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begynn å lære
to revise. to revise. to revise. to revise
Musisz powtórzyć przed egzaminem. begynn å lære
You must revise before the exam. You. must. revise. before. the exam.
Musisz powtórzyć przed egzaminem. begynn å lære
You must revise. before. the exam.
begynn å lære
hemisphere. hemisphere. hemisphere. hemisphere
półkula północna / południowa begynn å lære
Northern / Southern Hemisphere
begynn å lære
northern hemisphere. northern hemisphere. northern hemisphere. northern hemisphere. northern hemisphere.
begynn å lære
southern hemisphere. southern hemisphere. southern hemisphere. southern hemisphere
begynn å lære
western hemisphere. western hemisphere. western hemisphere.
begynn å lære
eastern. eastern. eastern. eastern. eastern.
begynn å lære
trauma. trauma. trauma. trauma. trauma. trauma
begynn å lære
it was a trauma for her. it was a trauma for her. it was a trauma for her. it was. a trauma. for. her.
to była trauma dla niego. begynn å lære
it was a trauma for him. it was a trauma for him. it was. a trauma. for him.
begynn å lære
trumatic. trumatic. trumatic. trumatic. trumatic
begynn å lære
inevitably. inevitably. inevitably. inevitably. inevitably. inevitably.
To nieuchronnie doprowadzi do zamknięcia małych firm begynn å lære
This will inevitably lead to the closure of small businesses. This will inevitably. lead. to the closure. of small. businesses.
begynn å lære
lead to. lead to. lead to. lead to.
begynn å lære
closure. closure. closure. closure.
charakterystyczny. orientacyjny punkt / budynek begynn å lære
landmark. landmark. landmark. landmark. landmark.
Ratusz miejski to popularny punkt orientacyjny w tym mieście begynn å lære
The town hall is a popular landmark in this city
Ratusz miejski to popularny punkt orientacyjny w tym mieście begynn å lære
The town hall. is a popular. landmark. in this city. The town hall. is a popular. landmark. in this city.
begynn å lære
skyscraper, skyscraper. skyscraper. skyscraper. skyscraper.
to jest najwyższy drapacz chmur w mieście. begynn å lære
it is the tallest skyscraper in the city. it is the tallest. skyscraper.in. the. city. it is the tallest skyscraper in the city.
begynn å lære
flash by. flash by. flash by. flash by.
Samochód przemknął po drugiej stronie drogi. begynn å lære
The car flashed by on the other side of the road. The car flashed by. on the other. side.of. the. road.
begynn å lære
severe. severe. severe. severe.
Zima na Syberii jest sroga. begynn å lære
Winter in Siberia is severe. Winter in Siberia is severe. Winter in Siberia is severe.
On ledwo wyzdrowiał z poważnej choroby. begynn å lære
He barely recovered from a severe illness. He barely. recovered. from. a severe. illness.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
barely. barely. barely. barely.
begynn å lære
bring into the world, give birth to. deliver. deliver
Zeszłej nocy ona urodziła bliźnięta. begynn å lære
Last night she delivered twins. Last night she delivered twins.
Mój nowy telewizor będzie dostarczony jutro rano. begynn å lære
My new TV will be delivered tomorrow morning.
Oni dostarczają zakupy powyżej 50 dolarów za darmo begynn å lære
They deliver purchases over $ 50 for free. They deliver. purchases. over. $ 50. for. free
Mój nowy telewizor będzie dostarczony jutro rano. begynn å lære
My new TV will be delivered tomorrow morning. My new TV will be delivered tomorrow morning. My new TV. will be delivered. tomorrow. morning.