zwroty do matury

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To begin with/ To begin with, you have to remember that...
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na początek
First of all/ firstly/ secondly/ Firstly, it’s not true that...
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przede wszystkim/ po pierwsze/ po drugie
As for/ As for functions, there are all of them.
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co do - (a...)
Then/ I agree and then there is another aspect.
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poza tym, następnie
What is more/ His attitude is wrong and what’s more, he seems to be a layman.
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co więcej
Furthermore/ Furthermore, I neglect such a view.
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ponadto (F-E)
Thus/ Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented.
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tak więc
Therefore/ Profits, therefore, were down last time.
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dlatego też (T----f---)
As/ As you always come too late, I decided not to wait for you
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I would say that/ I would say that such a view is unacceptable.
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powiedziałbym, że
It seems to me that/ It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove.
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wydaje mi się, że
I am of the view that/ I am of the view that it is very probable.
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uważam, że (view)
As far as I know/ As far as I know it works in a different way.
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Z tego, co wiem (afs)
reckon (that)/ I reckon these allegations are unjustified.
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uważam, że (r)
I have every reason to believe that/ I have every reason to believe that it could not happen for real.
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mam wszelkie powody, by sądzić, że
I consider sb (to be)/ I consider the author (to be) a great novelist.
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uważam kogoś za (con...)
I am convinced that/ I am convinced that it may happen.
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jestem przekonany, że
I sympathise with/ I sympathise with his opinion
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popieram (sympatia)
I am in sympathy with sb I am in sympathy with the author.
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popieram kogoś
Be positive/ He is positive that they did it.
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być przekonanym
I accept/ I accept these arguments.
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I agree/ I agree with you.
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zgadzam się
I protest against/ I protest against such behaviour.
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protestuję przeciwko
Reject/ I reject this ideology.
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odrzucać, nie akceptować (R---t)
Disapprove of/ I disapprove of such thinking.
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nie pochwalać, potępiać
Oppose/ I had to openly oppose him because he was completely wrong.
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sprzeciwiać się
What I mean is that/ What I mean is that it is not going to be easy.
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chcę powiedzieć, że (What)
The point is (that)/ The point is (that) I just cannot agree.
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chodzi mi o to, że (point)
That is to say/ Sociolinguistics, that is to say the study of a language in a society is often underestimated.
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to znaczy, czyli
I will put it this way/ I will put it this way, If you want to succeed you have to concentrate on your goals.
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ujmę to w ten sposób
Actually/ It is a well known fact, actually.
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faktycznie, w rzeczywistości
To a certain extent/ I agree with the author to a certain extent, but...
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do pewnego stopnia
Still/ The novel is hard to read; still, it is interesting.
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Yet/ She is not a mathematician and yet her skills are amusing.
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jednak, mimo to
However/ I usually drink coffee. Today, however, I am having a cup of tea.
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On the contrary/ He is not tall, on the contrary, he is really short.
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Nevertheless/ Nevertheless, it is still valued by scholars.
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pomimo to, niemniej jednak (never...)
In contrast to/with/ In contrast to his father he is very famous.
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w odróznieniu od
To sum up/ To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages.
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podsumowując (t)
To recap/ To recap, it can be accepted.
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podsumowując (tr)
In conclusion/ I would like to say in conclusion, that I admire them.
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Generally speaking/ Generally speaking, it is not a problem.
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generalnie mówiąc
Lastly/ ... and lastly it is the most popular programme.
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Moreover The idea is not reasonable and moreover it’s unreal.
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