spørsmålet |
svaret |
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left" powiedzenie używane w sytuacji, gdy nie wiadomo, jak postąpić, co postanowić begynn å lære
to bang your head against a brick wall
zdradliwy (np. teren), niebezpieczny (np. o drodze) / podstępny, zdradziecki, oszukańczy (o osobie) . begynn å lære
Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing treacherous. four synonyms of dangerous ground, roads, weather conditions
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left" powiedzenie używane w sytuacji, gdy nie wiadomo, jak postąpić, co postanowić begynn å lære
to bang your head against a brick wallstawać na głowie / chodzić na rzęsach
wyraz bezradności / bądź mądry, pisz wiersze to make a differencewygrać coś z dużym zapsem punktów used when you tell someone a fact and you then want to say that the fact is surprising, strange or stupid: It's a terrible movie and it made $200 million. Go figure!" być jeszcze niegotowym, nieprzygotowanym, nieskończonym / być w prszku begynn å lære
to win BY a wide/narrow/significant etc marginna marginesie Running around like a headless chicken (to be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective) zrobić zmianę / poprawić coś
zdradliwy (np. teren), niebezpieczny (np. o drodze) / podstępny, zdradziecki, oszukańczy (o osobie) . begynn å lære
Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing treacherous. ground, roads, weather conditions
four synonyms of dangerous begynn å lære
hazardous, risky, treacherous, PErilous
niebezpieczny dla zdrowia . begynn å lære
/ˈhæz.ə.dəs/ The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health.
. begynn å lære
health/safety hazard Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife.
begynn å lære
That pile of rubbish is a fire hazard ( begynn å lære
something that is likely to cause a fire)
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I have a hunch that / I have a feeling that...
very bad, ugly, or unpleasant begynn å lære
włączać (do grupy), przyłączać, inkorporować begynn å lære
incorporate something into/in something
What's it like, living in Girona? / What's living in Griona like? begynn å lære
What's it like, living in Girona? / What's living in Griona like?
How was it, working for Richard Branson? begynn å lære
How was it, working for Richard Branson?
begynn å lære
How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?
begynn å lære
Here the How...? form is sometimes associated more with positive features and the What... like? form more with neutral or negative features
begynn å lære
in the last 20 years (Present Perfect)
on jest duszą towarzystwa begynn å lære
he's the life and sould of any party.
used when someone has said or done something silly begynn å lære
what are you like? / What is she like?
begynn å lære
Don't touch it! You'll smudge the ink.
begynn å lære
Someone had smudged the paper with their greasy hands.
powinien wyjść za szpitala begynn å lære
He should be out of hospital by the end of the week.
o jedzeniu: ile jeszcze ma się gotować? begynn å lære
How's it doing? ~ It's nearly done. Just ANOTHER five minutes.
begynn å lære
How is it going? / How are you doing? - for progress We use these formulas to enquire about the progress that people are making in given situations. Note that we can only use it with going, but we can use the full range of personal pronouns with doing
begynn å lære
wide/broad/whole/full range of something students from a wide range of backgrounds
. begynn å lære
to storm into a place Alan stormed out of the room.
begynn å lære
I'm a little under the weather. / she was feeling under the weather.
przetrzymać, wyjść bez szwanku begynn å lære
to weather - weatherED (that storm) to come through a very difficult situation safely
dowiedzieć się czegoś w tajemnicy . begynn å lære
You better hope the press doesn't get wind of this. get/have wind of something informal to hear or find out about something secret or private
pomniejszyć czyjeś szczęście begynn å lære
nie psuj mojego nastroju / nie niszcz mojego szczęścia begynn å lære
used to say that you will do something in the future but not now begynn å lære
take a rain check (on something) 'Care for a drink?' 'I'll take a rain check, thanks.'
