶ (przen., zwł. o czymś złym) robota handiwork /ˈhændiwɜ: k; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a thing that you have made or done, especially using your artistic skill We admired her exquisite handiwork. ▶ własne/własnoręczne dzieło
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W mowie potocznej używa się słowa hanky. Chustka papierowa nazywa się paper handkerchief lub tissue. handkerchief /ˈhæŋkətʃɪf / noun [countable] (pl. handkerchiefs or handkerchieves /-tʃi: vz; US /) (also hanky /ˈhæŋki; US / (pl. hankies) a square piece of cloth or soft thin paper that you use for clearing your nose ▶ chusteczka do nosa
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2 to touch or hold sth with your hand(s) Wash your hands before you handle food. Handle with care! Ostrożnie! ▶ dotykać handle1 /ˈhændl; US / verb [t] 1 to deal with or to control sb/sth I have a problem at work and I don’t really know how to handle it. This port handles (przeładowuje) 100 million tons of cargo each year. ▶ załatwiać uporać się zajmować się
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handle2 /ˈhændl; US / noun [countable] a part of sth that is used for holding or opening it She turned the handle and opened the door. the door handle He broke the handle off the cup by accident. ▶ rączka klamka uchwyt
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handlebar /ˈhændlbɑ:(r); US / noun [countable, usually pl.] the metal bar at the front of a bicycle that you hold when you are riding it ▶ kierownica (roweru)
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ˈhand luggage noun [uncountable] a small bag, etc. that you can keep with you on a plane ▶ bagaż podręczny
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handmade /ˌhændˈmeɪd; US / adj. made by hand and of very good quality, not by machine ▶ ręcznej roboty
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2 a free document that is given to a lot of people, to advertise sth or explain sth, for example in a class ▶ ulotka prospekt informacja na piśmie (objaśniająca coś na lekcji lub wykładzie) handout /ˈhændaʊt; US / noun [countable] 1 food, money, etc. given to people who need it badly ▶ jałmużna
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ˌhand-ˈpicked adj. carefully or personally chosen for a special purpose ▶ wyselekcjonowany
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handrail /ˈhændreɪl; US / noun [countable] a long narrow wooden or metal bar at the side of some steps, a bath, etc. that you hold for support or balance ▶ poręcz bariera balustrada
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handshake /ˈhændʃeɪk; US / noun [countable] the act of shaking sb’s right hand with your own when you meet them ▶ uścisk dłoni
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2 (used about money, an offer, etc.) large or generous a handsome profit ▶ (zysk) duży hojny szczodry □ handsomely /; US / adv. Her efforts were handsomely rewarded. ▶ hojnie szczodrze handsome /ˈhænsəm; US / adj. 1 (used about a man) attractive ▶ przystojny atrakcyjny ładny piękny
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ˌhands-ˈon adj. learnt by doing sth yourself, not watching sb else do it; practical She needs some hands-on computer experience. ▶ bezpośredni
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handstand /ˈhændstænd; US / noun [countable] a movement in which you balance on your hands and put your legs straight up in the air Can you do handstands? ▶ stanie na rękach
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handwritten /ˌhændˈrɪtn; US / adj. written by hand, not typed or printed ▶ pisany ręcznie handwriting /ˈhændraɪtɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] sb’s style of writing by hand ▶ charakter pisma
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handy /ˈhændi; US / adj. (handier; handiest) 1 easy to use a handy tip a handy gadget a handy-sized dictionary ▶ poręczny dogodny
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handyman /ˈhændimæn; US / noun [sing.] a person who is clever at making or repairing things, especially around the house ▶ złota rączka majster do wszystkiego
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2[transitive] (past tense, past participle hanged /hæŋd; US /) to kill sb/yourself by putting a rope around the neck and allowing the body to drop downwards She hanged herself in a fit of depression. He was hanged for murder. ▶ wieszać (kogoś) /hæŋ/ verb (past tense, past participle hung /hʌŋ ; US / ) ☛ 1[, t] to fasten sth or be fastened at the top Hang your coat on the hook. I left the washing hanging on the line all day. She hung the picture over the fireplace. ▶ wieszać wywieszać
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3[intransitive] hang (above/over sb/sth) to stay in the air in a way that is unpleasant or threatening Smog hung in the air over the city. ▶ wisieć
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hangar /ˈhæŋə(r); US / noun [countable] a big building where planes are kept ▶ hangar
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hanger /ˈhæŋə(r); US / (also ˈcoat hanger; ˈclothes hanger) noun [countable] a metal, plastic or wooden object with a hook that is used for hanging up clothes in a cupboard ▶ wieszak
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ˈhang-glider noun [countable] a type of frame covered with cloth, which a person holds and flies through the air with as a sport ▶ lotnia ⇨ look at glider □ hang-gliding /; US / noun [uncountable] to go hang-gliding ▶ lotniarstwo
powieszenie (kara śmierci) begynn å lære
hangman /ˈhæŋmən 1 a person whose job is to kill criminals as a form of punishment by hanging them with a rope ▶ kat 2 a word game where the aim is to guess all the letters of a word before a picture of a person hanging is completed ▶ gra w wisielca hanging /ˈhæŋɪŋ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] death as a form of punishment for a crime, caused by putting rope around a person’s neck and letting the body drop downwards ▶ powieszenie (kara śmierci)
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hangover /ˈhæŋəʊvə(r); US / noun [countable] pain in your head and a sick feeling that you have if you have drunk too much alcohol the night before ▶ kac
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Happen i occur używa się zwykle w odniesieniu do nie planowanych wydarzeń. Occur jest bardziej formalne niż happen. Take place sugeruje, że wydarzenie zostało zaplanowane: The wedding took place on Saturday June 13th. happen /ˈhæpən; US / verb [i] 1 (used about an event or situation) to take place, usually without being planned first Can you describe to the police what happened after you left the party? How did the accident happen? ▶ zdarzać się
stawać się, przytrafiać się begynn å lære
3happen to do sth to do sth by chance I happened to meet him in London yesterday. ▶ przypadkowo coś zrobić happen to sb/sth to be what sb/sth experiences What do you think has happened to Julie? She should have been here an hour ago. What will happen to the business when your father retires? ▶ stawać się przytrafiać się
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Happening zwykle oznacza przypadkowe zdarzenie. Event stosuje się, mówiąc o wydarzeniach zaplanowanych. Użycie event sugeruje też, że zdarzenie ma charakter ważny lub wyjątkowy. happening /ˈhæpənɪŋ; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a thing that happens; an event (that is usually strange or difficult to explain) Strange happenings have been reported in that old hotel. ▶ zdarzenie wydarzenie