turning points, upon us, transform lifestyle, by a long way, expand horizons, stay in shape, do s sedentary job, regular workouts, keep up my progress, particularty interested in, vary my diet, cut down on, started growing vegetables

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Graduating from university was one of the major {punkty zwrotne} in her life.
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Turning points
She decided to {zmienić styl życia} after her health scare.
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Transform lifestyle
This is the best movie of the year, {zdecydowanie}.
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By a long way
Traveling can help {poszerzać horyzonty} and learn about different cultures.
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Expand horizons
Regular exercise is important if you want to {utrzymywać formę}.
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Stay in shape
She maintained her health through {regularne ćwiczenia}.
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Regular workouts {ˈrɛɡjʊlər ˈwɜːrkaʊts}
I need to {kontynuować mój postęp} if I want to reach my fitness goals.
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Keep up my progress
She is {szczególnie zainteresowana} nutrition and healthy eating.
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Particularly interested in
I try to {urozmaicać moją dietę} to include more fruits and vegetables.
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Vary my diet {ˈvɛri maɪ ˈdaɪət}
He decided to {ograniczyć} sugar and junk food.
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Cut down on
They {zaczęli uprawiać warzywa} in their backyard to eat healthier.
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Started growing vegetables
The new regulations are being {narzucane nam} by the government.
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Upon us
People who {wykonują siedzącą pracę} often suffer from back pain.
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Do a sedentary work

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