begynn å lære
the calm before the storm a calm peaceful situation that will not continue because a big argument, problem etc is coming
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
pierwsze koty za płoty (pierwsze poczynione próby nie muszą być udane) begynn å lære
The first pancake is always spoiled
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
if someone speaks straight from the shoulder, they say things in a very direct way, without trying to be polite
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
be living in a dreamworld
begynn å lære
nabierać kogoś, robić kogoś w konia, nabijać kogoś w butelkę begynn å lære
po ptakach (potocznie: koniec, po wszystkim, przegrana sprawa) begynn å lære
ręce opadają / ręce opadają begynn å lære
z łatwością / bez dwóch zdań . Without a doubt begynn å lære
win (something)/beat somebody hands down hands down to do sth hands down / effortlessly
begynn å lære
rzucać grochem o ścianę (bezskutecznie próbować kogoś przekonać, tłumaczyć coś komuś bez rezultatu, bezskutecznie upominać się o coś, na darmo przekonywać, pouczać kogoś’; zwrot, obycz.) begynn å lære
to bang your head against a brick wall
stawać na głowie / chodzić na rzęsach begynn å lære
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left
" powiedzenie używane w sytuacji, gdy nie wiadomo, jak postąpić, co postanowić; wyraz bezradności / bądź mądry, pisz wiersze used when you tell someone a fact and you then want to say that the fact is surprising, strange or stupid: begynn å lære
It's a terrible movie and it made $200 million. Go figure!" begynn å lære
It's a terrible movie and it made $ 200 million. Go figure! "
być jeszcze niegotowym, nieprzygotowanym, nieskończonym / być w prszku begynn å lære
Running around like a headless chicken (to be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective)
zrobić zmianę / poprawić coś begynn å lære
wygrać coś z dużym zapsem punktów begynn å lære
to win BY a wide/narrow/significant etc margin
begynn å lære
Someone had scribbled a note in the margin.
ta grużyna jest bez dwóch zdań najlepsza begynn å lære
this team is hands down the best
> he went too far begynn å lære
It's a bit over-the-top to do sth / his jokes are sometimes over the top
jego reakcja była przesadzona begynn å lære
his reaction was over the top
begynn å lære
it's been raining solidly
begynn å lære
to live with your head in the clouds / a dreamer
przyziemny, praktyczny, twardo stąpający po ziemi begynn å lære
practical / pragmatic / down-to-earth
nie widzę / słyszę różnicy begynn å lære
I can't tell the difference
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
. begynn å lære
the carrot and stick approach to motivate ppl you need to offer some sort of carrot
. begynn å lære
milk somebody/something FOR something to get as much money or as many advantages as you can from a situation, in a very determined and sometimes dishonest way
co znowu? Jaką masz skargę tym razem? begynn å lære
what's the beef? / OK, so what's the beef this time?
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
KHAKI (a dull green-brown or yellow-brown colour) / khaki shorts
begynn å lære
BrE Sainsbury's online offers a huge choice of groceries and products for your home to suit all budgets as well as a great selection of tasty recipes.
. begynn å lære
The clock in the hall chimed six. if a bell or clock chimes, it makes a ringing sound, especially to tell you what time it is
begynn å lære
nie dopóki tu przyjechałam begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I'm doing my washing BrE / the laundry AmE
begynn å lære
launderette/ laundrette / AmE Laundromat
begynn å lære
motorway BrE / highway AmE
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
pants BrE / underwear AmE
begynn å lære
overalls AmE / dungarees BrE
begynn å lære
backyard AmE / garden BrE
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
I'll need to check under the bonnet.
begynn å lære
sneakers AmE / trainers BrE (Adidas trainers)
begynn å lære
my foot's asleep AmE / I got pins and needles BrE I'll have to move because I'm starting to get pins and needles in my foot.
begynn å lære
nature's calling / nature calls
begynn å lære
bathroom / washroom AmE / toilet BrE / loo BrE
to avoid being punished although you deserve to be (NOT: uninjured) begynn å lære
come away / get away / get off scot-free (from a Scandinavian word
begynn å lære
ujść na sucho, nie zostać ukaranym begynn å lære
to get off / to get away with sth
begynn å lære
być w złym stanie, być w złej kondycji begynn å lære
have seen better days / worn out (also about ppl)
> has the ability to do magic) begynn å lære
magic (to imply sth supernatural
begynn å lære
magical (beautiful / fantastic / when sth seems to be created by magic powers)
begynn å lære
magic powers / magic wand
Please find below the contact details for my dad who I’m sure will be able to assist your girlfriend... begynn å lære
Please find below the contact details for my dad who I'm sure it will be able assist your girlfriend...
would you care for some tea? begynn å lære
would you care for some tea?
