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Pismo Jasona było tak brzydkie, że było ledwo czytelne.
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legible {ˈledʒəb(ə)l}
Jason's handwriting was so bad, it was barely legible.
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Illegible {ɪˈledʒəb(ə)l}
Her signature is totally illegible.
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big headed
He is very arrogant. He always boasts about how well-educated he is.
za tym stoi nauka
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it is a science behind that
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inexcusable {ˌɪnɪkˈskju: zəbl̩}
It was an inexcusable act of aggression.
stresujący, nerwowy
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My wedding was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever experienced.
głupi błąd, popełniać głupi błąd
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blunder {ˈblʌndəʳ}
I fear lest we commit an inexcusable blunder.
łyk, popijać sobie
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sip {sɪp}
The first sip is the best.
nie móc znieść
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can't stand
I can't stand people with no sense of humour.
bawić się czymś bezmyślnie
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fiddle {ˈfɪdl̩}
to touch or move something with many small quick movements of your fingers because you are bored, nervous, or concentrating on something else. She fiddled with the sugar packet, avoiding his eyes.

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