make) books obsolete? begynn å lære
begynn å lære
make somebody's acquaintance
someone you and another person both know). begynn å lære
He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
czy zapłaciłeś za telefon? begynn å lære
Have you paid the phone bill?
begynn å lære
pay a fine/pay £100/$50 etc in fines
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
suddenly and severely sick) the last time I ate prawns. begynn å lære
begynn å lære
odroczenie (służby wojskowej), zawieszenie (wyroku) begynn å lære
oparcie (na czymś lub na kimś), poleganie (na kimś), zdawanie (się na coś) begynn å lære
namiary / dane kontaktowe begynn å lære
wdać się w sprzeczkę z kimś begynn å lære
to get into an argument with sb
Nie widzę sensu, żeby przenosić się do Londynu. begynn å lære
I didn't see the point in moving to London.
Nie powtórzyłam wystarczająco na jutrzejszy egzamin begynn å lære
I know I haven't done enough revision for tomorrow's exam.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
there's no mobile coverege (and I can't get the Internet)
begynn å lære
They'll use ultrasound to monitor her ovaries.
ultrasound scanning/imaging" begynn å lære
ultrasound scanning / imaging "
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
take a rain check / reschdule begynn å lære
take a rain check / reschdule
. begynn å lære
The new show took London by storm. to be very successful in a particular place
begynn å lære
take / have a break / take / have a rest begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
MRI / magnetic resonance imaging He had an MRI taken yesterday.
begynn å lære
namówić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś begynn å lære
to talk sb into doing sth
on dał mi nieocenioną radę begynn å lære
he gave me invaluable advice
bez niepotrzebnego hałasu / wrzawy begynn å lære
without more/further ado without delaying or wasting any time
begynn å lære
it might be to your advantage It might be to your advantage to take a computer course of some kind.
. It's a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard. begynn å lære
if something has cachet, people think it is very good or special
bez wysiłku z mojej strony begynn å lære
Without any effort on my part
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
. begynn å lære
the yardstick of sth Profit is the most important yardstick of success for any business.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to have an advantage over sb
begynn å lære
used to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating
begynn å lære
power point / socket / outlet AmE
begynn å lære
to provide sb with a role model
poprowadzić kogoś przez coś begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to come out of sb's mouth
zrozumiałość (np. odpowiedzi) begynn å lære
. begynn å lære
if speech, writing, or an idea is intelligible, it can be easily understood The report needs to be intelligible to the client.
jest więcej niż jeden sposób, żeby poradzić sobie z tym problemem begynn å lære
There is more than one way to tackle the problem.
homogeniczny, jednorodny, jednolity begynn å lære
consisting of people or things that are all of the same type
. begynn å lære
bias against/towards/in favour of It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities.
begynn å lære
My natural inclination was to say no.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to gain / have / get the upper hand If you have the upper hand, you have more power than anyone else and so have control
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
in flowing connected speech begynn å lære
flowing in connected speech
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to be in the grey zone / out of the grey zone
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
step out / get out OF your comfort zone begynn å lære
step out / get out your comfort zone OF
in a very short amount of time begynn å lære
in a very short amount of time
begynn å lære
let me take this opportunity to introduce myself begynn å lære
let me take this opportunity that introduce myself
begynn å lære
I have a Master's degree / A bachelor's degree
could we change it TO Saturday? begynn å lære
could we change it IS Friday?
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to be out to date with sth
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to raise an interesting question
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
zastosować się, stosować się, odpowiadać czemuś begynn å lære
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to extract sth from (the gound)
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
jechać z kimś na jednym wózku, być w tej samej (złej, trudnej) sytuacji begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
wyciągnąć pochopne wnioski decide something too quickly, without knowing all the facts) begynn å lære
be difficult for someone to do something) begynn å lære
have a hard time doing something (
ograniczony, upośledzony (np. o zdolności widzenia, słyszenia) begynn å lære
impaired (memory impaired)
begynn å lære
powodzenia (przed występem / prezentacją) begynn å lære
begynn å lære
the onset of something (the early onset of sth)
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
begynn å lære
to znaczy bardzo dużo dla mnie begynn å lære
rozwijać się dzięki polecenim begynn å lære
my business grows by referrals
begynn å lære
when someone sends someone or something to another person to be helped or dealt with